Topic: 5 Things than make it great to work in IT  (Read 1117 times)

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5 Things than make it great to work in IT
« on: January 17, 2009, 06:04:30 pm »
This list appeared on Tech Republic. I want to share it with you guys because it so nails the main reasons I so enjoy my new career. I will post a link to the full article at the end of this list.
Number 5: Techies are heroes when they solve problems

When an employee accidentally deletes the latest version of a critical file and calls IT in a panic, an IT professional can swoop in and recover the file. Pow! Instant hero status.

Some grateful employees may bake cookies for those heroes, invite them to the finance department s annual barbecue, or tell everyone in the company who will listen that the IT department is full of miracle workers. Those are the days when this job will make your team members feel like royalty.

Number 4: IT pros get to play with cool stuff

Although most IT pros spend more time babysitting older technologies than they do implementing new ones, they'll still get to play with plenty of new stuff.

Whether it's deploying cool new laptops and smartphones for executives or implementing the latest server and networking gear in the data center, it's fun to get new gear in the IT office and pop it out of the box to see what it can do.

For the IT pros who really love tech, this part of the job is like being a kid who gets paid to test the world s newest toys.

Number 3: IT makes people more efficient

When you break it down, the IT department's job is ultimately to maintain the highly complex tools that help modern workers do their jobs   and to implement new tools that can make those jobs even more efficient. It's all about streamlining business processes.

There's a tremendous satisfaction in helping workers take a process that used to take 2 hours and -- through a bit of software and automation magic -- reduce it to a 15-minute task.

Number 2: IT jobs are rarely dull or stagnant

A few jobs in IT can be fairly monotonous, such as running backups or doing low-level programming tasks. But those are definitely the exception. For most of the jobs in IT, the technology is changing so fast that IT pros have to constantly educate and re-educate themselves just to keep up   and to keep their jobs.

They may sometimes complain about this continual self-education (often on their own time and on their own dime), but it is part of what makes working in IT great. There is a natural excitement and energy because the field is evolving so rapidly and there's always something new to learn.

Number 1: You get to be a revolutionary

From the continuing leaps in microprocessors to the arrival of Web-based applications to the spread of wireless broadband, technology remains a revolutionary force in business, society, and in the lives of average citizens.

When IT pros focus on using technology to improve the organization and make its workers more productive, they have the privilege of being able to serve as catalysts in this revolution.
MCTS: SQL Server 2005 | MCP: Windows Server 2003 | MCTS: Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist | MCT: Microsoft Certified Trainer | MOS: Microsoft Office Specialist 2003 | VSP: VMware Sales Professional | MCTS: Vista