Topic: The Wayward Kzinti  (Read 16068 times)

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Offline Soreyes

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The Wayward Kzinti
« on: February 09, 2009, 07:31:08 pm »
Name: Soreyes
Aliases: Hmmmm Need to think of one or two
Species: Kzinti
Faction: [PTA]
Ship: CSV, Clan Fraighters, HellCat
Ship Name: Close To The Edge
Style: Umm Running
Combat: Blowing up a lot
Trade: Oh yes
Weaponry: What Ever I Find
Commodities: Anything
Flight Time: A few hours each day
Alliances: Trying to stay Neutral
Danger: Who ever is shooting at me.....Lawfull or Unlawfull

A Kzinti that stands 7'6" weighing in at around 390 pounds. This Bipedal "Tiger" can be and is a force to be reckoned with in any bar fight. Soreyes ended up in the Sirius sector of space, due to a misunderstanding about some payments that were found to be missing from the Patriarchs personal bank account. Since arriving Soreyes has learned three things.
1. Soreyes is not a Fighter Pilot
2. Greed is GOOD!
3. Nomads are a pain in the Glutinous Maximuas.

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Offline Soreyes

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2009, 07:34:28 pm »
25 Sept.

How Do I Get In These Situations.

I had just picked up a shipment of donuts at planet Denver to deliver to Manhatten. I decided to make a side trip to the Royale in the Canada system to pick up some upgrades for my ship. After having a Adv Thruster and Adv CM placed on my CSV "Close To The Edge". I started my trip to Manhatten. As soon as I launched, I knew I was in trouble. [Exodus] Pilot was out there demanding that I pay a Tax to go on. The Tax he wanted was more then the worth of my ship and cargo together. After discussing the situation with him. [Exodus] Pilot decided to just take half of my Cargo as Tax. I gave him the Raised Donuts, and kept the Cream Filled ones for myself. That being done. I waited for [Exodus] Pilot to make his jump through the Colorado Gate. At that moment out of nowhere [Nomad]Nu showed up. He flew right by me, so I gave chase. I started to catch up with the Nomad when a thought came to me. " CSV Vs Nomad...... not good odds" I then noticed that there was a [iR] pilot in the area, but it seemed that he was running away from the Nomad. The Nomad came out of cruse speed and turned on me. I remember hearing the alarm for incoming missiles, and dropping CMs like crazy. Then there was a bright flash. When I came to I was in the Medical labs on the Royale.

Maybe next time I'll just pay the darn Tax and save the wear and tair on myself and my ship
Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

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Offline Soreyes

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2009, 07:35:20 pm »
Sept. 28

New Friends in Low places.

I was relaxing and having a snifter or three of Scotch at the bar in Boom’s Retreat. The Dancing Girls were putting on a good show, and everything was mellow. That is until a Xeno pilot and a Junker Pilot decided to fight each other over some old vendetta or something. I looked around the bar and saw that most of the people were backing away. I then saw a group of Outcast Pilots at the back table placing bets on who would win. I was going to have to break up this fight. I mean Boom’s is a Respectable place, besides the Dancing Girls had stopped dancing to watch the fight. I got up from my table and went over to the two nitwits trading punches with each other. I knocked both of them to the floor. I told them to knock it off because they had stopped the floor show. Not to my surprise they both got up and pulled out there Daggers and came at me. Five seconds later the fight was over. The Xeno and the Junker were both on the floor trying to keep there Entrails from spilling onto the floor. I retracted my Claws as I walked over to the Outcast Table. When I got there I scooped up all the money that they had on the Table to cover there bets. There were four of them, and three of them became a little miffed when I took there money. I placed my paws on the table and extended my claws. I pointed out to them that the money is mine, because the two Bozos did not win the fight. The leader of this group, a human named Juan started to laugh. Juan looked right at me and said that he liked me because of my Testicular Fortitude. Juan invited me to sit and have a few drinks with him and his friends. After a while the floor was cleaned up and the Dancing girls started dancing. The Talk was pleasant, the Scotch was good, and the Dancing Girls were Dancing. After a bit of small talk about Pilot stuff. Juan asked me if I had ever been to the Tau Systems. When told him I had not . Juan got a big smile on his face and said “Have I Got A Deal For You”
Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

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Offline Soreyes

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2009, 07:37:28 pm »
Oct. 1

Between a Rock and a Hard Place.

Today I decided to go to the Sigma 13 system to scavenge some of that Green liquor that the bar keep on Manhattan had asked for. I had just started looking for the stuff when [Exodus] Pilot showed up, well the chase was on. I took a bit of damage before I was able to make the jump to Alaska. I then made it to the NY jump gate with [Exodus] Pilot on my tale. Once I got to NY things went from bad to worse, [iR] Twistedmind was there demanding that I drop my cargo. After dropping a massive amount of CM’s I made it to Manhattan and delivered my 10 units of liquor. Later I was attacked for no reason by Sam-fg. I might have to have a talk with some of the Merc clans about this. I later made a full cargo delivery of Liquor to Boom’s. I stuck around for one of the Floor Shows. (Got to love those Dancing Girls) I then met up with SSG Mjoinir who I was holding some money for. I then went to Texas to pick up a load of Maple Bar Donuts for the cops on Manhattan. On my way to the NY jump Gate. I came across a Lawful Pilot just floating in space. Well being the Good Kitty that I am. I tractor him aboard. Hey I can get 50,000 for him at Lost Vegas. But it was not to be. [Exodus] Pilot found me and demanded that I hand the pilot over to him. I had to hand him over. [Exodus] Pilot had me dead to rights. I later heard [Exodus] Pilot bragging that I just handed over the Pilot. GAVE HIM THE PILOT…….HA!!!!!

I’m beginning to think it’s safer to fly in the Tau or Sigma Systems
Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

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Offline Soreyes

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2009, 07:39:26 pm »
12 Oct.

Suicide Mission to Battleground.

I had just delivered a shipment of Side arms to my contact “Juan”. We decided to have a drink or two at the bar here on Cali Base. As we were talking Juan got real serious and asked if we were friends. I told him that we may not be good friends, but we were close business associates. Juan started to smile and said “Have I Got a Deal for You”. It seems that he had a customer that was in need of a Nomad turret and a Nomad cannon. He gave me the location of a Nomad wreck in the Battleground system and asked me to “Liberate” it of its weapon systems. I smiled and asked what the catch was. Juan looked me in the eye and said “Nomads Lot’s and Lot’s of Nomads” We agreed on a finders fee for my efforts if I returned with the weapons.

I entered Battleground by way of the JH in Tau 37. As soon as I made the jump all heck broke loose. There was a Nomad Battleship, a bunch of Nomad Gunboats , and a whole lot of Nomad fighters. It seemed that they were all firing at me. I went into evasive maneuvers , and started dropping CM’s. I was able to finally go into cruse drive and escape that Furball. I made my way to the area of the Nomad wreck with only a few more Nomad’s to be seen. I found the wreck called “NIX”. I liberated it of it’s weapons and some other goodies. I looked around and decided to map this system before I went back to Cali. I started a grid search pattern and started mapping. After awhile I came across some new JH’s. One was to Nomidia, and the other was to Tohoku. I then came across a Robot Fighter wreck called Patrol 36. I liberated that wreck also. I continued to map the system. I flew by The Planet Raiders planet. Dodged a few more Nomad patrols, and ended up in a very thick Nebula. The scanners were useless in this nebula, and it was to my great shock when out of nowhere a planet appeared. I was a little low on supply’s and I decided to land on “Genesis” It turns out that it’s a planet run by the Monkeys. I resupplyed my ship, and sold some of the cargo I liberated for a nice sum of cash. As I was leaving the Planet there was a very large force of Nomads just outside the Docking Ring. I started the Cruse drive and started dropping CM’s and made my escape. After a few minutes of flight my scanners picked up the location of another wreck “The Solarius”. As I approached the wreck I started taking massive Radiation damage. I was able to liberate the Solarius, but found that my CSV was not built to take that much Radiation . I barley made it back to Genesis for repairs. After the ship was repaired, I set course to the Tau 37 JH. I dodged a few more Nomad patrols and made the jump hole.

