Dogfighters, well... I got some good news and some bad news. First the good news. I was successful porting over the models to Milkshape, there latest drivers are able to do this if you get them at there website. The bad news, the way you structured the models and textures, in addition how Milshapes handles things made for some errors when exporting the models to .mod format. Unfortunetly, this would take me a lot longer then I had thought it would and would require me to change/edit a lot of your models to make them work in Milkshape.
Since atheorhaven volunteered to help, you might have to rely on him for the total conversion of your models to .mod format. Its not impossible for me to do it, but it would requie me to change a ton of stuff to make them "look" right.
But... I still wouln't mind making a few "kitbashes" of these models, with your permission.