Um, Office 2007, combined with Vista, there is no need for typing.. a Secretary can just Dictate to the computer.. It releaves stress, Typos, carpo-tunnel syndrome, posture, aggrivation, eyestrain, etc. Vista has a version of Dragon Naturally Speaking or similar program already built in which works with the entire system. on XP, you would have to buy a Voice program like Dragon to accomplish this, but on new systems, the option is already there. Office 2K3 doesn't operate well with Voice Dictation / commands.
You just substantially increased retraining costs. Will there be enough productivity gain to offset the costs before the next upgrade? I have severe doubts of that.
Now is the voice recognition good enough to get punctuation right? Choose the correct homonym? Use the correct industry specific terms? How about formatting? How well does it handle accents? How much time and effort will the secretary have to expend in correcting errors introduced by the voice recognition system? How good is it at filtering out extraneous voices and sounds? If it fails on any of those you likely just decreased performance.
When you have "trained" it to handle industry specific terms can that "training" be transferred from system to system or are you stuck "retraining" it on each individual system? More productivity loss that needs to be overcome before you get into profits.
It just doesn't seem likely to be a profitable productivity boosting "improvement" for most people. Just my opinion of course.
I'm sure that there are exceptions. People with certain handicaps for example I'm sure will welcome this. People with others (deaf or speech impediments or strong accents) likely won't be able to use it at all.
Also Office 2K7 offers more file formats that are compatible with different OS, plus it is fully xml /bxml compliant where 2K3 may not display properly, and Office 2k7 has better file compression than previous versions.. granted that a txt file or rtf file is compressed well enough already, there is less chance of corruption of the file.
By default it uses DOCX which Microsoft has scheduled for replacement in the next version with OOXML (assuming they can actually implement OOXML). Can you set Office 2007 (easily) to save by default in the older DOC format (or in any of those other formats) or are you going to be producing lots of files that can't be read except by Office 2007 meaning replacing all those older systems (or by a plugin for 2003)?
As for training the system.. the system creates a new file for each user independantly.. You teach the computer your speaking habbits, pronunciation, accent, etc. which is stored in the individual's speech recognition file, which can be transfered to any other computer using a USB drive of 2 GB.
Training time.. 1 day.. about 4 to 6 hours.
Industry specific terminology.. Type the word in, highlight it, right click and select "Train".. Say the word 3 times, the computer now has the word added to your vocabulary.
Punctuation, manually spoken if the sentence is complex, otherwise it uses Office 2K7 build in grammar correction automatically for punctuation.
I use Voice on Windows Vista and Windows 7 all the time.. from making forum posts, browsing the web, opening programs, even aiding in games.
Office 2K7 has the built in Thesaurous, and Voice actually allows you to call it up in mid sentence to choose the word you are actually looking for.
As for other voices.. well I use an earphone mike and I sit right next to the TV, The computer never hears the TV, Radio, my wife talking or my 2 kids, much less my friends.. so picking up someone else is pretty slim unless you are using a crap desktop microphone.. my microphone is $14.99 at walmart and has excellent sound quality.. fits on one ear like a hands free device, and the integrated ausio card and the new sound options provided vy Vista / Windows 7 allows you to cancell out DC background noise (sounds from your computer hardware internally), suppress background noise, offers direct pickup cone for the mic, etc. Background noise is not a problem at all.
Using key words such as Sleep or Listen turns on and off the Voice software from typing what you say.. the only limitation is that the commands have to have about 2 seconds of paused dictation before using the commands, this way you can communicate with others in the office without the system typing everything that you say.
As for using older formats, the purpose of using newer and better formats is because of security. Say Company A and B are producing an almost identical product, Company A has made a great innovation.. someone at Company B knows how to get the schematics from their office software becuase #1, memory leaks, #2 poor security upgrades, #3 compatible format with their software. Using the newer software, since older software hardly ever gets plugins to read the newer formats and using a newer version of the software (which still gets security updates where the older software is due for update cancellation) would offer better corprate network infrastructure security against intrusion, plus the newer formats can't be read by the older software because the plug-ins are not available..
and to send to a company that hasn't upgraded, just resave the doc in a new location with an older file format (as long as the older format can support the new styles of page formatting)...
problem solved... more security and less chance of corruption..