Upon my return to Cali Base. I met up with Juan and delivered the Guns he was looking for, and collected my finders fee. Juan asked if I found anything else out there. “Oh just a few Nick Knacks” I said as I fondly looked upon my new armor on my ship.
Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

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Offline Soreyes

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2009, 07:43:51 pm »
Oct 13

The Chase Is Afoot

I had just made a pick up of cargo at Cali base and decided to take a short cut to the NY system by way of the Canada system. As soon as I made the jump into Canada, my computer started telling me that it was going to shut down in 5 minutes to run it’s maintenance program. I thought what the heck no big deal. I’ll just land on the Royale and have a drink or two. Well after about 6 drinks, I launched from the Royale to a nasty surprise. Flying around and shooting at each other were [iR] Twistedmind, [Sabre]Demon, and [iR](jg) Fitz. Well this was not good due to the fact that my cargo is deemed to be illegal here in Liberty. I said a silent prayer to the Great Monkey God, and to the Great Kitty God Bast. Then went into Cruse Drive and made my way to the Colorado jump gate. Hoping that these Lawful Goodie Two shoes would not pay any attention to me. When I got close to the Jump Gate I started getting messages from the three Goodie Two shoes to stop and drop my cargo. I think the answer I gave was “ummmm NO” I got to the gate and started punching in the access code when [iR] Twistedmind started firing on me. I made it through the gate, but with only about 5% hull.  Once in Colorado I went into Cruse Drive and made my way to a small Planetoid, with [iR] Twistedmind on my Tail. It seems that [Sabre]Demon, and [iR](jg) Fitz took the trade lane to Denver then to the NY Jump Gate to cut me off. I flew through the Planetoid atmosphere and a liberty Navy Battleship formation to try to shake [iR] Twistedmind off my tail. It didn’t work. I flew into the Silverton field and made my way to the NY Jump Hole. I like rocks, they tend to help deflect CD’s.  I now noticed that all three were now chasing me towards the NY jump Hole. I had any where from a 1.5 klick to a 2 klick lead on them. The only kink in this plan was if there was some stupid Xeno going through the Jump Hole as I got there. Fortunately there wasn’t and I made a clean jump into NY. As soon as I entered NY Space, I made a beeline straight to Manhattan with my pursuers about a kick behind me. I got to Manhattan and sold my cargo to some guy named Keith Richards.

A little while later after I just delivered a shipment of plutonium to Baltimore. I was attacked by [Saber] Dagger II, who was yelling something about me being a pervaer of Illicit goods. I escaped that….. Just barley. I swear these lawfuls can be a pain in the rear of any one trying to make a Some what honest living.

Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

[img width=600 height=150]

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2009, 08:10:53 pm »
Not to bad so far. Easy enough to follow.

Sounds like it isn't going to be easy for our hero Kitty.

Look forward to more!

Czar "Sounds like a good mod," Mohab
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Offline Soreyes

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2009, 09:45:32 pm »
16 Oct

They Like Me… They Really Really Like Me

I was just flying around, making some small trades for a good profit, when I ran into Tiger-Red Dragon. Red Dragon decided to help me out by taking me out to the Outer Rim systems to see if I could negotiate with the Nomads for trade rights. We ended up in Nomidia. There the negotiations began. There was money trading hands, some Monkeys and Robots went boom. I went Boom once or twice. In the end though I was given a trade pass by the Grand Pooh-Bah of the Nomads. To my utter amazement I found that I was still Friendly with the Monkeys, Robots, and the Order. (the Great Monkey God works in mysterious ways)  I then went on a tour of the Outer Rim systems. I bought a new ship. I found a Donut Nazi on the Monkey Home World (No Donuts for you) I found a way over priced Sensor ( $50,000,000) GAWD!!!!! I picked up a few items for some pilots back in Liberty ( even though they were shooting at me a few days ago. Money is Money) I explored and looted….. Umm… err… Mapped that’s it Mapped new systems. All in all it was a great day. I am also happy to say that I just love going to Cruse Speed in 1.5 seconds

Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

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Offline Soreyes

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2009, 09:46:20 pm »
17 OCT.


Had a request from Red Dragon to help him with a transfer of equipment. I met him just outside the RIP planet in Edinburgh. He transferred a lot of money and some Clan equipment and a Pilot to me. I was told to meet him at Macton Base in Magellan. Just before I made the jump to Leeds a SSG Destroyer showed up. Once into Leeds another SSG Destroyer showed up and they both demanded that I pay a 10mil “Life Tax”. I ran as fast as the Gerbils in my engine room could get there treadmills going. I made it to the Magellan Jump Hole after taking a few hits with no damage. Once in Magellan Red Dragon was telling me to land on Macton to get away from the SSG Destroyers. Seeing as they were only about a Klick behind me, landing was not an option. I sent a message to Red Dragon to meet me outside Manhattan. I made my way to the NY Jump Gate and punched in the code, and went on through. For a split second I thought I just might escape. That is until I got into NY to see a SSG Destroyer waiting for me there. EEK!!! As I hit the Cruse Drive, the other two SSG Destroyers popped in and gave chase through the Badlands. Well between the fire from the Destroyers and me bouncing off rocks like a pinball. I finally went BOOM. When I came to I was back on the RIP Planet. I felt bad about loosing Red Dragons things, but what made me very sad was I lost my Nomad Advanced Torpedo Launcher that I found in the Robot 1 system. I made my way back to Manhattan where I met up with Red Dragon and transferred his money to him. I then learned that I may have broken one or two of the Monkey God laws. After a very informative discussion with the Duty MP, and with the members of SSG. Everything was worked out and I went merrily on my way. Well not so merrily. Through equipment loss, and bad book keeping. I lost some where around 20 mil. You live and learn.

Awhile later I ran into MPA Blaze who turned me onto a wreck in the Rim Systems. It did not have weapons or anything like that. It did have a great entertainment system. Hmmmmm Likin Park eh

Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

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Offline Soreyes

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2009, 09:47:38 pm »
Oct. 22

With Friends Like These

Well the day did not start off so well. Ran into some TBH people, and they blew me up. Then I ran into some SSG people, they just robed me. Then some Ir people started chasing me because they didn’t like my cargo. I was getting a little peeved so I jumped into VHF and started blowing up Liberty Rouges. I started to feel much better. I then went to the Canada system and joined in the fun of blowing up a base. I then went back to NY and started taking some missions to take out more Rouges. During one mission I noticed that I had lost my shields and ¼ of my hull. I was wondering “What The Heck” I know bloodhounds and Wolfhounds can’t cause this damage, I started looking around and that’s when I noticed that [Cheeky Monkey] Panu had joined the fight…….and he was shooting at everyone and everything.  I took out the last Bloodhound and ran like heck towards Manhattan. [Cheeky Monkey] Panu had better weapons and a lot better ship then me. Thank The Monkey God for the Liberty Navy. They kept Panu busy while I made my way to Manhattan.

So How was your Day

Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

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Offline Soreyes

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2009, 09:49:01 pm »
29 Oct.

Nomads Where?

I was sitting at the bar in Manhattan when the call came out, that there was a Nomad in the Texas system. I hopped into my trusty Python and headed towards Texas. Just before I got to the Texas jump gate I spotted the Nomad. The fight was on. We made several passes at each other. The squid was doing damage to me, but I was just barley denting his armor. I could tell by the comm. link that twistedmind and other pilots were in route. The squid and I made a few more passes at each other, before I took a missile up the tailpipe. When I came to I found myself on Planet Walker. I made my way back to NY and then onto Texas where several Pilots were in battle with the Nomad. I joined the “Furball” just outside Planet Huston. To my shock I found that there were two Nomads in battle here. I did my best not to shoot the other pilots, and I did hit the Nomads with some well placed Cannonballs and torps (well actually lucky shots) After awhile the battle was over and the Nomads were destroyed. As we were celebrating another Nomad showed up and the chase was on. On through the Rhineland systems we chased this Nomad, and into the Sigma systems to. When we jumped into Omicron Beta I lost the rest of the pack. It seems that sometime earlier I had spilt some liquid refreshment on my control Board. When I used my control key to drop some CM’s earlier, it….umm…err.. Got stuck and dumped all my CM’s. So now in Bata I could not get away from the Outcast Sabers , who were throwing everything at me. I also believe I saw a Kitchen Sink go flying by my Cockpit at one point. Oh well I lost out in the Great Nomad Chase. But I have 25 High Class Outcast Pilots for the Great Monkey God.
Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

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Offline Soreyes

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2009, 09:50:50 pm »
You Want Me To Do What?

Picked up a load of supplies on Manhattan to take out to the Zoners. As I launched I saw that there were two SSG types lurking around the trade lanes, So I headed to the Colorado JH. As I was approaching the JH, I got a message from on of the SSG to Stop. Oh yes I’m going to stop for SSG, and get robbed….. It isn’t going to happen. Made it through the JH and went into cruse drive. Made it to Pueblo with a 15 Klick lead on the SSG. Made the trade lane to the Rio Grand. Everything was Hunky Dory until some Xenos disrupted the Trade Lane. EEK!!! Here comes those SSG people and I don’t think there to happy with me right now. I made a mad dash to the Rio Grand and landed just as the SSG came out of the Trade Lane. I decided to take a little bit of a rest on the Rio Grand. Hmmmmm the Beer isn’t to bad here.

