Topic: Okay... so who's working on IT?  (Read 3709 times)

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Offline DeepThought

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Okay... so who's working on IT?
« on: March 10, 2009, 10:40:43 pm »
With the release of the latest trailer for the new ST movie, and new product shots for toys and collectibles floating on the net these days... I am wondering who amongst the SFC2 modeling faithful is working on the re-imaged NCC-1701?   Anyone have anything they'd like to share?   :)

Just a thought....


Offline Starforce2

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Re: Okay... so who's working on IT?
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2009, 10:54:56 pm »;98271

I think wiley is good about crossports if ya ask him.

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Re: Okay... so who's working on IT?
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2009, 12:56:07 am »
I started one but i have no intrest in continuing with it  :-X,163384090.0.html

Time for life!

Offline Centurus

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Re: Okay... so who's working on IT?
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2009, 06:45:30 pm »
I'm rooting for the Romulans to win that battle. 
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Offline Starforce2

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Re: Okay... so who's working on IT?
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2009, 01:08:48 pm »
are the romulans even in it?

Offline atheorhaven

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Re: Okay... so who's working on IT?
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2009, 12:19:48 pm »
Yeah, you'll see them in the back of the film holding up a small sign saying,"Hi, we're the menace.. please don't hurt us".

That'll be right before the hour and a half of incoming phaser fire, barrel rolling 50's winged FCA, multiple explosions from various sides, and obligatory sex scenes.  Then they show the smoldering wreckage of the Romulan ship.  Which'll explode right after that for at least 15 minutes from various angles...

Hmmm, I think I might be pre-judging this film..
..ooOOoo..totally useless information..ooOOoo..

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Re: Okay... so who's working on IT?
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2009, 11:48:27 am »
Uhg!  The pictures of the Enterprise with tailfins!  They're taking this retro-thing too far!  Well, I saw an ST flilm where Picard was riding in a tricked out SUV, so I guess there isn't too much more to bastardise.  This next ST has Kirk driving a clasic Mustang.  The 1960's Kirk was surprized to see wheels, and couldn't drive a stick!
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Re: Okay... so who's working on IT?
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2009, 01:02:09 pm »
Uhg!  The pictures of the Enterprise with tailfins!  They're taking this retro-thing too far!  Well, I saw an ST flilm where Picard was riding in a tricked out SUV, so I guess there isn't too much more to bastardise.  This next ST has Kirk driving a clasic Mustang.  The 1960's Kirk was surprized to see wheels, and couldn't drive a stick!

You have to remember if some of the rumoras are true, then all the other ST things never happened
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Offline Greenvalv

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Re: Okay... so who's working on IT?
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2009, 07:31:08 pm »
You have to remember if some of the rumoras are true, then all the other ST things never happened
One of the producers explained it this way:  according to quantum mechanics, changes in a timeline will result in a new parallel universe being made.  So the trek we know still exists, this new movie is in an alternate timeline which is produced when Nero misbehaves.

Offline Norsehound

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Re: Okay... so who's working on IT?
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2009, 11:41:21 pm »
Well if Vulcan gets blown up by Nero, then it's definately an AU.

...But that's fine. I'm a Transformer fan, and Transformers fans have 4-6 different continuities/universes or so to content with.

So long as it isn't thumbing it's nose at TOS (which another popular 'reboot' liked to do during it's run), it'll be good.

But does anyone have a model completed yet? I've even seen paper models for this new 'prise.

Offline atheorhaven

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Re: Okay... so who's working on IT?
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2009, 11:07:54 am »
Sorry, was playing around before coming home, and I "retro'ed" the retro look they're going for.  ;)

Added whitewalls and more chrome, plus enhanced the tail fins.  :D
..ooOOoo..totally useless information..ooOOoo..

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Offline Centurus

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Re: Okay... so who's working on IT?
« Reply #11 on: March 30, 2009, 01:01:41 am »
Here's a good question though that most people never bother to even think about, concerning all that alternate timeline BS.

If ST11 takes place in an alternate timeline, then why does Spock from the established timeline have to go back in time to stop Nero?  I mean, regardless, according to the producers, the original Trek timeline is unaltered in anyway, so why would Spock bother with going back in time to try and stop Nero and fix the damage?  Also, would Spock even be aware of the temporal incursion IF Nero did indeed create an alternate timeline, which wouldn't affect the older Spock's timeline?

