Topic: Why are you a trek fan?  (Read 2880 times)

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Why are you a trek fan?
« on: April 14, 2009, 11:28:31 pm »
The Abrams thread got me thinking. I'm curious to know why each of you are trek fans.

I'm only 23, so I wasn't around for the original series. My star trek fanness started with The Wrath of Khan. I loved the Horatio-Hornblowerness (though, I didn't know it was that at the time). It felt sort of like a Tom Clancy novel in space (though, I didn't know it then).

Later on, I found a copy of the SFC demo. I played it because I was intriuged with the concept. I then wondered "who are the lyrans and hydrans" I did some reading and found SFB. I never played it (still haven't) but I've read a lot of the rules. I loved this different universe of it. I loved the depth of history. It was at that point that i realized why I loved trek so much: It's got a rich universe around it. Its so developed, like Lord of the Rings, there's an entire mythology around it. Some of it is contridictory, but that's fine by me - I just sort out what I like, and fill in my own gaps as I see fit.

I'm curious as to what your thoughts are.
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Re: Why are you a trek fan?
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2009, 11:54:48 pm »
I'm 28, the first Trek I saw was the Voyage Home.  My Father watched TOS when he was a kid, and met Jimmy Doohan at a convention one year before I was born.  After I saw Voyage Home, I got into watching TNG, then grabbed each of the TOS episodes that my Dad had collected.  He didn't have all of them, there were a few that he refused to get.  Eventually I went back and watched all of TOS, roughly 90% of TNG, all of DS9 and ENT, and about 85% of Voyager.  To this day, I've only seen three Eps of TAS.

What drew me to Star Trek was the Space Exploration.  Don't get me wrong, I like action, and I loved the Dominion War.  But the exploration, in a consistent universe (or at least as consistent as it could be), was what drew me.  I followed the characters, in fact I think how the characters react to the exploration is more important than the exploration itself.  I am very much attached to many of the characters, even the ones I didn't like (Wesley).  A TOS or TNG series set in a different race, or on a different ship wouldn't bother me much, because half of the episode for me is how the characters react to the same thing.

Personally, If I were offered a chance to colonize Mars.  I wouldn't even wait for them to finish making me the offer, I'd start packing my bags and making arrangements.  If Obama were to tell the world today that he was going to build a ship to explore the solar system, I'd say sign me up, I'll clean the latrines on the ship if that's what it takes to get me up there.
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Re: Why are you a trek fan?
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2009, 01:58:03 am »
I'm 23, and i'm a trekkie ;).  Searously though, I started w/ TOS reruns when i was young, for some reason i loved that cast.  TNG at that time in my life was a love hate relationship, i was like 4 or 5... and it came on the same time as Johnny Quest... it was a hard choice then ;).  I love most trek, and i don't hate any particular series (though some are better than others).  I think the best ones were about human struggling with... well just being human.  It was about duty and honor.  It was about good and evil.  It was about the ethical and moral dillemas that we find ourselves in.  It was about us and what our future could be.  It was about space and the wonders that it still holds for us to reach out and grab.  It was about the unknown.  Hell, trek inspired me to get my BS in Astronautical Engineering (fancy word for rocket scientist).  Trek is alot of things to me, if it wasn't then i wouldn't like it.

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Re: Why are you a trek fan?
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2009, 02:35:57 am »
I got into Star Trek to pick up hot women.  :D

Actually, I got into Trek watching reruns of TOS in the early 70's. Been a fan ever since.

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Re: Why are you a trek fan?
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2009, 02:39:22 am »
I got into Star Trek to pick up hot women.  :D

Actually, I got into Trek watching reruns of TOS in the early 70's. Been a fan ever since.


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Re: Why are you a trek fan?
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2009, 02:52:19 am »
1)Started watching TNG when I was a little wee kid.
2) Saw Picard in his epic sexy glory.
3) Never went back.

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Re: Why are you a trek fan?
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2009, 06:44:40 am »
As a few of the others above, '70 TOS episodes with the family.  Caught the first movie, wasn't bad.  But for me the movies have been a roller coaster, ups and downs, sorta good, kinda krappy.  TNG while I was in the Army, enjoyed.  DS9 was good until the later episodes. 

SFB in the mid '80 when I joined the service got me hooked on this game for recreation.

But I would have to say I am not a die hard fan, but one who enjoys most of the series.  But still love the TOS style the most.  It's what I started with.
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Offline Roychipoqua_Mace

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Re: Why are you a trek fan?
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2009, 09:33:48 pm »
My parents had the VHS tapes of a few TOS shows. I remember a very early time where we watched "Balance of Terror" and ate Starburst candies. The candy reminded me of the bridge buttons and so Trek reminded me of something fun -- candy!

I saw TNG when it was in reruns, too. Some of the episodes I remember as being pretty scary, like "Gambit," because when I was 5 or so, I didn't understand why Picard was "the bad guy." And "Skin of Evil," too...