Awhile later I hooked up with a bunch of other Pilots and hunted down a Nomad in the Colorado system. It was a classic “Furball”. In the end the Nomad went Boom. I limped away with some Major damage to my ship. It seems I might have to look up ‘Juan” for some weapons that I lost fighting the Nomad. I wonder what kind of “Deal” he’ll have for me. Probably some sort of scavenger run in Nomidia.
Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

[img width=600 height=150]

Offline Soreyes

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2009, 09:52:00 pm »
12 Nov.

From Turkey Shooter To Turkey

Spent the last few day’s hooking up with Plexus and some others doing “Turkey Shoot’s” Just going to where the turkeys are (Molly’s, Rouges, LWB) and shooting them down. I didn’t do much shooting down, but I got the Turkeys to get close to the BIG ships. I also spent some time doing some trade runs. Then a urgent call came out that Boom’s was out of Liquor.  Well that just had to be fixed. So I hopped into my Trusty CSV and made a few runs to remedy the situation. 

As I was relaxing at Boom’s and taking in a few shows(Got to love those Dancing Girls)  The call came out that Nomad Iota was in Canada. I jumped into my somewhat trusty Python and off I went. When I arrived the fight was on. We went at it for about 4 to 5 min before I ate 2 missiles and went BOOM!  I ended up back at Boom’s where I barrowed another Python and headed back to Canada. As soon as I arrived I attacked. It was another 4 to 5 min fight, But this time I think I scratched Iota’s paint job and dented his hull. Still I was the Turkey in this Turkey Shoot and finally went BOOM!. 

When I came to I was back at Boom’s in the aid station. It seems I took a bit of radiation in that last fight. As I left the Aid Station I was met by my ol pal Juan. He just looked at me and shook his head saying “Your not a fighter jockey” I had to laugh and agree with him. But Darn it’s fun trying to be one.
Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

[img width=600 height=150]

Offline Soreyes

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #13 on: February 10, 2009, 03:08:52 am »
15 Nov.


Hooked up with [PTA]PRG Guardian-Elite today for some traval and fun. He took me out to Robot1 so I could get a new Robot Shield. Once that was done we went to Omicron-Theta and to Freeport 9. I landed and mounted the new shield and guns. After I launched I was checking out my new set up when I accidently shot off a Hornet that hit a Zoner Eagle.......Oops!!!!!!!!

The fight was on. Myself in my Ummm trusty Python, and Guardian in his Demon taking on wave after wave of Zoner Eagles. Have to admit that it was fun. I think I took out 73 Zoners and Guardian took out over 200. In the end I had to get back to Cali Base to pick up a shipment for Macton Base. I seem to be getting more and more factions mad at me. Oh well it's the price you have to pay for having a sparkaling personality
Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

[img width=600 height=150]

Offline Soreyes

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #14 on: February 10, 2009, 03:09:44 am »
25 Nov.

Do you Know The Way To Unknown 2

It was a regular day to start off with. Making some runs for “Juan” and making some runs for myself. I had just got back to Manhattan when I ran into [PTA] Agenthawk who was very interested in going out to Primus. Well how can I refuse a brother trader. I hopped into my trusty CSV and off we went. We made a few stops along the way to pick up some supplies (I.e. Bots and CM’s) We made one last stop in Omicron Gamma to say Hi to the Corsairs. Then it was onto the Unknown 2 Jump hole. Once we got to the JH we found that [PTA] Trader was there to jump through with us. We made the jump and of course the Nomads were waiting. Went to cruse drive straight to Primus. We landed with little or no problems. I sold my cargo to the Monkeys, but did not get a good price on some of the Items.

We loaded our ships with um…er…um Art Work to take back to Manhattan. We launched into a big ol cluster thingy. Nomad Battleship, Gunboats, and fighters. All I could say was “Every Trader is for himself” and “Gerbils don’t fail me now!” I made the mad dash to the jump hole and made it through with little damage to my ship. I lost sight of Trader and Agenthawk who I guessed decided to stay and fight the Nomads. I set course to Manhattan. Things were going good until I jumped into Omega 5. There I ran into some guy from [ir] and Nomad Nu. The [ir] guy was telling me to drop my cargo, and Nomad Nu was saying “eiD eiD” back to cruse drive and dropping CM’s. I started flying over, under, and between the rocks to get to the Cambridge JH. I made the jump hole and to safety. I set course to the Leeds JH. As I was cursing along . I heard that Nomad Nu took out Agenthawk. DARN!!!!!!

Made it to Manhattan and sold my “Art Work” for a good profit. Hmmmmm I wonder if Agenthawk would like to make a little run out to planet Geniuses.
Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

[img width=600 height=150]

Offline Soreyes

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2009, 03:10:53 am »
30 Nov

Where at WHAT!!!!

Having earned a few days of vacation. I had just launched from New Tokyo when I heard over the communication channals of a war that has broken out between two Clans. Being as I'm a trader, and at times a wanna-be fighter pilot. I did not pay much attention to the news story's. I made a stop at Sheffield Station and picked up a load of Engine parts that was going to Robot1. As I entered into the Omega 41 system I started to hear both the Coursars and the Hessans complaning about the tight lock down that SSG has put on the area systems because of there war with PTA...... 

I put the breaks on and ploted a course back to cambridge. I landed at PTA Headquarters and went directly to the bar to find out what the heck happened. I learned that it seems some PTA members did something to some SSG people and they got mad.

This is not good. Sure you can make money during a Clan War. As long as it is other Clans going at it. Not your own Clan. Heck if two Clans go to war, We clean up by selling Supplys to both sides (at a slightly inflated price) If PTA is at war all we can do is lose money.

I guess I should make it to more Staff meetings
Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

[img width=600 height=150]

Offline Soreyes

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #16 on: February 10, 2009, 03:12:43 am »
5 Dec.

Come Sail Away With Me.

I was on my grand tour of trade runs, and was in route to Freeport 4 with a load of water. As I was flying through the rocks in Cambridge a bright light appeared in my cockpit. I turned to look behind me and what do I see. A ratherly overley dressed Monkey, sitting on a chair that wasn't there a few seconds ago. I knew right away that I have one of the "Grand Poo-Bahs" of the Monkey God on my ship. All he said was " I'm here to give you an offer that you can't refuse" Well refusing an offer from the Monkey God is like taking on Nomad Theta in a CSV........ Hmmmmm come to think about that. I Have.

Before I could even ask the question, The Monkey was already answering. The offer was to go to the Jump Gate that some how came up on my scanner. And to go through to a new space, and do some Exploring for The Great Monkey God. The only question I had now was "Whats in it for me" The Monkey smiled and said "Wisdom"
I said Heck why not. I then ploted a course to a Jump Gate that was now in a part of Cambridge space that never had a Jump Gate. As I turned to ask one more question. I saw that the Monkey was now gone. I punched in the gate access code, and the gate opened. At this point I just knew that things were not to be the same. Instead of hearing the normal "Prepair for Warp Speed" I heard " Prepair For LUDICRISS Speed" EEEEEEKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!
Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

[img width=600 height=150]

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #17 on: February 10, 2009, 03:14:16 am »
12 Dec

Hey Quit Picking On The Freelancers

Started the day by going out in my new Rhinland VHF and taking out some Nomads, Outcast, and Rouges and delivering them to the Great Monkey God. As I came into the NY system. I noticed a whole gaggle of IR, Saber, and NoW people picking on some Freelancers because they were hauling banned Goods. Now normaly I don't care what these Lawfuls, Pirates, and who ever else do to make money. This time though it seemed that they were getting a little full of themselfs. So I decided to try to bring them down a notch. I landed on Manhattan and jumped into my Adv CSV. I made a beeline to Mactan Base and loaded up with Cardi. As I enterd the NY system. I made an call over the sytem comm channel that I was bringing a "Load" to Manhatten. Try stopping me...... They didn't stand a chance. I made it to Manhattan with no problems..... even though there were a few people chasing me. To add a little insult to ther pride. Instead of landing and selling the Cardi...... I just dumped it into space right in front of the Docking ring. That got a chuckle from the on duty MP 

I made a few more Cardi runs, along with a few runs for the Barkeep on Manhattan. He seems to always be running out of that funny tasting Green stuff that I bring him.  I was chased but never cought this day. I ended the day by landing at Boom's. Had a nice dinner. Cought a few Floor Shows. Life is Good for this Somewhat Honest Trader.
Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

[img width=600 height=150]

Offline Soreyes

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #18 on: February 10, 2009, 03:16:02 am »
1 Jan

Where Did All My Money Go?

