I used "USS Richard Beitzen" for a TOS period Corvette class name, which I completed last night.
The real Richard Beitzen was a WW2 German Z-4 Class Destroyer.
With so many existing ships names, such as "Ark Royal", "Makeshift", "Upholder", "Fletcher", etc. from WW1 and WW2 plus earlier warships, it is surprising that naming seems to be restricted to US Naval and historical figures.
Ironically, the name "Spendthrift" was used for the space ship in the old TV "Land Of The Giants" show, taken from a 18th century Frigate "HMS Spendthrift".
One website wrongly referes to this space ship as the "Spindrift" despite numerous references in the show to the name being other than this.
There are also Japaneses, Italian, German, Spanish, Portugeuse and French warship names to choose from, though the latter being used on a combat vessel might seem ironic.
Indeed, some Japanese shipnames have been already used in both canon and fanon.
Go on, do a bit of digging and use some novel originality when naming ships or classes.... there's quite a pool of them waiting to be found.