Topic: I am done  (Read 5243 times)

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Offline Kreeargh

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I am done
« on: February 19, 2009, 01:00:19 am »
 Im sorry to say that i am going to quit game modeling some time this year. I have been debateing this for over a year now and i think its time to end it. I think the gamemod communitys have enough more tallented people than i to make what they wine for. Ive made over 500 low poly models from scratch most no one gave a crap about. The kids these days want glory models for their mods and i cannot produce them with the high end quality they want. And to get trashed by some lazy frakin teenagers for the quality of my FREE models i will not stand for any more. Ive seen my work in other games that no one bothered to ask me to use , convert or even credit me for, then those same theifs have the balls to trash my work and talk crap im sick of it. This was fun! see you on the flip side.
Time for life!

Offline dogfighter

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Re: I am done
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2009, 04:42:41 am »
thats sad news. i liked your models. especialy that you have whole fleets. i dont think people ignore your models. the fed shuttle for example is most likly standart for most mods. although its not ok people dont ask you for permission.
one word about the socalled glory models. sure - some people love it uberrealistic and maximum detail. but one thing is for sure - its not very satisfying having a full blown 10000 poly fed ship flying next to a 200 poly stock mirakship for example. ant highdetail models take quite some time to make and there is not much motivation in most people to make ships for races other then the feds klinks and roms.
you are one of the few who did models for the other races in the game. not to forget all the nontrek models.

with every singe artist who goes this game dies a little more. youll be missed - and i think all those who model too do appriciate your work. but i can understand your point.
however if your decision is definit i wish you well.

your sssship iss ssssoft!

Offline Ervinc

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Re: I am done
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2009, 05:35:04 am »
I too will miss you, your model look great to me ,I love Star trek ,have since the sixties , but I would have stopped playing this game a long time ago if there were not other ships from other arenas .I can't do them my self and we as gamers have been lucky to have people like you .As for those people you belittle others, its the only way the can they can make them selfs feel big , In my day we were brought up better, we worked hard ,payed our on way .We earned the right to feel good about our selfs. As you have earned the right .

Offline Star Dragon

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Re: I am done
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2009, 08:14:10 am »
Some people don't realize LP modeling is just as much an art as the 100k+ sci-fi mesh versions.

The LP person has to work harder, instead of just throwing tons of greebles and other structures onto a model to make it look "complex".

It's none of my business, but since I haven't seen any of these "trashing" incidents, have these people ever touched a poly before? I myself tend to say nothing if I get turned off by a model, but unless I make my enthusiam for one known the only comments I try to make are "constructive ones".

Showing proper respect for a person who creates something out of nothing is the least curtesy someone can offer. It boils my blood to think of some noob bashing your works (along with C&D studios, UW and the others).

If others have truly sucked the life out of you from their bad behavior then it's a sad day indeed...

I for one hope that maybe with some time away you might still find the creative urge later on and return to modeling. (I find even with months away from some of my long time hobbies I simply cannot abandon them, too much time invested for that, even if many others have moved on).


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Offline Dizzy

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Re: I am done
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2009, 08:35:11 am »
That sucks, man. I like your lower poly models. Those are the ones I want for use in my dynaverse campaigns peeps play... Teenagers are dumb, bro. They dunno sh*t. Dont listen to them. Listen to me. Ur models rock. U rock.

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Re: I am done
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2009, 08:42:30 am »
I can slap around the two teenagers in my house if it will help you feel better... ;D

Offline Klingon Fanatic

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Re: I am done
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2009, 09:08:37 am »

I wish you well in whatever decision you make. Take a break from model making if you feel you need to but please don't give up model making.

In my opinion, your ships were ground breaking. You have many firsts under your belt: a FASA TMP  Andor class, Illustrious CV, and entire Klingon Drell fleet, a Battlestar Galactica based fleet and many, many more. That's just off the top of my head! IIRC, I've even seen some of your Star Wars Republic ships in SW: Empire at War mods.

It would be a shame for the community to lose you, your model work is clearly better than when you started. You are among a handful of people that are left that are making non-Federation models and we really do need more non-Federation ships. Once SFC4 gets off the ground we'll need model makers like yourself to rejuvinate and/or reinspire the community to play again. This is where people like you with orginal ideas and designs come in. The SFC:OP holds the record for me as being the longest played PC game on my computer. I can't say that about any other PC game I've ever owned.