I had just woken up in my suite on the Planet Baden-Baden. It was Christmas Morning and everything seemed to be fine. That is until I went down to my ship. When I got to the hanger, I did not find my tricked out CSV. I found instead some sort of Rhineland scout ship. A deep forboading hit me. I knew that there was to be a great change in the universe. The Great Monkey God had fortold this change. I just did not expect it to happen this fast. I made my way to the cyber center and logged into my brokerage firm of Wei, Fleece & Fast  to check on my monetary holdings. What I saw put me over the edge. Instead of seeing my differant accounts and investments that should have had me worth about 1.4 Billion Credits. All I saw was a single account with 10 million Credits. I went nuts!!!!!!!! The last thing I remember is putting my paw through the screen and being jumped on by some Rhineland Security Forces.

When I came to I found myself tied down on a gurney in a padded room. A few minutes later the door opened up and in walked my mentor and trading partner Plexus. He came over to the gurney and looked down on me and started to chuckle. Plexus then asked me if I was quiet Thur making a fool of myself. All I could say was "Where did all my money go". Plexus started to laugh and tell me "There are new profits to made in this new beginning" It seems that Plexus had paid off some officials here at Baden- Baden and that I was free to go. After we left the Hospital and made our way to the Hanger. Plexus gave me a tape of some of the new trade routes to get started with. As I made my way to my ship Plexus called out to me saying that my "Buddy" Juan wanted to meet me in the Omicron Zeta sector. It had something to do with having a deal I just could not pass up.
Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

[img width=600 height=150]

Offline kadh2000

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #19 on: February 10, 2009, 10:37:33 am »
Soreyes: That was fun to read.  Keep it coming!

Czar: very old joke.  Very old joke.  Of course it was a marine in the version I heard, but still.
"The Andromedans," Kadh said, "will never stop coming.  Not until they are all destroyed or we are."

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2009, 01:40:59 pm »
Excellent!  As an ol' Freelancer myself, these were a pure joy to read and brought back many memories of my own of being in similar situations...

Looking forward to more!
Hilaritas sapientiae et bonae vitae proles.

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #21 on: February 10, 2009, 04:14:35 pm »
Trading Is life

10 Jan.

So far it has been a profitable week or two. It took me awhile to find some new trade routes, but find them I did. Not all of the commodities that were traded before are any good now. Where Cardi was once the thing to bring to the New York system. It is no longer the “King” of items to bring in. It seems that the Outcast have changed there tactics in “Hooking” the Liberty systems. And not to be out done by there Brothers in Vice. The Coursers have ramped up there trade into the Liberty systems. Not with Artifacts but with Liquor. The only problem there is getting by the SSG patrols. 

Trading amongst the Great Houses is a bit of a hit and miss proposition. You can make money, but it takes awhile to figure out who wants what. One sure way to make money is to become a “Bus Service”. But then that gets old after a run or two. Would some one please tell me why refuges are paying good money to be transported to Omicron Zeta. The only idea I have about that is that they all got jobs working the Tobacco Fields for the Outcast.

The place to make money is in the Outer Rim systems. Robots 1&2, MHW, Omicron Minor, and the Abyss. The Money is Great, but the risk are High. Freighters were not made to slug it out with Nomad Demons, N1s, and Mysters. Hey someone has to bring the Robots there Pleasure Droids, and bring the Monkeys there Fruits and nuts. It might as well be me.
Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #22 on: February 10, 2009, 04:16:32 pm »
25 Jan

Be Nice To Robots

The past few weeks have been profitable. PTA seems to be in good shape. There have been a few war’s here and there that we have been asked to join. The thing is we are Neutral. Well except for some times when we have to put the Molly’s, Unioneers, and the Rouges in there place. Lately I have been getting a lot of orders from the Robots for supplies to be transported out to Robot 2 and the Abyss. I have learned to be nice to the Robot patrols. Because of all the supplies I take to them. They sometimes tend to look the other way with some of my ummm other supply runs

I just can’t figure out what the Outcast are up to. I have gotten very large orders of construction Equipment, Calcite, and Refuges to be taken out to Omicron Zeta. Something very strange is going on out there. I also made a few runs out to Druids Rock. WOW have they ever beefed up there defenses over there. It is always a pleasure to dock at Druids Rock. A chance to get the ship repaired, do a little trading, but most importantly. A chance to sit down for a few pints of Proper “Druid Fluid” Ahhh It’s almost Heaven.
Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

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Offline Soreyes

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #23 on: February 10, 2009, 04:17:59 pm »
4 Feb

There Be Nomads

Started the day as any other day. Trading my furry rear end off. Made 5 runs out to Robot 2 to deliver much needed Construction equipment, and Beryllium. As I was pulling into the PTA Club House. A general alarm went out system wide. There was a Nomad incursion in Canada. I hopped out of my Freighter and into my VHF. As soon as I arrived in the Canada system I found one heck of a “Furball” at the jump gate to Colorado. It has been awhile since I have seen that many Torps, Missiles, mines, and gun fire in one place. After a fierce battle, the Nomad went “poof”. I have to admit that I think I shot more of our side then the Nomad. 

A while later I got a message from BLAZE about a nomad incursion in Robot 2. Well how could I refuse a request to join the hunt from Blaze. While in route I got a message that the fight had moved to Robot 1. As soon as I jumped into Robot 1 by the planet Robolab. I got blasted out of the system by a Nomad Battleship. When I came too I was on planet Pygar. I made my way back to Robot 1 and to where the battle was taking place. I got there just in time to see Blaze blow up the Nomad. As I was making my way back to the core systems by way of Robot 2. I received a message from two Robots about me being very lucky that I was still under the 24 hour amnesty period for mounting Nomad weapons on my ship….WTH!!!!!! I loo…. Er …Um…. Found these Nomad weapons fair and square. After getting the latest copy of the “Monkey Times” and reading about the Robots thing against Nomad weapons. I will give up my Nomad Turret. BUT I’ll be darned if I’m going to give up my Nomad CD
Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #24 on: February 10, 2009, 04:19:43 pm »
Who can you Trust

17 March

It has been a very interesting month or so. There is REP causing me all sorts of problems with my money runs. I hired the Tigers a few times for some escorts out to Robot 2. Thanks again guys. I did make one or two deals with REP, but they being PIE-RATS!!!!!! The deals did not last to long. Then there is Sabre that causes me some money woes due to there insistence that certain Items not be brought into Liberty Space…… heck you can’t even Bribe them <Sigh>

Tried out the new Atlas Monkey Freighter. Not a bad ship. The only problem I found was that it was not made to cruse through the many Rock fields out there. I ended up going back to the Syfrina…… but I did take the Monkey Shield off the Atlas and put it on the Syfrina. I seem to be getting a lot of request from certain Clans out there for me to get some Nomad equipment for them. Well I use to be Neutral with the Nomads, but not anymore. Something about me shooting down a few of there Gunship’s 

I have a new game I like to play, though it might be a bit of a dangerous game. It’s called “How many times can I sneak into Gamma with out being Caught” So far its been 3 times out of 15 attempts. Gee those REP people don’t sleep much do they.

Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #25 on: February 10, 2009, 04:20:48 pm »
28 March
Well that was Stupid!

A very eventful few weeks here. Had a few run ins with REP. They always seem to want a lot of money from this little old trader. When will they realize that my answer to there money demands will always be NO. (Except for when I need a favor or two from them) Had a few classic run ins with them, where I escaped by the thinnest margins. A shout out to Sabre and some Freelancers who helped in my escape from REP attacks by coming to my aid. 

I was busy doing some side runs in my CSV going into Nomidia and Battleground. Found that the Monkeys and the Order tend to pay some very good money for some under the radar items I tend to transport. Hey who knew you could make money transporting MOX. I got a message from my contact “Juan” about a high priority delivery that needed to be made.

It seems that the Druids out at Druids Rock were out of food and needed a shipment to be brought in ASAP. I guess that they can’t live on “Fluid” alone…… though they do try.
I loaded up my CSV with food stuffs and made my way to the channel to get to Druids Rock. Cruse speed activated and away I go. As I made my way past a few weapons platforms that were firing at me, I realized that I was going through Bots faster then a kid with a bag of Gummy Bears. At the half way point I thought that I had a chance to make it. That is until while checking my sensors I ran full speed into a very large rock. Long story short. I wasted valuable time and bots trying to get back on course. At a range of 5 klicks from the Rock my Ship gave out and went BOOM!. When I came to I found myself back on the planet “FlyByU” Juan was looking down at me and shaking his head saying “Now that was a Stupid move” All I could say in response was “Stupid is as Stupid does”

Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

[img width=600 height=150]

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #26 on: February 10, 2009, 04:22:20 pm »
Nomads. What Nomads?…. Oh Those Nomads

Well things have been the same old same old lately. Pick up orders, run them out to the people who need them and are willing to pay. Get chased by REP because they think they are tax collectors. Get chased by the Lawful because they don’t like some of the stuff that I carry. Just Normal business here in the outer rim area of space. So to make my life a little more interesting I bought a Anubis Fighter and decided to go hunt Nomads………. WHAT IN THE HECK WAS I THINKING!!!!!!!!

