Topic: SG8 or is it 9? Rules (discussion)  (Read 16481 times)

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Offline Dizzy

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SG8 or is it 9? Rules (discussion)
« on: February 22, 2009, 08:34:12 pm »
A couple changes from the last SG7 rules will be these:

Matches won't always be counted for PvP VC's which are still scored nearly the same as SG7:

1.) At the start of a mission, either side may challenge the other to a VC match (before any enemy weapons fire takes place) and if all participating accept, then the match is scored like past PvP VC's. If not, then the match is considered a fun match with the DV and any applicable ship loss/damage at stake.

2.) Destruction and Disengagement will be tapered down to 30 Mins / 45min-1hr.

I think these changes are fun friendly and will go a long ways toward making the dynaverse experience more enjoyable.

« Last Edit: February 24, 2009, 01:01:11 am by Dizzy »

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Re: SG8 Rules (discussion)
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2009, 09:21:22 pm »
sounds good to me will let some of the players who dont really like pvp or are afraid of losing a ship and costing their side points have some fun in bigger ships they wouldnt normally fly.

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Re: SG8 Rules (discussion)
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2009, 09:58:08 pm »
A few changes from the last SG7 rules will be these:

PvP VC's will be scored the same a SG7 (where most ships were worth pvp VC points) with this exception:

One side or the other in a PvP match may, at the start before enemy weapons fire has been exchanged, challenge the other player(s) to a make the kill count toward PvP VC's. If the challenge is accepted by everyone who will participate in the match, the match is scored in familiar fashion as SG7 Rules, but if the kill point challenge isnt accepted, the match will be fought for the DV of the hex and the pp of your ships only. The exception to this is a deepstriker who must always accept a challenge.

Also, I think a 30 minute hex ban rule is decent enough for disengagement or destruction. Also, ship prices will come way down so everyone won't freak out about losing their ship in battle.

I think these changes are fun friendly and will go a long ways toward making the dynaverse experience more enjoyable.


*deposits 2 cents*
The more complicated you make things the less likely pilots are to understand it and follow it.
Also making it the same penalty for disengagement will decrease the chance that pilots might fight rather than flee, and that is what you're wanting, right? Pilots to fight it out, rather than flee right away?
Same for making most ships worth VCs.
If you truly want to encourage PvP, you're going to need to relax the rules regarding such and rely more on just having fun with battles, not using them to decide campaign victory.
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: SG8 Rules (discussion)
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2009, 10:23:44 pm »
*deposits 2 cents*
The more complicated you make things the less likely pilots are to understand it and follow it.
Also making it the same penalty for disengagement will decrease the chance that pilots might fight rather than flee, and that is what you're wanting, right? Pilots to fight it out, rather than flee right away?
Same for making most ships worth VCs.
If you truly want to encourage PvP, you're going to need to relax the rules regarding such and rely more on just having fun with battles, not using them to decide campaign victory.

Lol, you didnt even read it. I rewrote it to make it simpler.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2009, 11:39:52 pm by Dizzy »


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Re: SG8 Rules (discussion)
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2009, 11:42:49 pm »
I like the idea, might be good to have slightly different hex ban times for disengagement and destroying, but overall I like it
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: SG8 Rules (discussion)
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2009, 12:04:15 am »
I like the idea, might be good to have slightly different hex ban times for disengagement and destroying, but overall I like it

Oops, edit... been smoking too much of that good stuff. Yeah, destruction nets a 30 min ban, disengagement a 45min-1hr ban. Sound better? Will help convince players to fight it out than run?
« Last Edit: February 23, 2009, 02:33:42 am by Dizzy »

Offline Dizzy

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Re: SG8 Rules (discussion)
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2009, 01:00:06 am »
Wow, not much of a discussion. So I guess everyone's cool with no mandatory PvP VC's unless agreed at the start of the match? What about lowering the hex ban from 1 hr to 45 mins for disengagement?

Offline FPF-Paladin

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Re: SG8 or is it 9? Rules (discussion)
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2009, 12:24:42 am »
I think the idea of giving a wide difference between whatever you choose to set for disengagement and actual defeat is a good one.  Whatever those values are set at is relatively minor in comparison to how pilots are going to react and weigh their decisions upon.  I'd like to see it worth sticking in to fight out myself.

I'm sort of undecided on the PvP VCs being more results of called duels than not but I can see how this might ease people who would normally avoid PvP altogether into the battle.

Maybe if you could factor in some kind of modifier for uneven odds?  Say a lessening of the time penalty or something - I don't know, besides I can already immediately think of weaknesses in that idea and possible exploiting to some degree.  I don't want to suggest making things really complicated, but personally 75%+ of the time I'm alone facing 2-3 equal or superior hulls... not sure if it's worthwhile to even look at but I like sticking in and at least engaging instead of Instant HET+ spd 31 exit.  I know it's probably outright stupid but I do it anyway...
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: SG8 or is it 9? Rules (discussion)
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2009, 12:27:49 am »
So what r u proposing? If it5's a duel, wave the hex ban? If its a fun match, use the hex ban?

