i have no kids but once i promised to look after my brothers kids while he and his wife went on a short trip over the weekend - it ended up the kids brought friends and i found myself with 7 kids. they watched cartoons and played - was fun but i had no time to do some paperwork. my flat ended up to look like a warzone because i couldnt keep up with them 
kids are fun - but they realy do have creative ways to destroy things i considered undestructable. well - i needed a new subwoover anyway.
In my case, I had three kids over.. not usually too bad, but one has ADHD and the other two are FAS (fetal alcohol syndrome). Means the one kid is flying around the room, and the other two are encouraging him to get in trouble because none of them think about it. :p
It's always a handful, and not a lot gets done...
the illumination maps. well they work but im not very talented when it comes to painting spotlights and so on. the windows are easy but the spotlights on the registries look too....i dont know...they just dont look right. the light is to bright and the rims are to sharp. they are supposed to get a bit faded the farther away they are from the lightsource. but so far i had no succesfull try to paint that correctly.
All it looks like you need is a fader on them. Your light source is correct, now you just have to fade them down with the single light source being the brightest point. You won't get a lot of light diffusion because of no atmosphere, but you also have diffusion just because of distance. square root law.
I have a few suggestions I can make, and I'll grab a copy of your FCA upper saucer texture to see what I can do to show you.