I flew out to Robot 1 to start my new calling as a Nomad exterminator…….and almost got exterminated myself. As soon as I jumped into Robot 1 what do I see right in front of me. Of course a Nomad Battleship with I think six Gun Boats. Talk about a Royal Fur Ball. With the help of some Robots and Monkeys the Battleship and its escorts were dispatched. At this time Robot TK-367 called out “NOMADS” I’m thinking what Nomads, I don’t see any on my scanner. I then started getting hit by some purple bolts of energy and proceeded to lose my shields and about half my hull. At about this time my scanner decided to start working. That’s when I found myself in a battle to just survive. There was every type of Nomad fighter out there that you could think of. All I could do was respond with “Oh Those Nomads” I then learned something just then. Robots can call you all sorts of Dirty Names. The battle lasted about 10 to 15 minuets. At the end I made my way back to Planet Robolab for some much needed repairs. When I landed I took stock of the stuff that I um found floating around after the battle. WOW!!!!!!! A Nomad CD, A bunch of Nomad Lasers, Hmmmmm what’s this a “Fearbringer” I wonder what that does?
Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

[img width=600 height=150]

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #27 on: February 10, 2009, 04:24:22 pm »
22 April

What’s the point.

I was sitting in the bar at Booms retreat having a few with Juan. I was feeling very down in the dumps. It seems that the Great Monkey God has stuck his Paw into the mix again. A bunch of my profitable runs in the inner core of systems have disappeared with the removal of some trade items. I cant do any more runs to say the Abyss or to Battleground. Each time I jump in to those systems I’m met by a Nomad Battleship and Nomad fighters. Then there is the problem of [REP] and [TBH] and who ever else is out there . I told Juan that my last five runs have turned the following losses -12 mil, -16mil, -11mil, -8mil, -18mil. I looked over to Juan and made the suggestion that I could join up with the Outcast. Juan just started laughing and pointed out that I’m to Rude, Crude and Socially Unacceptable even for the Outcast. Laughing along with Juan I could see his point. As the Dancing Girls hit the Stage all I could think about was “What is the point to all this”
Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #28 on: February 10, 2009, 04:26:55 pm »
June 1


I had just landed at Manhattan and was getting up from the flight controls of my CSV. When I turned around I was met by a overly dressed Monkey, holding a rolled up newspaper. The Monkey started beating me about the head and shoulders with the Newspaper, while saying "Bad Kitty.. Bad Kitty" At that moment I figured out that I have some how displeased the Great Monkey God. After a few minutes of abuse, the Monkey God Rep finaly asked if knew how I had displeased the Great Monkey God. I answard with a firm "ummm No". He let out a sigh and said one word. "Offerings" All I could manage to say was "Oops Sorry" The Monkey God Rep told me that to make up for this Great misdeed on my part. I would have to go to the Omega 41 system and retrieve 50 Hessians for the Monkey God. With That The Monkey Rep transported out of my ship. I stood there for a few minutes thinking of my options. I then came to the sad conclusion that I was going to lose a lot of money.

I made my way to Leon base in my Anubis and started taking Missions from the Corsairs. Alot of missions. Long story short. I got blown up 4 times, and the rest of the time I was spending vast amounts of cash to fix my ship. I finaly got my quota of "Slightly Chard Hessians" and made my way back to Manhattan. I am now awaiting the arrival of a MP to turn this feast over to. After tallying up all my losses. I figgured that I was out about 46 million credits for my lack of offerings. Next Month the monkey God is going to get his fill of Liberty Rogue
Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

[img width=600 height=150]

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #29 on: February 11, 2009, 11:50:41 am »
Mine are better.

The story, however, was good.  I like the short choppy elements. 
A few spelling errors bugged me though.  Damned evil rouges.
this sig was eaten by a grue

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #30 on: February 12, 2009, 07:31:48 am »
3 June

If You Want It. Come And Take It.

I was making a supply run to New Tokyo when I noticed that I was being stalked by [REP]MerLin. He was one system behind me in Kepler. A few minutes ago he was in NY. As soon as MerLin jumped into Shikoku, I receved the Message "10 Million or Die". My response was "If You Want It. Come And Take It." The Chase was on. I made it to the New Tokyo JG and made it through with no problems. Instead of going directly to New Tokyo I started to just take any nearby Trade lanes to get away from MerLin. It seemed to work as I got a little bit further ahead . I then Jumped into Hokkaido. I made a beeline into the Nebula thinking I could lose MerLin. It was not to be. MerLin must have a "Mondor" on his ship, because he started heading to me as soon as he jumped into Hokkaido.  I then went stright to the Kyushu jump hole and went through. MerLin was on my tail. I made a straight run towads the Planet of Kyushu with MerLin gaining ground on me. At the very last second I hit the trade lane. I then decided to get to Tau 29 and try to make the Canada Jump Hole. I guess MerLin figured out that was what I was going to do. MerLin jumped into Tau 23 to try to cut me off in Tau 29. I made it to the Tau 29 Jump Gate but had to wait for a convoy to go through first. As soon as I jumped into Tau 29 I saw that MerLin had also Jumped in from Tau 23. At this point I changed my plans. Instead of going to the Canada Jump Hole, I just went a klick or two from the Jump Gate and Jumped into Kepler. I then made a mad dash to the Shikoku Jump gate. Then on to New Tokyo. As soon as I landed and sold my goods. I made my way to the Bar where I bought a bottle of Scotch to calm my nerves. I have no Idea of what kind of ship MerLin was flying. I just knew that my CSV would have been toast if he cought me.
Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #31 on: February 12, 2009, 07:32:30 am »
09 June

The Brits Like Blood Sports….Who would have thought.

Was making a few runs out in the Tau and Battleground areas when I ran into a Corsair Trader. Hummm he must be as nutty as me or he’s lost. I followed him to Freeport 6 where I caught up with him at the Bar. I introduced myself to him, and he seemed to know about me. “are you that idiot who took on a Nomad in a CSV” We seemed to get along pretty good …. Or was that the Scotch? Any how we got to talking about some lucrative trade routes, legal and illegal goods. He turned me onto one of his best money making ventures. He would hang around in Robot 1 space and pick up all the Flotsam left in space after a battle between the Robots/Monkeys Vs the Nomads. What he was looking for was Menz Worriers and Menz Females. He had a contact in Britannia that would pay him 9000 credits for each Male and female he brought him. Oh this was to good to be true I thought. After a bit of haggling and giving up one of my contacts within the Outcast Organization. I got the name of this Brit, and where he could be found from this Trader. (who shall stay Nameless)

I hung around the bar there at Freeport 6 for awhile after my new “Friend” had left, contemplating this new money making venture. I was to chicken to hang around areas of space where Nomads where known to congregate. Then it Hit me. I had a contact with the Hackers who was always complaining about having a over abundance of these Male and Female things. I loaded up my ship with some supplies that the Hackers would gladly pay good money for, and made a Beeline to the Hacker Base. Upon my arrival I met up with my contact and found that he was selling the Males and Females at 300 apiece. CHA-CHING!!!!! I loaded up my ship and made my way to Britannia Space. I landed on the planet and made my way to the meeting place. I found the contact and told him of my cargo. He was more then happy to buy my cargo, and I was more then happy to receive all those credits. As I was leaving the meeting place. My contact told me that “The Kray” family was more then happy to keep doing business with me.

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #32 on: February 12, 2009, 07:33:25 am »
2 Oct.

The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same

Went off on my first extended run today. And believe it or not, no contraband.  Started off with a run from Sigma 13 to Fort Bush. I ran into a few pilots out there who were glad to see me back in the saddle. Some of them seemed a little sad to see that all I was carrying was scrap. From Fort Bush I made my way to the PTA Club House, where I picked up a few things. Next stop would be the Cybernetic Research lab in Robot 2. While in route I ran into some Photographer and a Wascally Wabbit. I made it out to Robot 2 and delivered there order. Now things became a little dicey. I popped on into Robot 1 and found that my navigational map is showing that I have never been here before. Hummmmm I could have sworn I’ve been here before. Oh well off I went to explore the system. Found four wrecked ships, and relieved them of some very nice equipment. I can’t use hardly any of it, but I’m sure that I can find a buyer or two.  I then loaded up my CSV with um... er... product from Robo Lab and made my way back to Denver, by way of every jump hole I could find. Yep there was a Saber Pilot out there trying to find me. He first came over the comms asking if I would like to do a little PvP. So when he found out that I was in a CSV, he started to inquire about what I had in my hold. So I did the only thing I could do. I Lied through my fangs and tried to keep at least two systems between him and myself.  It worked and I made it to Denver to drop of my product for a nice sum of Money. I understand that Boom’s has brought in some new Dancing Girls. I MUST check that out.

