Please don't attack me for this, but I happen work for charter communications in the Louisville Tech support call center. If you have a Com21 Comport and are in a migration area, yes, we actually do plan to deactivate all Com21 ComPort non-DOCSIS hardware in those areas. If you are being warned of this action, please do get you modem replaced sooner rather than later, otherwise you'll be calling in with a service interruption one day only to find out that all Com21 cable routers in your area are no longer operational. Besides, a Com21 ComPort modem is only a one-way modem anyhow, receiving only on the cable, and needing a phone line to send data. Two way modems are better, as they don't occupy your phone line when you're online.
My Com21 modem was a two way modem. Some people in the atlanta area did have the com21 dial return modems, but I never had one.
Don't take this as an attack, but your post is kinda what's wrong with charter. Charter in Louisville is not charter in Atlanta. Charter in Roswell GA is not Charter in Snellville GA. You made a statement that you thought was right, but it is not correct.
You and many of the other Charter techs are Great People. The DSL reports fourm for charter is a great place to get charter support. The techs that visit there often try to fix prooblems, even on their own time.
The charter people are great, but the management is the pits. The billing dept is hell.
Anyway. I am a former charter customer. I now pay more for my service and could not be happier. To get my current package from charter, I would have had to gotten a business package and paid over $100 for it. No thanks.
Good luck to you, and I actually wish their customers well.