Topic: Treknology: Cargo Bays  (Read 21711 times)

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Offline Panzergranate

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Re: Treknology: Cargo Bays
« Reply #80 on: April 17, 2009, 03:21:04 pm »
All of the Royal Navy's exploration ships were frigates.... so why does the Federation insist on weakly armed heavy cruisers.

Sure the NX-01 SS Enterprise is a frigate, but that is pre-Federation.

So the Feds state that they're not imperialists and don't intend to hem in the various neighbours who resist political correctness and refuse to join their "Club".

Ironically, Gene Roddenberry said that he based Starfleet on the old British Royal Navy of the 1700's and 1800's and the long 5 uear voyages of exploration.

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Re: Treknology: Cargo Bays
« Reply #81 on: April 25, 2009, 08:09:55 pm »
All of the Royal Navy's exploration ships were frigates.... so why does the Federation insist on weakly armed heavy cruisers.

They didn't have Cruisers back then only Frigates and Ship of the Line aka Battleship.Frigates were good enough to exploration as they have good firepower very manuerable and could handle heavy seas.It is not worth using a Ship of the Line to explore in.I guess in Star Trek they wanted to use the name Enterprise although being an aircraft carrier.

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Re: Treknology: Cargo Bays
« Reply #82 on: April 25, 2009, 09:38:37 pm »
There have been six Enterprise's in the US navy.  Only the last two have been Carriers.  There has also been at least one Enterprize in the Royal Navy of Britain.

Two Enterprise's were in service before the US Navy was formed.  Bringing the total to eight ships.  Of those, the first Five were Sloops or Schooners.  The last two have been carriers.  Another one, ironically, was a yacht, that was in charge of the waters off of Rhode Island during the First World War... she was never officially commissioned, but her name remains on the registrar.
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Offline Panzergranate

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Re: Treknology: Cargo Bays
« Reply #83 on: April 26, 2009, 10:41:15 am »
The classes of ships used by navies worldwide, in order of size, firepower, etc., were as follows:

Gunwhale (RN) (Literally a gunboat with a 6 or 8 Pdr. Gun mounted on the front of a Dory rowboat).
Skiff (RN) (As above but with a mast and sail).
Corvette (France)
Caravelle (Spain)
Galley (France and Spain)
Sloop (RN)
Frigate (RN)
Ship Of The Line (All)
Man'O'War (RN)
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Offline Calexandre

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Re: Treknology: Cargo Bays
« Reply #84 on: May 07, 2009, 09:20:39 am »
This debate of F-CA vs K-D7 is part of the reason why I adore Trek after all these years exploring the boundaries of Earthly imagination.

One can draw out so much logic from mere basic visuals and demonstrated intentions. The D7 is to me the specialised attack ship and the F-CA a balanced combination of explorer and combat vessel meant to be self-sufficient.

Logic does dictate that instead of producing these balanced ships in wartime, they should instead focus on attack ships such as the Defiant whist using the CA's superior endurance and avionics as a command ship or tender for long range missions. I'm not claiming the Federation should use the Enterprise as a PF tender but it does make sense if the Feds want to keep their big white ships in the line of battle.

Klingon vessels are to me like Russian attack submarines. Very fast, very powerful but wholly geared towards the offensive.  As demonstrated in The Search for Spock, the compact size and crew complement of a Bird of Prey did limit the Klingon commander's options,  crew comfort notwithstanding - humans and Klingons have different crew support requirements due to society and physiology thus even if the Federation crew does require a lot more creature comforts resulting in a larger, heavier and clumsier combat ship due to the kind of missions their capital ships are sent into (5 year patrols do insist they care for the people well), it does not mean the Federation crew is weaker than their Klingon counterparts.

If anything, the Federation crews would not be under constant threat of death on board the ships, and will be more open to innovation and individual initiative in handling crisis situations. That can mean the difference between life and death in deep space. The Federation ship designs do seem to reflect this trait of versatility.

Sure, the F-CA could be designed better, but Trek was conceived in the 60s and that was the golden age of imagination without bounds. The Federation ship designs became an icon of Trek and the featured characters, thus we have to make do with supposedly impractical warship designs.

But with the opening of the franchise to new ideas we do see that ship designs become more robust and arguably, more tactically logical - see Data's starship-mauling PF/attack shuttle, the Defiant, and Chakotay's tiny little attack boat that was obviously inspired by Klingon designs. Even the Voyager and Sovereign somehow "make sense" in their balance of long range endurance, maximum durability from modular systems infrastructure, and technologically superior offensive and defensive systems making up for the lack of agility and specialisation present in a classic Klingon attack ship which I agree, is the first example of a "proper" multi-role warship.

In the end both Klingon and Federation vessels are beautiful work of art - it's just that the minds behind their designs are different, approaching similar problems with different means.

And were there a wholly Klingon based Star Trek series we would definitely see the same sort of evolution as evident in the Federation order of battle. Of course, with the Klingons mounting multiple-barrel distruptor arrays and massive mixed phaser batteries to counter the threat of quantum torpedoes until new weapons technology came into play, and that constant evolution of warship design based on strategic requirements can lead anywhere!

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Re: Treknology: Cargo Bays
« Reply #85 on: May 07, 2009, 09:22:50 am »
it does not mean the Federation crew is weaker than their Klingon counterparts.

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Offline Panzergranate

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Re: Treknology: Cargo Bays
« Reply #86 on: May 17, 2009, 01:11:34 pm »
In the "The Klingon Sleeper Ship" episode, the Klingon High Council and Star Fleet were concerned that the awakening Klingons, still believeing that a state of war still existed between the Feds and Klingons, would strike at all the unprotected colonies in the area.

Just tractor beaming a small asteroid about a few hundred feet across to a planet and dropping it into the atmosphere would be enough to cause a mass extinction event.... who needs Phasers for mass anialation??

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!