My copy of OP arrived without a manual, not even on the CD like with SFC1. Does anyone have a PDF copy of the manual for OP that they can share?
When I set up SFC1 and OP, I wanted to use the 1280x1024 mode because that is the native res of my 19 inch monitor. But at that setting the controls on the left of the screen were to small to see so I use the default 800x600 mode. What mode do others use? The Federation blue/black scheme is not really great for seeing the buttons.
No PDF, but when you first load the game, go to the options screen, then to hotkeys and you can see the see key controls, or even set new ones.
Just write them down for easy reference until you get to know them.
And then fly the tutorials and it'll tell you how to do most things.
That should give ya the idea.
Then once you're all patched up, come join the Forge on the D2.