one more small step ... apparently i was wrong. it appears to be a poly limit, and that limit is, until proven otherwise, in the vicinity of 21814 polys.
If the model has between 21815 and around 21850, the x loader will still try to read it, but will normally stop responding . I write normally since in 20 attempts, one time, at 21823 it actually worked, but for some reason was specific for one particular mod file. 19 out of 20 times it will not display any error, just enters a state of guru meditation ( little bit of commodore amiga/workbench vocabulary revival).
Once the poly number goes bellow 21815 , there is almost 100% chances the mod file will be converted to x-mesh. Luckly one of the models i have been working caps at 21810 so for a bit, i have some momentary relief.
In the end tho, I got some satisfation in pushing the "game" to it's limit, and probably having the most geometrical complex model ever to be deployed in sfc3.
Would like to end with a escatological insight.
Despite whatever problems sfc3 had and has (some of them psycological tbh, some people are so attached to the SFB ruleset that dismissed the game for not being sfb canonic, but that is another discussion), can't avoid feeling that the game engine was/is particularly robust considering the time it was created.
Most models that come with sfc3 had around 1000 polys, with a few exceptions going to 1500 or so. Most ambitious fan/community models made with game play (and multi player aspect) in mind rarelly exceeded 7000 polys at that time (and those 7000 leviathans were exceptions , norm was around 5000) , even today, considering what was been released from the ST:excalibur project, most models that they use sit around 10-11 k polys. and, yet, this *little* game shipped with the ability to support single models up 3 times more complex than anything being made for games at the time.
Whatever ramblings I have made about the x-file and it's limit, need to be contextualized with the above written. almost 22000 poly margin to model was HUGE . it still is. ANd i don't know why , but have the gut feeling that this 21.81k poly limit is more a hardcaped limitation of the direct x loader than of the game engine itself.