Thanks Kreeargh. I was wondering when someone might notice like Kreeargh did. I lightened up the textures to give the two ships more of a TOS look. I figured it would help pay respect to the origianal show, which sometimes the re-imagined series doesn't always connect with (that may be good or bad, don't really know). As much as the new show alienated some of the original TOS fans, I can't help but admire the basic design of the Re-imagined Galacitca. In a Techical point of veiw, the producers really put attention to detail of the vessel's exteriors and interiors which I can not help but tip my hat too.
I have not checked out coxxon's Galactica model, but I tried to keep the poly count as low as possible. At first I thought I could keep it around 2500 polys, but I found that the design is so complex in shapes that my finished model was easily twice that much! Fortunetly, the Textures are low enough too keep this fine model from being too much of a resource hog.
Keep in mind though, if you use my other models like the Mark 2 or Mark 7 Viper models, you will need to lower the texture sizes and/or make them 16 bit textures. I found out really fast that having several squadrons of them in the game can easily hog up resources, even though they only use 256 X 256 texture sizes. Just a tip if you plan to use it along with the Galactica and Lyon.