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #33 on: February 12, 2009, 07:34:09 am »
5 Oct.

Um Where Did That Jump Hole Come From?

The past few days have proven to be a bit exciting. First of all, I was coming back to Manhattan with a cargo bay full of much needed supplies from Omicron Alpha. As soon as I entered the NY System. There was a full Alert going on about a Nomad Intrusion. I dropped my cargo off at Manhattan and proceeded to the Battle area. Upon my arrival I found that there were two Nomads and pilots from PTA, GVT, TBH and SABRE in a full blown “Furball” I joined the party. Even though I did not think my CSV was going to be any help. It turned out that I did provide a service for the other pilots. I was a slow moving target for the Nomad Missiles. Thank the Great Monkey God for having a full load of CM’s and Bots. After the Nomads were dispatched, I made my way to New London to check out the New Trading Post located there.

Upon my arrival I was told of a new commodity to take out to the MHW. Cherries!
It’s been awhile since I’ve been out to the MHW in my CSV. I loaded up the cargo hold full of Cherries and set course to the MHW. I had no problems until I jumped into the Abyss system. Of course all heck broke loose, Nomad Battle Ships and Nomad fighters galore. I took a bit of damage, but eventually got into cruse drive and made my way to the MHW jump hole. GAWD I forgot how large the Abyss was. I got lucky at the MHW jump hole. There were only a few Nomad II fighters in the area, and I had no problem making the jump. Once in the MHW system all heck broke loose again. I jumped into a full blown battle. It seemed that the Nomads and the Monkeys were all shooting at me. I went into full erratic flight, using up a large amount of bots and CMs. I finally got into cruse drive and headed away from that mess. Then it seemed only about two minutes later that I came upon a jump hole that I have never seen before. I only got to look at it for a few seconds before the weapons platforms surrounding this new jump hole started firing upon me. The next thing I saw was a bright flash. When I came to again, I found myself in the aid station back at the Cybernetics research station in Robot 2. I do think That Something is afoot.
Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

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Offline Soreyes

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #34 on: February 12, 2009, 07:34:36 am »
Oct. 10

Help For The Lost Wabbit

I had just dropped off a load of Robots to the Junkers in Texas when a call came out that that rascally Wabbit was broken down and lost somewhere in Unknown 3. I headed out to help out by way of Rhineland space. When I got to Sig 19 the wabbit said he needed H-Fuel to get his Pleasure Droid to work again. “Soreyes looks over at Alice in the co-pilots seat. Ahhh so that’s what that filler cap is all about. No wonder Alice has been sluggish lately”  I made a quick stop to pick up some H-Fuel, then continued towards the jump hole. Along the way I found that Vortex Blaster was right behind me. We both made it to Omicron Alpha with no problems. We jumped into Unknown 1 where I made a big mistake. Vortex Blaster went to the left and I went to the right. For some dumb reason I headed off towards the Nomad 1 Jump hole.  I finally got turned around and started to play catch up to Vortex Blaster. I made the jump into Unknown 3 and started looking for that Wabbit. After flying around in circles for a few minutes we got a message from the Wabbit that he was 61 k from the planet. Vortex Blaster went to the left back into the dark cloud, and I went to the right. (I know the Monkey God likes practical jokes. But why did he put that Mountain there in the Dark Cloud) A few minutes later I found the Wabbit. I may have been first, but I did not have all the supplies the Wabbit needed. So off I went on a near suicidal mission to Unknown 2 and Robot 1 to pick up the wabbits supplies. By the time I made it back I found that Vortex Blaster had beat me with the required supplies. That rascally Wabbit did give me a few credits for my efforts. As I was getting paid I happened to scan the Wabbits ship……. Um I will never ever try to get the Wabbit mad at me.  Not a bad days haul for a Crazy Kitty in a CSV

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #35 on: February 12, 2009, 07:35:15 am »
Oct. 16

The Sirius Sector may never be the same.

I had just made a very lucrative trade run to Robot 1, when I decided to head back to my Home world of Mira by way of my secret jump hole. I set the coordinates in the nav computer and settled back with a copy of the “Monkey Times” for the 3 hour trip. As I approached the jump hole in “no mans land”. I noticed that there was a very large and familiar Kiznti Strike Carrier by the jump hole. As I got closer I saw the markings on the ship, my Heart fell to my Nether reigns. The flashing neon sign on the side of the ship “Serf & Turf Night Every Night” told me before I looked at the ships name, that J’inn had somehow made it to the Sirius sector in the “Riverboat Casino” As I sat there in my CSV trying to figure out what to do. I received a message from the Riverboat.
Riverboat: Unknown ship what are your intentions in the part of space?
Soreyes: I may ask the same, since you are a very, very long ways from home.
In the background I hear J’inn saying “Hey I know that voice” There is a momentary disruption of voice comms. The next thing I see is the smiling face of Lord J’inn in all his glory. “The Monkey God Reps could learn a thing or two from J’inn when it comes to fashion” “Soreyes what in the heck are you doing in this dimension” I may ask the same of you J’inn, but I think I know the answer to that. You’re here to find new money making opportunity. J’inn just started laughing “So what else is new” J’inn invited me over to the Riverboat for some Scotch and “Kibble & Bit’s, and to discuss money making opportunities here. I was a little apprehensive about going on over, but I got over it after figuring out that My CSV could take out his ship in a half a heart beat. As I was landing in the hanger bay I heard over the comm channel a voice and the words that put the fear of all the Gods into me. “I’m Pretty, Oh so Pretty” Oh Great Monkey God and all he holds precious Kroma is here with J’inn. I immediately put on my “Black Out” Goggles.

To Be Continued
Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #36 on: February 12, 2009, 07:35:54 am »
31 Oct

Sirius Sector Part II

I made my way up to the Casino deck to check out the games and to keep as far away from Kroma as possible. His/Hers …. Its supposed good looks would drive any humanoid or anything else insane. Besides I don’t think Kroma has changed that pink Tutu in at least 4 years. When the turbo lift opened up on the Casino Deck, I was met with a sight that made me laugh. There was J’inn walking around the casino handing out free buffet passes to the throngs of customers. It’s an old trick that never gets old. Even though the Table games and the slots were rigged, as long as the players were getting free food and booze they would keep playing. J’inn came up and greeted me like a long lost litter mate. We then headed towards a new bar that he just competed building. He calls it an “Ultra Bar” he was telling me that for some reason humans like to hang around in these types of bars. It’s a win- win situation for J’inn. He charges a huge entrance price, then once the sucke… I mean customers get inside. He has a DJ playing music so loud that no one can hear or think. Next is he has marked up the price for all the booze by about %800 Cha-Ch’ing money for nothing. When we entered the bar I got my next big surprise. The whole hierarchy of “Snickers Inc.” was there. There was Chuut, Hondo, Die Hard, even Mad Elf was here. We all sat down and got down to business. I had to explain to the gathering that in my opinion there was just no way “Snickers Inc” could take over this part of space in this dimension. I just gave them just three reasons why. 1) Nomads. 2) The Guilds. 3) Last but not least The Monkey God would not put up with there Shenanigans. We then discussed ways that there could be a profit made by there discovery of the Dimension hole. I pointed out that at first we could trade small stuff and see what sells. Weapons were out of the question. So it all came down to me bringing them Cardi, Pleasure Droids, and the Greatest Donuts in the known universe. I would receive “Nip” fissionables, and a supply of my favorite “Finger Food”. We then caught up on old times. After awhile I had to leave. When I made my way back to the hanger bay I discovered that my CSV had been painted a bright pink. DARN YOU KROMA!!!!!! I think that on my home I’ll go through some rock formations to scrape off the paint.
Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #37 on: February 12, 2009, 07:36:25 am »
8 Feb


There I was enjoying a nice Brew at Booms, when it seems that time stood still. I then knew what had happened. I turned around in my seat to find a overly dressed Monkey standing behind me. He was holding a rolled up newspaper and had a very disaproving look on his face. Then it started WHAP, WHACK, THUD!!! After about two or three min of abuse. I wimperd to the Monkey "What did I do This Time" The Monkey shook his head and said "Your Behind on Flight Logs" I just staired at the monkey with my mouth agape. I've been sick is all I could say. No matter the monkey replyed. You need to write up your Grand Adventure in getting your "HellCat". Then Poff he was gone. i was trying to forget that little adventure
Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #38 on: February 12, 2009, 07:36:59 am »
Going “Old School”

8 Feb.

I had just gone to sleep, when my senses detected that someone was in my room. I awoke with my claws out when I saw him. Standing at the foot of my bed was a large bipedal Feline. He wasn’t Kzinti but he was a close match. Then it hit me, he was Kilrathi, our long lost brethren. It did not speak, but with a nod of his head my mind was hit by a flood of information. The next thing that I knew the Kilrathi was gone. Left in his place was a message left in my head. “Go forth to the Area of space where the Children once played. For there you will find ships of lore. It is in these ships of lore that our brethren will arise again” Now fully awake I realized that I had just been “Quested” Oh CRUD. 