I also don't think you should compare yourself to other people making models low poly or not. I really don't care about the latest YAWN "INSERT LATEST Fed TOS/TNG this or that."  Artistic style and talent is supposed to vary between artists; otherwise we'd have the same forms of art we had when our ancestors painted animals they hunted on their cave walls. SFC models are made in the digital medium. I like to believe that 100 years from now, somebody will write about you and the other SFC model makers in the community and describe everyone of them, including you, in a complimentary manner similar to describing the artistic people who crafted 'ships-in-a-bottle' 100 years ago.


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Offline Chrystoff

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Re: I am done
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2009, 11:40:21 am »

I feel really bad about this. I have no modeling talent at all. I'm not good at kitbashing or anything like that, so I look at guys like you and am in awe. I use some of your models in my game, and I've really enjoyed them. I hope you'll reconsider, and know that there are lots of us that think your work is excellent and to be envied.

Offline Panzergranate

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Re: I am done
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2009, 02:22:34 pm »
I just kitbash for the hell of it.

I've spent years kitbashing plastic model kits, often having to fabricate and mold parts that I wanted, for WW2 wargaming tanks, trucks and artillery pieces that I wanted but nobody made.

Doing thte same in 3D CAD with a ship is a lot less hastle, doesn't create a mess, and if it goes all pear shaped, I can revert to a previous save.

Also, I can play around with various ideas and concepts of my own.

A lot of stuff is created to fill in roles gaps that become apparent in LAN campaigns here, others, like wrecks, freighters, are scenario props.

In the current Klingon - Kzinti campaign we're running, it soon become apparent that SFB troopships, travelling at Warp 3 (27c) were too slow for what the Kzinti players required.... they realised that they could stick a third engine onto a Z-FTS (small troopship) and push the speed up to an agreed Warp 4 (64c).

This also gave rise to a series of faster freighter based ships and auxilaries based on the Z-FS hull.

The Z-FL and Z-FTL, by design, has nowhere for this modification to be carried out.

They submitted the specification and I had to produce the model. needless to say, the Klingons also performed a similar modification. The Klingon K-FL and K-FTL, however can take a third engine, so I created a suitable model and the Klingons gained an advantage in troop movement and supply capabilities.

Not all designs or proposed designs work out, as in real life, but SFC gives us a testing ground to experiment in.

Kreearg's models are well utilised in our LAN campaigns, and are valued in our games as they bring an air of quality and realism.

They also contribute parts to some kitbashes or even form the basis of some ship designs.

Remeber Krearg.... "Those that can do, those that can't critisise".

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!

Offline GotAFarmYet?

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Re: I am done
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2009, 12:52:29 pm »
Im sorry to say that i am going to quit game modeling some time this year. I have been debateing this for over a year now and i think its time to end it. I think the gamemod communitys have enough more tallented people than i to make what they wine for. Ive made over 500 low poly models from scratch most no one gave a crap about. The kids these days want glory models for their mods and i cannot produce them with the high end quality they want. And to get trashed by some lazy frakin teenagers for the quality of my FREE models i will not stand for any more. Ive seen my work in other games that no one bothered to ask me to use , convert or even credit me for, then those same theifs have the balls to trash my work and talk crap im sick of it. This was fun! see you on the flip side.

Do what you want, this was suppose to be a fun way to past the time to do something you liked to do. If you are not having fun doing it anymore than you are correct don't do it. If you still enjoy doing it then do so, but either way you have to chose.
Don't worry about the trash talk, usually it is done by ppl that are not worth replying to anyways. The challange has and is always to do things to your best abilities and see if you can improve them as you go. That is where the enjoyment is to see if you can do it, and if you succeed even better.
As for theft well I gave up trying to control anything I put on the net along time ago. I have given control to Cent for most of my resent stuff because I don't think it is worth the time and effort it takes to control it. Also why most of my stuff is free to be used. Either way you have the wrong idea about it, you should be looking at like this. They took your work and were so happy with it they ported it to other games. Just apply to those forms and go yup my ship really does look good here, and if you need more my site is here just download them and convert them. It would have been nicer if you had asked my premission though. Usually does wonders to the ppl who steal as they have now been caught and identified. It is also more fun that way as you are now not the bad guy but them.

Personally I liked your models and thought you were improving as you were going along. It is not an easy task making a ship from scratch, anyone who has ever even done a part of this knows.

