You should include the Taldren adv ships on your shiplist. I mean what's the point of OP if you don't include these ships. I mean, these ships are so cool you don't even have to worry about power management. The only reason for not having them is if you're afraid.
Knight's right. They went through the bother to code G2 phasers, so we might as use them.
The also went through the bother to code fighters that fly away from battle. Everything coded in isn't always worth using. At least in the form they have them.
The wandering fighters in battle is a bug....not really a fair comparison... 
not truely a battle bug, a logic error I assume. But point being, just because something is put in, doesn't mean it is good, or balanced for the game to be used.
My son is working on modding WarHammer40000:Dawn of War:Soulstorm and they have moved around some of the tech to make it more balanced. It's a long process of balance one area, then find it messed up another area, fix that part. Rinse, repeat.
So even if G2's are good, maybe the point cost is off, or just the ship might not balance well for a fighting equal point battles. Something to look into, make some of our ships that use them, etc.