that tiny thing at the right to the constitution is a tmp shuttle and the thing below the loknar is a defense satelite or weapons plattform.
i want to do models of scout, destroyer, light cruiser/fregatte, heavy cruiser, battlecruiser , dreadnought, shuttle,freighter, basestation, starbase, defense platform, repairdock and listening post for al the races.
feds are complete, klingons and romulans still need freighter, basestation, starbase, dock, defense platform, listening post and shuttle.
gorn have battlecruiser and heavy cruiser completed. scout and dreadnought are ready to be mapped. once i finish klinks, roms and gorns ill make some tholians. tholians have scout destroyer and heavy cruiser meshes ready.
way to go. after that i may do lyrans mirak and isc and maybe orions. well see. i do have some time at the moment so i can do some modeling. but i want at least the 5 major canon races to be finished soon.