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Just what would be found in a typical Starship's Cargo Bays? At any time from Pre-TOS to TNG.Food and WaterMedical SuppliesProbesTorpedo CasingsSpare PartsIndustrial ReplicatorsFood ReplicatorsReplication MaterialIndustrial FabricatorsAntimatter Storage PodsDeuterium Storage PodsCargo TransportersCan anyone add more to this list?
Quote from: Lieutenant_Q on April 02, 2009, 11:07:24 pmJust what would be found in a typical Starship's Cargo Bays? At any time from Pre-TOS to TNG.Food and WaterMedical SuppliesProbesTorpedo CasingsSpare PartsIndustrial ReplicatorsFood ReplicatorsReplication MaterialIndustrial FabricatorsAntimatter Storage PodsDeuterium Storage PodsCargo TransportersCan anyone add more to this list?Something I have wondered, why with replicators do you have to store food/water or any specific material. Isn't that what replicators are to do, replicate whatever you need? At most you would have to store misc matter so you have something to convert from one form to another with the replicators.
True, but before the invention of the the Replicator, you do need those essentials. Also, some items, such as Anti-matter, are difficult, if not impossible to replicate exactly.Also, some items, such as Fabricators, became obsolete by Replicators
One thing I noticed in the D-7 blueprints is that a lot of the secondary hull was just made up of "bulk matter storage." At least the Klingons depended a great deal on fabricators and replicators for everyday items. When reading a book on TOS, Rodenberry had meant that everything they used was replicated. They noted a slight continuity error in one episode were Kirk ordered the cooks to reshape the meatloaf as turkeys for ThanksGiving.
Women!I want my women to have corgo bays. That was the question, right?
Except that Klingons never used replicators for food, since its real hard to replicate LIVE food. Replicated Gagh? Don't be insulting. Gagh is best when served live.Klingons would have to have a ranch in their cargo bay.
Quote from: Lieutenant_Q on April 04, 2009, 10:14:17 amExcept that Klingons never used replicators for food, since its real hard to replicate LIVE food. Replicated Gagh? Don't be insulting. Gagh is best when served live.Klingons would have to have a ranch in their cargo bay. You're talking about TNG pseudo Klingons not the original TOS Klingons. TNG Klingons are little more than cannon fodder.
Klingons probably used a transporter with a large buffer, so they could transport their food items and "store" them in the buffer, until needed to be eaten.
<Klingon>Yes, any race that wears spandex and refers to it as a uniform should not be trusted with transport technology any more complicated than a two-wheeled dolly.</Klingon>
Klinks just don't want to wear spandex because it would reveal their shortcomings.
Spandex is not durable enough for battle.
Quote from: Nemesis on April 05, 2009, 07:00:04 pmSpandex is not durable enough for battle.It provides greater freedom of movement
I have noticed that it does allow the Feddies to run away quicker.