Offline FPF-Paladin

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Re: SG8 or is it 9? Rules (discussion)
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2009, 01:54:08 am »
Not specifically, but yes perhaps different modifiers/rules to cover both types of PvP.  If the ante is upped to VC points being on the line for instance, modify end battle resolution in some shape or form to go with it.  I'm afraid I don't have a well thought out specific example to offer right now.  I'm honestly thinking more about the less experienced and likely not normally as aggressive players and getting them 'blooded' for the fun of it more than anything else but keeping it within the scope and 'feel' you've got in mind for the campaign.

Mind you I immediately see drawbacks to this (excellent example being LordKrueg's concern about more complicated rules up above) and I'm far from the most experienced person to give informed opinions on the subject, but I thought it was worth tossing out for consideration.  Plus I didn't want to see your effort to put the rules up for discussion to be met with relative silence.
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Offline Riskyllama

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Re: SG8 or is it 9? Rules (discussion)
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2009, 06:18:28 pm »
1 ppd ship per fleet will make the I-CMs unused since you can't use them with I-CA or I-CCs or I-NCA (2storps 1ppd) or was that the I-NCS. Either way ISC will be the only race who's line ships can't be fielded together.
BTW are the ISC strike cruisers/carriers classified as specialty? i-csp, csv, cspz,

does the fed dnl still come out ridiculously early and continue to be a more than a match for any DN the other races can field for 3-4 years?
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: SG8 or is it 9? Rules (discussion)
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2009, 09:16:42 pm »
1 ppd ship per fleet will make the I-CMs unused since you can't use them with I-CA or I-CCs or I-NCA (2storps 1ppd) or was that the I-NCS. Either way ISC will be the only race who's line ships can't be fielded together.
BTW are the ISC strike cruisers/carriers classified as specialty? i-csp, csv, cspz,

does the fed dnl still come out ridiculously early and continue to be a more than a match for any DN the other races can field for 3-4 years?

I'm not an admin on this server, just throwing a thought in the ring.   

The PPD rule had changed to Jakle's PBR rule:  no more than 3 PPDs per fleet unless they are all on one ship.  We used that on the the last 2 AOTK servers and it worked well.

IMHO, the F-DN+ and F-DNL need to have their FYAs switched.  i
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Offline Julin Eurthyr

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Re: SG8 or is it 9? Rules (discussion)
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2009, 10:27:25 pm »
I like the ideas in this thread.  Changing PvP from a "double whammy" in losing both points and "front time", to a "pick your poison" fight sounds very intriguing, indeed.

I think the idea of giving a wide difference between whatever you choose to set for disengagement and actual defeat is a good one.  Whatever those values are set at is relatively minor in comparison to how pilots are going to react and weigh their decisions upon.  I'd like to see it worth sticking in to fight out myself.

I'm sort of undecided on the PvP VCs being more results of called duels than not but I can see how this might ease people who would normally avoid PvP altogether into the battle.

Maybe if you could factor in some kind of modifier for uneven odds?  Say a lessening of the time penalty or something - I don't know, besides I can already immediately think of weaknesses in that idea and possible exploiting to some degree.  I don't want to suggest making things really complicated, but personally 75%+ of the time I'm alone facing 2-3 equal or superior hulls... not sure if it's worthwhile to even look at but I like sticking in and at least engaging instead of Instant HET+ spd 31 exit.  I know it's probably outright stupid but I do it anyway...

This sounds like a request to make the PvP penalty scale "sliding", based on the quantity and quality of the opposing force.

Notice Paladin says that he runs into a lot of 2-3 ship fleets, all flying equal to bigger hulls than he is (say, a DN and 2 BCH's vs his solo BCH).  Which does, obviously, get tiring after a while, especially since his choices have traditionally been - run away (and stay out of main PvP area for an hour) or lose his big ship (and PP to replace it) and stay out of fighting for 1/2 hour.

However, I'm willing to stick a few numbers (yes, the great complicator) into the equation, a proposal:
In a 2 on 1 or 3 on 1 situation, if the opposing fleet out-BPVs the victim's fleet by 200%-275%, penalties (point cost or time banished from hex) is cut in half, and if the difference is 275%+, penalties are negated (or reduced to 10%).
Since the report system already has us posting hull types of all involved ships, post-mortem adjustments can be calculated "fairly" simply for points battles, and I'm sure many people are capable of "close enough" BPV estimating base hulls to make an informed decision in the "run away" scenerio. 