This is turning into a novel which I did not intend to write.

All I have is this peice of advise:
If you enjoy doing it then do so, if you don't then find another outlet. It is your time and you have to choose how you wish to spend it. Don't waste it on trival tasks.

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Re: I am done
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2009, 04:56:38 pm »
Though I don't have much need for low poly stuff ( I do ocasionaly find something interesting) your work is hardly crap. Even if I don't want to use it, I still enjoy looking at it on the forums.

Offline Greenvalv

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Re: I am done
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2009, 05:38:31 pm »
The kids these days want glory models for their mods and i cannot produce them with the high end quality they want. And to get trashed by some lazy frakin teenagers for the quality of my FREE models i will not stand for any more. Ive seen my work in other games that no one bothered to ask me to use , convert or even credit me for, then those same theifs have the balls to trash my work and talk crap im sick of it.

Screw em...

Take one, call us in the morning...  ;D

Offline FoaS_XC

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Re: I am done
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2009, 05:59:34 pm »
The kids these days want glory models for their mods and i cannot produce them with the high end quality they want. And to get trashed by some lazy frakin teenagers for the quality of my FREE models i will not stand for any more. Ive seen my work in other games that no one bothered to ask me to use , convert or even credit me for, then those same theifs have the balls to trash my work and talk crap im sick of it.

Screw em...

Take one, call us in the morning...  ;D

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Re: I am done
« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2009, 11:30:50 am »
Don't give up, don't uninstall your modeling programs. Take a break, but at some point you will be laying in bed in the morning waiting for the alarm to go off, or taking a shower and you will have a ship concept you just can't shake, your only choice will be to model it. It happens every time I think I have threw in the towel! Don't deny us the fruits of your great talent. Take a break by all means, but don't let those fools control how you express yourself.

I think we can all understand, you have been in this community almost from the beginning, at that time, every model that came out was impressive, just in the fact that it was not another kit bash of stock parts. It takes a lot of talent to make a good looking ship that does not out pace the stock models. It is important because not everyone wants to have to replace every model in their game just to play their favorite ship. Also, not everyone has a screaming computer to play uber-high poly models on. If you go away, where will we be able to find new playable content?

The same kids that are stealing and insulting your models are the ones causing poly-inflation with their parent funded gaming machines. They wouldn't know the first thing about what you can do, let alone exist outside of their parents wealth umbrella. They are also the ones that will move on to the next modable game, whatever is in vogue, their comments mean nothing.

Can you give any links to comments? I love to ask these brats where their masterpieces can be found.

Offline Ervinc

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Re: I am done
« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2009, 02:55:20 pm »
Nicely put Interstellar Machine

Offline Kreeargh

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Re: I am done
« Reply #15 on: February 21, 2009, 10:27:52 pm »
You all are right i need a BUNCH of fukitol  :laugh: and a LONG break. As for the theifs that has been taken care of thanks to a freind of mine. The mod had been killed. Thanks for the support all i might be back with a better product one day.
Time for life!

Offline Anthony Scott

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Re: I am done
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2009, 12:56:50 am »
Bummer, sorry to see you go. Like you said, see you on the flipside! :'(

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Offline Panzergranate

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Re: I am done
« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2009, 11:31:03 am »
In model railway engineering circles, folks who seem to have nothing better to do than pick fault and criticise the achievements of others, are refered to as "Rivet Counters".

This is due to always finding them, at modelling exhibitions, crouched next to someone's handbuilt brass scale model of some locomotive / ship / aircraft, etc. looking through a magnifying glass counting the rivets, and then gleefully proclaim to the model's creator, "It has one rivet more / less than it should just there!!", etc.

And they then can't understand the reaction that follows....  ::)

At a modelling exhibition, a magazine reporter was amused to notice a sign next to a large scale model of the "Mallard" Steam Locomotive a sign proclaiming that "Rivet Counters Will Be Severelly Thumped!!"

So, what do we call the Cyber Space equivalents of "Rivet Counters"??

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!

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Re: I am done
« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2009, 02:39:46 pm »
Pixelsneers and polysnarks, but unless they have anything vaguely constructive to say, they're best ignored.

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Re: I am done
« Reply #19 on: February 25, 2009, 02:51:45 pm »
just remember those that can, DO.

Those that can't, become critics or advisors.
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