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Re: Why are you a trek fan?
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2009, 09:46:10 pm »
 Was born during the Space race. I remember them wheeling out a TV during the first flight to the Moon in the 1st Grade so we could watch it. A huge deal at the time. I doubt they would let us watch TV, if the Lord was on it. :laugh:

 I also remember watching Trek with my Mom ( a BIG fan). And thinking thats how things would be. when I grew up. It utterly Fascinated me, Especially The Enterprise.

 I wanted to be on a ship like that.

 Well That never happened, unfortunately :( :'(

 So I opted for the next best thing, And joined the USAF. And worked on Fighter Jets. I still was on the cutting edge of Technology, and got to do, and experience things most people never will.

 It was a good choice. Thanks Gene, RIP.

Offline Don Karnage

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Re: Why are you a trek fan?
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2009, 08:45:44 pm »
well like some of you i watch tos but in french and it was good.

the first startrek movie i have see in theater was st2, i was watching scotty and wondering who his this guy?, cause scotty did not have a bear in the show :)

so the other startrek movies, i have see tng, ts9, voyager, enterprise and the animated startrek, but it was kinda too 70's and not a great show, some episode are good  but the show was just not a extension of the series.

so i always and still love it.

i like it because its a good series, btw i have see the remaster episode of the ultimate computer and the battle scene should have show the ship when the are damage, you don't see any damage ship like the constellation  :-\

Offline Starfox1701

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Re: Why are you a trek fan?
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2009, 11:33:13 pm »
I'm 33 and when I was a kid TOS was it. saw every episode a dozen times before I was 10. I started making ships out anything I could find, Legos, erector sets, doing drawings on paper. TNG camalong when I was in high school and with it came a wider avalability to tech manuals and the like. Then cam the Internet and my first job. Found SFB at a local game shop and before it was over had over $700 US tied up in rule books. I couldn't get anyone else to play but the story and the ships where just too cool so I kept buying. Over the years how much I have play game and colected trek stuff has veried and my tastes have expanded into a much broader scifi. But no mater what happens the last few years moding my trek games has be one of the funnest, cheapest and most rewarding things I have ever devoted time too.

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Re: Why are you a trek fan?
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2009, 12:36:43 pm »
I'm 35, my Dad was into TOS but I didn't like it until I was 10.  Started playing SFB and that got me more into Trek.
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Re: Why are you a trek fan?
« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2009, 03:33:21 pm »
I got in to it when I was young the early 70s in reruns ever since then I have been fan.I never got into it because of SFB as I never knew anything about untill I heard about it from all of you.

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Re: Why are you a trek fan?
« Reply #13 on: April 30, 2009, 05:37:07 am »
My dad got me into it when I was a kid, we always watched TOS when I was growing up.

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Re: Why are you a trek fan?
« Reply #14 on: May 03, 2009, 11:53:11 pm »
I remember one part of the late 70's well...

Weekends was when I begged for the TV the most/loudest.  That's when all the Sci-Fi was on...

Trek Reruns
Buck Rodgers
Some campy show about people who built a rocket out of junkyard parts and used it to save the day.  Was really heartbroken one night when there was a thunderstorm that knocked out power and I missed my BSG and rocket-show fix... :P

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Re: Why are you a trek fan?
« Reply #15 on: May 05, 2009, 03:53:10 pm »
Initially it was the excitement and high-tech toys. The coolness of it all. Hey, it was the 60's, I was a little boy and there was not much else on unless you liked hokey westerns. Yeah, that six-shooter, horse and badge were neat... but they paled in comparison to a phaser, the Enterprise and flying around in space. Then, a few years later, the sex. Then, finally, the stories and the messages got me. And now, it's the message of hope that the Star Trek franchise has painted for our future as a species.
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Offline Calexandre

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Re: Why are you a trek fan?
« Reply #16 on: May 05, 2009, 09:56:43 pm »
Trek, along with Firefly are to me the last bastions of classic sci fi in an age where "plot development" consists of babes, guns, cars and huge explosions. I would expect the developers to have more in the way of moral responsibility.

Just look at how that single-ship battle in Wrath of Khan easily beats down all them thousand-ship slaughterfests that make as much tactical sense as a 5 year old's bedroom collection.

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Re: Why are you a trek fan?
« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2009, 06:26:43 pm »
I remember one part of the late 70's well...

Weekends was when I begged for the TV the most/loudest.  That's when all the Sci-Fi was on...

Trek Reruns
Buck Rodgers
Some campy show about people who built a rocket out of junkyard parts and used it to save the day.  Was really heartbroken one night when there was a thunderstorm that knocked out power and I missed my BSG and rocket-show fix... :P

That last one had Andy Griffith in it. I loved that show, Salvage One i think was it's name. Of course there was also the Six Million Dollar Man.

As for Trek, Early 70 got hooked in re-runs. The Space race going on at the same time. wondering why the Enterprise couldn't stabilize Sky-lab.

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