Had a thought (a deep one, I guess) after thumbing through my old, dog-eared copy of FASA's Fed Starship Manual... which alluded to a precursor to the "Pearl" class mobile drydock called the Newport News class. Unlike the self-propelled Pearl, the Newport News docks were towed to the front lines.
Hence my next experiment... a mobile TOS drydock and the USS Atlas repair tender. Here's the concept-- this is the deployed version (I may also make a collapsed version of the dock for travel). They drydock is a bash of the original Taldren model with new horizontal supports and internal lighting. I am still working on textures.
The Atlas has been a learning experience for me in fabricating new parts-- everything other than the primary hull (which has been changed to reflect its smaller size-- about half that of a FCA) and the warp engines are new. The concept is that this is a mobile work platform, hence the wide, flat secondary hull which features work areas, cargo lifts, and the twin shuttle/workbee bays.
Lots of scaling and texturing work to do on both. I am also tweaking the final placement of the deflector dish on the Atlas herself (as usual). I also need to clean up the hard points.