I left the trading post in Tau 29 and made my way to Canada in my trusty Archangel. Once in Canada I made my way to Cheeky Central JH. About 20 klicks from the JH, I was attacked by a flight of Fugitives. When I came too I was back at the Trading Post in Tau 29. After three more attempts to jump into Cheeky Central with the same results, I was becoming a bit peeved to say the least. On my fifth attempt I finally made it through the JH….. Only to run into a bunch of Nomads Aughhhhhhhhhh! On my sixth attempt I was once again brought down by the Fugitives. When I came too back in Tau 29, I was just about to give up on this quest. That is until another memory from the Kilrathi came to me. “Do not forsake your Forefathers. Think of all there sacrifices” Wow this is one heavy duty Quest. On my eighth attempt, I made it through the JH and was able to shake off the Nomads. I started a systematic search of all the Cheeky systems, making darn sure that I kept away from any Fugitive patrols. As it figures it was in the last system that I searched that I found the Ships of Lore.

As I entered the Sales Hanger, I saw them and a smile came to my face. There they sat an Arrow LF, a Bearcat VHF, and a Hellcat VHF. For some reason I was drawn to the Hellcat. Once I got close to the Cockpit of the Hellcat, a strange sensation came over me. I looked toward the cockpit and saw the Kilrathi sitting in it. All he did was I guess was smile and motion to the name painted on the side of the Cockpit. “Hobbes” was the name. At that moment a floodgate of memories opened in my head. Battles won and lost, Friends and enemies. Good times and bad times. I was stunned, I was honored. When I looked back into the Cockpit, I could see that “Hobbes” was fading away. There was more of a request from Hobbes then a vision. In Honor of my friend I request that you rename the ship “The Heart of the Tiger” I whispered a smile knowing all about the man, and it was done.

I may be broke after this little adventure. Then again I just might be the Richest Kitty in the known space. It just depends on how you see things.

Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #39 on: February 12, 2009, 07:37:58 am »
9 Feb

Who Might You Be….. EEK!!!!!

I was bringing a shipment of um Rum from the Gamma area. Had no real problems until I got into NY space. Once I got to West Point I was intercepted by [SLA]Weisser. Just by the tip of my tail I got to Newark Station to drop of my Supply to the MPs. When I came out I found that that Nomad Lover Weisser had left the area. I picked up some passengers on Manhattan and started to make my way to New London. About half way through California I picked up [SLA]Z-27. The chase was on. After going through a few jump holes and doubling back a few times. I got a good lead on Z-27 and made it to New London. Found out later that some of the passengers made a complaint about my flying skills. I will keep a copy of the names of those people. If the situation comes up where I need to dump some cargo, and they happen to be aboard. They will be the first out the Air Lock. I loaded up with some supplies for the PTA Club House. Once I launched there was Z-27 waiting for me at the end of the Trade Lane. ABORT ABORT…. Run Away Run Away. Z-27 kept telling me that all it wanted to do was share it’s love with me. Well That’s some loving that I really don’t need. It was a Cat and mouse chase through the New London area, when out of the blue [Sabar]Dorsia showed up…… He is now my Hero. There was a bit of a furball and I did take some damage from Z-27. If it was not for Dorsia I would be scrap metal floating through space. I landed on the nearest station and made some repairs to my ship. I launched and found that Z-27 and Dorsia were still fighting each other, so I did the only thing I could do….. I Ran. I finally made it to the Club House by way of a few jump holes. Once I dropped of my cargo. I made my way to the Bar and ordered a pot of coffee and a bottle of Irish Cream. You know Just to settle my nerves.
Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #40 on: February 12, 2009, 07:38:32 am »
11 Feb.

I have a Lovely bunch of Coconuts

Decided to take my CSV “Close To the Edge” on a little run through the Unknown systems. Picked up some supplies in Robot 2 and away I went. Had no real problems in Unknown 2 or Unknown 3, It wasn’t until I jumped into Unknown1 that I had some problems. Came out of the jump hole on top of a Nomad Battleship, which promptly took down my shields and ½ my hull. I got away from that and made my way to Omicron Zeta to make a pick up for the recruits at West Point. On my way to the New York system, I picked up a couple of Nomad Lovers who chased me through the Tau systems. I got away and made a bee line to West Point, and made my delivery. I then headed to Rochester to meet a contact who had info on a sweet deal. Once I got there I found my contact who told me that the Monkey Grand Cathedral was in need of Coconuts. I thanked my contact and slipped him a 500 credit note and made my way to my ship. Once I launched into space, I shot a few crates of space junk. In about 4 minutes I had a cargo hold full of Coconuts. Taking a CSV to the MHW is always a fun adventure.

I made my way out to the jump hole to the Abyss in Robot 1. On my way out there I kept getting scanned by the Mercenaries, yea like I’m going to be carrying dead nomads on my ship. I made the jump to the Abyss and to my great surprise there were no Nomads waiting there. First stop was Planet Electronica. WOW the Robots here really know how to party…..NOT! Bought some CM’s and made my way to the MHW jump hole that is Way over there. I think I’m getting the hang of avoiding the Nomad patrols here in the Abyss. Nomads to the left, I veer right. Nomads to the right, I veer left. Nomads to the front, Dive and drop CM’s. Made it to the jump hole and made the jump. Surprise number 2, No Nomads to meet me in the MHW. I stopped off at a few bases and planets to renew some repore with some of my contacts here who thought I was dead. At the Monkey Ship Lab, I got to see the New Monkey Fighter. In my opinion Not Bad at all it is a very nice ship. I also checked out the possibility of putting an Advanced Monkey Engine in my CSV. I discovered though that the engine that comes stock in my CSV is better then the Advanced Monkey Engine. My top speed is faster then the Monkey engine and I can’t see spending 74 million credits for a ½ second faster cruse time. I made my way to The Grand Cathedral and Dropped off my Lovely bunch of Coconuts. A very nice pay day for this delivery of goods. I took a tour of the Cathedral and liked what I saw. Hey what’s not to like about a Cathedral with a fully stocked Bar. 
Then according to the Monkey who showed his outstretched arm to space,
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #41 on: February 25, 2009, 10:16:13 am »
Hilaritas sapientiae et bonae vitae proles.

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #42 on: February 25, 2009, 11:47:23 pm »
The only way to get more would be if she fell out of her top on one of those bounces!
"The Andromedans," Kadh said, "will never stop coming.  Not until they are all destroyed or we are."

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #43 on: February 26, 2009, 02:50:17 am »
Working on the next instalment...... It seems I started a little war between two guilds who were not to happy about some of my Trading practices ;D

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #44 on: March 11, 2009, 11:33:44 am »
The only way to get more would be if she fell out of her top on one of those bounces!

I've been keeping a close eye on her, but she hasn't fallen out of that skimpy top yet...  *SIGH*  I suppose I should give up and get back to work on my parody.   ::)

Still very much looking forward to hearing about the ruckus you caused Soreyes!
Hilaritas sapientiae et bonae vitae proles.

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #45 on: March 11, 2009, 05:06:27 pm »
I've been keeping a close eye on her, but she hasn't fallen out of that skimpy top yet...  *SIGH*  I suppose I should give up and get back to work on my parody.   ::)

I'll let you know if it happens on my watch, as well as if, at the end of 'The Great Escape', Steve McQueen finally manages to jump that damned fence.

Keep it coming Soreyes.  Enjoying it, and you've convinced me to buy Freelancer.
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #46 on: July 08, 2009, 05:41:06 am »
Holy Crud!!!!!

Welp it’s been a very hectic day for this little kitty. Started the day by doing a few runs to the MHW. Then I opened shop in Gamma by buying Nomads for a 100,000 each. I had TW, TBH, and Saber all show up to sell me there Squid heads. As I was leaving to Omega 5 there seemed to be a little bit of a disagreement between a Saber pilot and a TW pilot.  8) I did a few more runs before I ran into a MP in NY. I made my offerings and went on my merry way. (that included 8 TW pilots that I have no Idea where I got them).  :huh:

A few minutes later I got a request from Saber to deliver 200 Donuts to Tau 37 for 5 mil credits. WOOT I’m on my way. When I got to Tau 37, I found Saber in battle with SLA. I tried to help out by ramming the SLA pilots. It seems the only ship I rammed was the Saber Destroyer.  :-[ Once the Battle was over and the Calamari lovers were blown up. I made my delivery and headed towards Nomidia. When I got to Nomidia I ran into a TBH member who was very insistent that I make a Donation to the Women & Children’s fund. Well How could I refuse….. He was very Insistent.  :knuppel2: I changed ships and decided to upgrade my Falcon in Robot 2.