Also, I don't think quantum mechanics explains those kinds of theories in the way the producers say it does, but I could be wrong.
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Offline knightstorm

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Re: Okay... so who's working on IT?
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2009, 01:17:54 am »
Here's a good question though that most people never bother to even think about, concerning all that alternate timeline BS.

If ST11 takes place in an alternate timeline, then why does Spock from the established timeline have to go back in time to stop Nero?  I mean, regardless, according to the producers, the original Trek timeline is unaltered in anyway, so why would Spock bother with going back in time to try and stop Nero and fix the damage?  Also, would Spock even be aware of the temporal incursion IF Nero did indeed create an alternate timeline, which wouldn't affect the older Spock's timeline?

Also, I don't think quantum mechanics explains those kinds of theories in the way the producers say it does, but I could be wrong.

We're talking about people who tried to argue that the Enterprise needed to be built on the planet in order to balance the warp nacelles.

Offline Centurus

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Re: Okay... so who's working on IT?
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2009, 01:43:40 am »
Here's a good question though that most people never bother to even think about, concerning all that alternate timeline BS.

If ST11 takes place in an alternate timeline, then why does Spock from the established timeline have to go back in time to stop Nero?  I mean, regardless, according to the producers, the original Trek timeline is unaltered in anyway, so why would Spock bother with going back in time to try and stop Nero and fix the damage?  Also, would Spock even be aware of the temporal incursion IF Nero did indeed create an alternate timeline, which wouldn't affect the older Spock's timeline?

Also, I don't think quantum mechanics explains those kinds of theories in the way the producers say it does, but I could be wrong.

We're talking about people who tried to argue that the Enterprise needed to be built on the planet in order to balance the warp nacelles.

Good point.  Combined, they don't have an IQ of 1.  Thanks for reminding me.
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Offline Norsehound

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Re: Okay... so who's working on IT?
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2009, 07:02:30 pm »
I think Nero's responsible for altering the timeline and Spock followed him back to try to correct/minimize the damage.

Though rather than erasing the older spock outright, he just comes from the future of an alternate universe, like the Defiant into the Mirror universe in Enterprise's "Mirror, Mirror".

Although this becomes interesting when you consider three parallel universes- The original, the Mirror, and the Abrams. Crossovers between the three would be insane!

Offline Centurus

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Re: Okay... so who's working on IT?
« Reply #15 on: March 31, 2009, 01:06:25 am »
Na.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, DEATH TO JJ ABRAMS!!!!
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Re: Okay... so who's working on IT?
« Reply #16 on: April 02, 2009, 12:42:34 am »
Well, I'm willing to give the show a chance. It doesn't seem that Abrams and his crew are deliberately out to destroy Trek. In my understanding, they want to bring it back to it's swashbuckling roots. They'll probably go overboard, but if it's entertaining without sticking fingers in the eyes of the TOS fanbase (of which I am a part), then I'll consider it a win. I think Trek's gone stale with PC-ness since TNG, and there are times I wish we could go in with guns blazing to do the right thing instead of waiting for the aliens to talk it out.

I think as far as reboots go I don't think it'll be as bad as Battlestar Galactica when it comes to offending the original fanbase. Most of the Abrams cast seems to reprise the spirit of the originals, instead of pulling gender and personality changes in an attempt to "Improve" the franchise.

Offline knightstorm

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Re: Okay... so who's working on IT?
« Reply #17 on: April 02, 2009, 01:02:12 am »
Well, I'm willing to give the show a chance. It doesn't seem that Abrams and his crew are deliberately out to destroy Trek. In my understanding, they want to bring it back to it's swashbuckling roots. They'll probably go overboard, but if it's entertaining without sticking fingers in the eyes of the TOS fanbase (of which I am a part), then I'll consider it a win. I think Trek's gone stale with PC-ness since TNG, and there are times I wish we could go in with guns blazing to do the right thing instead of waiting for the aliens to talk it out.

I think as far as reboots go I don't think it'll be as bad as Battlestar Galactica when it comes to offending the original fanbase. Most of the Abrams cast seems to reprise the spirit of the originals, instead of pulling gender and personality changes in an attempt to "Improve" the franchise.

"swash buckling roots"?
Are you confusing it with Star Whores.  Yes, Trek did have its share of action, but the series was about exploration, the pursuit of knowledge, and how the characters deal with the obstacles they face.  The reason I objected so strenuously to the scenes of the ship being built on earth, and the look of the new warp nacelles is that they seem to give it a look more in keeping with more low brow types of sci fi like star whores.