Age...I started this thread because of a specific set of curcumstances that happed repeatedly on the current run of the Forge...
It had absolutely nothing to do with you, especially since you're not even flying on the Forge.
I personally don't recall you flying on any recent servers for that matter, but you have really managed to make a huge issue out of it.
If you wan to run a firewall, FINE... don't fly in the "hot spots" on a server, because you might get drafted and that will cause problems for everyone, maybe even screw the server for everyone.
Certain players on the Forge were continuing to sit on the front and get repeatedly drafted and causing all players involved to drop or wind up in bugged missions that they had to alt out of.
Now that you have made a mountain out of a molehill about it, will you STFU and go back to whereever you have been other than playing on The Forge, or any other OP server.
The players in question have seemly got the message and seem to be complaying with D2 rules, so it's a dead issue, STFU about it already.
Bonk, the Server admin (Which means Server God) said "Final Word"...
We need one of those "smiley" icons for beating a dead horse...