Office 2K7 is designed to integrate 00XML as soon as the bugs are worked out.. Also the new office software is suppose to come out after the release of Windows 7 when ooxml is finished.. so Office 2K7 and Office 2K10 will be similar in functionality, although the 2K10 version will have less memory leak problems than any predecessor, less security vunerabilities, and less chance of file corruption.. IIRC it should be running a continous backup of a doc work in progress in the event of a power spike / outage, so your work is not lost as it currently is in any of the previous versions. Much like IE 8 remembers all the web sites you were on if the browser chashes or you close the application improperly.. It prompts if you want to continue previous session or just go to home page.. Office 2k10 should have this feature integrated as well from my understanding since the OS, when running with UAC turned on, is a virtual environment.. in essance, you would be creating 2 docs at the same time.. one in virtual environment and one at the OS level (administrator) in the event problems occur.. when the file is saved and the application is closed, the virtual document is wiped from system memory and the administrator lvl copy is the one that remains the the saved location.
MS wanted to impliment this in 2K7 edition, however XP was the main stream and XP only runs at the base level, there is no virtual environment in which the OS can automatically back up your work.
Now I do admit with Office 2K7, navigation and commands are quite different from previous versions, but it is a snal with coice command.. you just say "current window, which basically takes the system to the control panel of the app you are working on.. then just give the name of the command.. or if you are unsure of the name of the command, you can just say show numbers and the commands get numbers over them and you just say the number.. if that doesn't help, say Show Number List.. and a small menu pops up showing the number-function that you can look through..
simple and easy.. Vista and Windows 7 are designed to be more hands free OS than predecessors.. MS Live Messenger / MS live call, MS netmeeting, etc are all designed to function under voice command for business calls / meetings.. trow in a web cam, now you have vid calling / conferencing..
Imagine the productivity of people that can multitask.. Dictation of a letter or slots into Excel while filing paperwork using a wireless microphone.. or while getting the boss a report, etc.. or even instructing your computer by voice to enter data on specific software..
I live in a very small town with a population of 25,000 people... even our small hospital is paper free.. everything is stored electronically.. the registration nurse, the triage nurse, and even the doctors in bace, in ER use Vista Ultimate currently with Vioce commands.. they have their wireless cell in one ear which by 1 button press connects to their PC for Voice interaction..
all papers signed in hospital is done on a digital pad with finger print and handwriting..
the only paper the hospital uses is the hard copy for your medical records and your personal copy / information / work excuse.. everything else is digitally kept..
IF a doctor comes in that is unfamiliar with the case.. they have no need to grab a 2" thick folder of your medical history and attempt to read the chicken scratch that doctors call hand writing.. they just pull up your medical record from the hospital server where they can actually read what is entered. If they need to do a case study before treatment, they just load you record into a USB card and study it at home on the laptop or home PC overnight..
It increases their productivity here 100 fold, even though the hospital is understaffed..
Now if they were still using Windows XP or older.. well waiting time in the ER would be horrendous.. wait times now are only at most 2 hours.. before Vista and Voice command, wait time was close to 5 or 6 hours in the ER before a doctor bacame available for you.. Data from lab work is transfered instantaneously instead of someone having to run across the street to get the results.. though the sample has to be run across the street. Imagine having to do that during rush hour.
All this points to haveing newer / faster / better computers and software can only increase productivity.. and if productivity increases, so does your earnings, which means either a) more people can work for the company now because they have the finances to hire people on or b) give raises.
In the case of the hospital here, they saved enough money from their office supply budget with their new system over the last 2 years, along with speeding up the number of patients they can treat, thus increasing income exponentially for them to build 3 new 2 story wings over a block and a half, redo their heli pad, provide garaged parking instead of parking on the street, tec..
If they were still using the old systems at this hospital.. none of this could happen because their productivity would still be 1/3 of what it is now..
Take your profits and multiply them vy 3.. multiply that by 2 years.. now add in the savings from office supplies (paperclips, staples, folders, filing cabnets, reems of paper, pens, pencils, etc) for 2 years..
You get my point.. Sticking with older tech may work for people who hate change or are old fashioned.. but in a productive world.. you need better tech.. both software and hardware wise.