Player 1 flys 150 pt. F-CA.  Runs into a fleet with a 160 K-D7L and a 140 K-D6K.  (made up but still clos-ish numbers).  Since opposing multi-ship fleet is twice (200%) as big as the Fed's ship, if the Fed loses he only gives up 1/2 the point score, or is banished from the hex for 1/2 the normal time (so if his F-CA gets blown up, his penalty is 15 min instead of 30). 

If I remember the disengagement rule debates right, the base penalty is 1 hour, for any loss.  It was decided that if you lose your ship, and the resultant PP to replace it, then halving the time banished from the fight hex (down to 30 min) was considered "fair" in light of the loss.  Most of that 30 min time was spent looking for and restocking your replacement hull anyway... :P

So, put me "firmly" against any reduction in time from 60 min to 45 min if you run away.  Especially if you plan to keep the "death penalty" at 30 min.  That would, IMO, only encourage more people to run away instead of engage in PvP.

I say that because, in a way, I want to reward people who engage and managed to get off the map edge (controlled run-away or a "mercy" action).  I can see a 3-stage disengagement rule:
Get blown up in a battle, 30 min.
Run off map edge in crippled ship (say, 3/4 of "hull bar" wiped out at any point in battle), 45 min
Run off map edge in nearly intact ship, 1 hour.

This benefits the guy who actually fought a battle, while still keeping the original intent of the rule around (you pay a price for seeing a guy and taco belling).

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Offline Dizzy

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Re: SG8 or is it 9? Rules (discussion)
« Reply #13 on: March 03, 2009, 02:10:10 am »
Yeah I think it was 3 PPD's per side max. Ok, remind me to change that.

And I'm thinking if outnumbered 2 to 1, a line ship is exempt from disengagement penalty. Want to encourage line ship use.

Dunno if I want to exempt other types ship from disengagement penalty. Still want to make sure we use the penalty for what it was created for in the 1st place.

Prolly keep disengagment at 30 mins destruction and 45-60 for running.

Ship prices will be cheap so losing a ship wont be a bad deal. DN's will be moderately priced... and only fleeting rules for them so noobs and unskilled players can hash out in PvP and have fun.

Offline Julin Eurthyr

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Re: SG8 or is it 9? Rules (discussion)
« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2009, 07:10:22 am »
This server sounds like it may be fun again...

Choice of disengagement penalty or PvP points (dueling), chances for certain (line) ships to evade the disengagement penalty, cheap ships, has all the makings for a fun server.

Now if late era wouldn't be a carrier fest (for the AI)...  Consider me old school enough that I hate having the AI fight my battles for me (casual tenders, carriers of my own, etc.)

AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: SG8 or is it 9? Rules (discussion)
« Reply #15 on: March 03, 2009, 07:32:43 am »
I think I'm gonna call it 'Ranked' combat. It needs a catchy name. Dueling doesnt cut it. In games where PvP can be fought for fun or be ranked, that puts the players themselves in control of the action and any consequences they want to have without me dictating to them how their dyna experience will play out.

Still not sure about the Choice of disengagement penalty or PvP points (Ranked), where'd u see that? But if a pvp match is ranked, I'd need to hear from others how voiding the disengagement penalty would work for them.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: SG8 or is it 9? Rules (discussion)
« Reply #16 on: March 03, 2009, 07:45:43 am »
An idea I came up with but never used regarding PvP VCs is simple and might work out well.   The simple rule is you aren't worth any PvP VCs if you haven't gotten a kill.   As soon as you score your first kill, you are worth points.   Throw in a "no shenanigans" clause to prevent people from abusing it (SDing with a newb in the hex so you can then rack up points hunting him down, etc . . .).
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Re: SG8 or is it 9? Rules (discussion)
« Reply #17 on: March 03, 2009, 07:46:57 am »

Now if late era wouldn't be a carrier fest (for the AI)...  Consider me old school enough that I hate having the AI fight my battles for me (casual tenders, carriers of my own, etc.)

If SQL is used, there are ways to prevent the AI from flying CARRIERs.   Flatfile, no way.
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: SG8 or is it 9? Rules (discussion)
« Reply #18 on: March 03, 2009, 08:14:44 am »
Yeah but on a server where itsd the players choice to agree or not to a ranked game, do we really need that rule? I dont think so. Why hamstring yourself if both players agree to a ranked game? And if one just isnt comfortable with the odds, then they dont have to agree to rank it and it turns into a fun match. You can still report the kill, but its not gonna score you any points. I can see on a mandatory kill server where every loss is calculated that you arnt wortth points till you kill someone but not on a volountary ranked system.

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Re: SG8 or is it 9? Rules (discussion)
« Reply #19 on: March 03, 2009, 11:54:09 am »
Sounds good.   Though my life at this moment doesn't give me enough free time to admin or fly like a crackwhore I will make it on for a bit.
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .