Topic: So when you shop do you get what you want first or need first  (Read 1760 times)

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Offline Khalee1

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I have tried to just get what I need, But this month I kinda splurged and got some things I wanted  tho now because of it I'll be a little short. Can still pay all my bills but just wont have as much if a emergancy crops up. I have learned one thing out here you damn sure have to shop to get the bargins because they do gouge you on the prices,espicaly the grocery store, which is why I go to the walmart for most things. Unfourently walmart don't carry all the things I like so I got to go to the grocery store for the rest.

But like the question says do you get what you want or need first.

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Re: So when you shop do you get what you want first or need first
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2009, 02:18:28 am »
What I want is what I need.


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Re: So when you shop do you get what you want first or need first
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2009, 10:19:39 am »
If I'm pinching pennies for food.  The first thing I do is make sure I have cereal and milk.  I can't function without breakfast.  If I have to buy the off brands for Cereal, most of them aren't too far off when it comes to taste.  Toast to go with breakfast means I can skip lunch.  For Dinner, Hamburger helper is quite cheap and if you are only feeding one, can usually make enough for two meals.  And then there's my college days staple...Ramen noodles...  :)
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Re: So when you shop do you get what you want first or need first
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2009, 02:35:46 am »
I usually get whatever the hell the woman put on the list and then go home.
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Re: So when you shop do you get what you want first or need first
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2009, 02:51:27 am »
Years ago my mother got me started making lists of the things I need when I go shopping (which I rarely do). I refuse to impulse buy. I know all of the "extras" I love.

Have you looked into surplus or salvaged food stores? So the can may be dented, as long as the seal is still good and the food is in date, you can really rack up the savings.

You can do the same thing with big ticket items. There are salvage sites on the internet where you can buy goods that have been declared lost, and an insurance claim paid. They auction off these goods in bulk lots. Ive bought them. Here is an example of what I got for about $400.

Two refridgerators (one standard, one with ice and water in the door)
Three microwaves
Coca-Cola mini-fridge
Four stereo systems
Three televisions
Two DVD players
Two VCRs
Two unassembled bookshelves (each 6ft tall when assembled)
Two office chairs
Alot of nicknacks, tools, and odds and ends like surge protectors, lamps, toys, and CDs.

I kept what I wanted and sold the rest. Made my money back. It was like getting free stuff.

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Re: So when you shop do you get what you want first or need first
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2009, 09:31:10 am »
Always been need before greed. Always will be.

Grocery Outlet is one of those cheap food places... wierd things sometimes, but worth the price and the 3 hour (round trip) drive for us. There are others, but this is the only one I actually know of.

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Re: So when you shop do you get what you want first or need first
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2009, 11:01:40 am »
There's a difference?
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Re: So when you shop do you get what you want first or need first
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2009, 05:55:39 pm »
I would like to say that it has always been Need before Greed, but there have been times when my wants out weigh my good sense.

Take for example, that new PC game that came out, or you just have to have that netflix contract for the month.

There have been times when I think, you know, I can eat bologna sandwich twice a week instead of a porter house. so I can get that new flashy thingamajig.

I've gotten better the older I get, but when I was younger, this was esp. true.

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