I left the safety of the NY system to make my way to Robot two. As I jumped into Tau 31? I was met by three SLA members. Two in Destroyers and one in a Daemon. The chase was on. The only person to try to give me a hand was that TBH person I made a donation to earlier. The only thing was he was three systems away, though he did give me some good advice while I was running.  :) I made the jump to Tau 29 and instead of flying through the rocks and gas pockets, I flew straight up. This seemed to confuse the SLA people and it gave me a bit of a lead. I thought of making a run to the Canada JH, but I found that the Destroyers were gaining on me. So I made my way to the JH to Ceresco. I made the Jump and away I go, with SLA on My Furry rear end. I almost made it. Until I hit a rock and bounced right back into the SLA Destroyers. Embarassed
I hope they choke on that Gold.

Oh and while this chase was going on. The Whole Saber Fleet was in Tau 37 shooting at each other.  ::)

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #47 on: July 08, 2009, 05:45:08 am »
 How Not To Tour the Border Worlds.      
I was on a Mission. I needed to bring in some Nomad bodies. Well that endeavor did not work out so well. I got my furry rear end kicked in Battlefield. So I jumped into Tau 37 and proceeded to take my aggressions out on the Outcast. After taking a few missions and just flying around. I had a cargo hold full of some what miffed Outcast pilots. I decided to take the Outcast to my good friends out in Omicron Gamma. We all know how the Coursers just love to play games with there Cousins.  ;)

I jumped into Tau 23 and started towards the Tau 29 JH. It was at this time my scanners picked up SLA Blockade Runner in his Destroyer. I then noticed another SLA ship come up on the scanner. I did not know what type of ship it was, but the chase was on. I made it to Tau 29 then on to Canada with SLA on my Tail. I Made it to Colorado, then into New York. When I got to Manhattan, there were two MPs there. I thought great I’ll just hide underneath them for a while….. NOT!!!! They just called me a coward and vanished. EEK!!!!

I put my little fighter into overdrive and made a very hasty path to Magellan then onto Omega 3. The whole time I had been on the comms with TBH Dagger, who was asking me where a good freighter could be found. I was a little “short” with Dagger, but he understood my predicament when I told him I had Two SLA people chasing me. From then on Dagger was a big help. He noticed that one of the SLA people had broken off and was trying to cut off the most direct path to Gamma. So with a SLA Destroyer on my tale, and another trying to cut me off. I ended up taking the most roundabout way to Gamma that I have ever taken.

From Omega 3 it was onto Omega 7, then onto Omega 11, Omega 41 then Omicron Theta. Dagger gave me a heads up that SLA was in Gamma. DRATS!!!! I looked in my rear view mirror and that SLA Destroyer was still back there. So I did the only thing I could do. I jumped into Frankfurt, and then it was onto New Berlin, then Dresden. Then it was back to Theta and finally into Gamma. I made a mad dash to the Tripoli Ship Yards and landed with SLA Blockade Runner right behind me. The Coursers were just overjoyed with the playthings I brought them. I went to the bar and had a few “Stiff ones” then loaded my cargo hold with Absinthe. As I was getting ready to leave my comms came alive with the voice of Blockade Runner saying “PTA Come out and play” OH GAWD!!!! Don’t they ever go to sleep!!

To Be Continued.

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #48 on: July 09, 2009, 03:29:42 am »
How Not To Tour The Border Worlds.  Part 2

There I was holed up at the Tripoli Shipyard with SLA Blockade Runner sitting outside just waiting. Oh well “No Guts- No Glory” I launched and the space around my ship was lit up like the 4th of July. I went into cruse drive and made a mad dash to the Omicron 41 JH with Blockade Runner right behind me. I made it to the rocks and nebula when I guess the Great Monkey God took pity on me. It seems that the SLA Destroyer was just not nimble or small enough to go through the rocks. I saw that my lead went from less then 1 klick to about 3.5 klicks. Instead of going through the Omicron 41 JH I headed straight towards the Omicron Theta JH. I took a bit of radiation damage by passing very close to the Gamma Sun. I made it to the Jump hole and on through I went. To my surprise on the other side was TBH Dagger telling me to run, he said he would hold up the SLA Destroyer in his brand spanking new Atlas. As I made my way to the Dresden JH, I heard a very loud exclamation from Dagger. It seems that The SLA Destroyer blew up his ship in about 10 seconds. That was a very brave thing Dagger did for me. Next time I run across him I think I’ll set him up with some very trade able trinkets. On I went and I made it to Dresden then onto New Berlin. It was after I made the Jump to Sigma 13 that I found that I had either lost SLA Blockade Runner or he just gave up. I made my way through Alaska and into New York. When in New York I made a Bee line straight to Booms Retreat. Upon landing I was met by my old contact Juan. It appeared that he was a little upset with me. It seems he heard of my last shipment to Gamma. Juan started to yell and scream about the brothers that were now guest of the Coursers. I just told Juan to pipe down, hell I pointed out that even Juan would sell his mother to the Xenos if there was a profit in it. Juan was still very upset and it appeared that he was going to pull a dagger on me <sigh>. At that time two TBH pilots walked up and asked in a very stern way if there was a problem here. This is the first time I ever saw Juan get the look of terror in his face. Juan backed off and said that there was no problem, just a misunderstanding. Juan looked at me and shook his head. You have made some very powerful friends it seems said Juan. All I could do is crack a little smile. I’ll meet with you a little later Juan; I have some Construction Equipment that you could take out to Zeta. Sure said Juan as he walked away. As I made my way to the Fantasy Suite registration desk, I started laughing when a thought came to me. Maybe giving Money to the TBH “Woman’s & Children’s “Fund has its benefits.

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #49 on: July 18, 2009, 04:21:47 am »
Oh I can Hunt Nomads

I finally figured out how to hunt nomads. I just hang around in Gamma and shoot em down one at a time. ;D  After shooting down 25 Nomads I got a little full of myself and took a mission at Tripoli. The mission was to take out a Nomad Base. In other words a Nomad Battleship. So away I went to the mission area and there it was a Nomad Battleship and 4 N1 fighters. I made my first pass at the fighters and actually blew one up. Then it was a mess for me. I was getting torn apart by the N1s and the pot shots from the battleship. :o I was about to abandon the mission when out of the blue a Saber Pilot showed up and gave me a hand in getting rid of the N1s. After the N1s were destroyed, I took out the Battleship with a few Cannonballs. Ahhh the sweet feeling of victory. Then the Saber Pilot came over the comms telling me to drop my Illegal cargo. Why you dirty so and so I thought. >:( Well after checking my cargo I found that during the battle I did pick up one or two illegal items. I dropped them and the Saber pilot tractored them to his ship. Gee I wonder what Saber does with the “Illegal” cargo.  I limped my way back to Tripoli and collected my pay. :D

As I sat at the bar in Tripoli, figuring out my next action... In walks TBH Dagger, my eyes did a double take at this. Dagger ordered a beer and came over to my table and laughingly asked if I was still trying to be a fighter pilot. I had to ask how in the heck did you get into this place. Dagger laughed and said what we all know is true. “Money Talks”  :woot:
We talked about some trade routes that he was interested in. Dagger did give me a bit of good advice. He told me that I could hunt Nomads around planet Robolab in the Robot1 system. He told me to just cruse around the area and take out any Nomads that come in the area. He also told me that I should not get into much trouble because there are always a few robot patrols, which will come to your aid. I paid the bar bill and bid Dagger a good day and headed out to Robot1.

As soon as I entered the Robot 1 System all heck broke loose. There were N1s, MkIIs, Mysters, and Damon’s all around. After about 10 to 15 minutes my cargo hold was full of stinking dead squid heads. I landed on Robolab and sold off a whole lot of Nomad equipment and weapons. I then upgraded my Scanner to a Nomad Scanner that I happened to pick up. I then headed to the bar for some refreshment and info. As I was talking to the Bartender, he told me that he could hack my record and make me friendly with all the Robots. I asked what the price was for this favor. The Bartender stated $278,000,000. After I picked my jaw up off the floor. I asked him “What Crack Pipe is you smoking from” The bartender gave a quizzical sound and asked “Of what is this crack and pipe you speak of”. I said never mind and that I would pass on the Favor. All this time I thought I was the craziest thing in this part of space.  ::)

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Re: The Wayward Kzinti
« Reply #50 on: October 07, 2009, 02:31:13 pm »
After a computer upgrade last weekend, I just did a fresh install of Freelancer to play again.   :)

Do you have any more of these write-ups to post?  I enjoyed them immensely!
Hilaritas sapientiae et bonae vitae proles.