Topic: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans  (Read 78997 times)

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Offline James Smith

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #180 on: June 19, 2008, 12:59:57 am »
Heh. The Tigermoth-A got a bit of a refit since WZ made that version.

Current model:

RIMMER: Step up to Red Alert.
KRYTEN: Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.

Offline James Smith

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #181 on: July 17, 2008, 05:54:47 am »
Chapter 9 - Invasion (part 2)

USS Tigermoth-A
17th August 2395
2310hrs EST

Smithy took a long look around the bridge. He didn't like what he saw. Everyone looked worn out.

The tactical plot showed the last few Andromedan ships scuttling back off into a dust cloud, resumably off to wherever they were using as a staging area for their attacks. Their attacks were becoming ever more frequent, with four seperate battles having been fought in various locations within Federation space today. This one had been particularly fierce, especially on a crew that hadn't seen a break from fighting for nearly a week except when travelling between battles.

He made his way over to the back of the bridge, where Orlatrel and a couple of engineers were dismantling a ruined computer access station to make it safe. "Just get it shut down. We can worry about replacing it later."

Orlatrel nodded. "To be perfectly honest, if you'd asked me to replace it right now I'd have told you to sod off." He let out a hollow laugh. "Besides, I think I already used the last spare LCARS panel in the engine room."

Smithy shook his head, and shot a glance across the bridge. "Better add that to the order, Riggs. Two crates of type nine LCARS panels."

The lift doors sighed open to admit Benson. He studied Smithy's face. "You look like I feel, captain."

"I'll live. That the casualty report?"

Benson handed him the PADD he's been carrying. "We've got three kids still very poorly. Preparing to transfer them to a hospital ship, unless you're thinking of heading back to a dock very soon. We'll have everyone else back duty-ready in a few hours."

Smithy studied the PADD, and scribbled his signature at the bottom. "We'll not make it back to dock for another couple of days yet. Hon', which hospital ship is nearest?"

Lisa looked up frm her consult with Drelkar. "Medical frigates Pierce and McIntyre are a few minutes away at low transwarp. They've got the room."

"Elkins, set a course. Orlatrel, we okay for a few minutes of transwarp?"

Olatrel levered himself up off the deck. "Should be okay, but I need to off-line the nacellles sometime in the next few days. Guess it can wait until we get back to dock if we don't strain 'em." He glanced back at the console. "Well, that's that one de-activated. Time to go look at that relay we blew out on Deck 9. See you later."

Smithy watched him go. Okay, so maybe I don't miss that job all that much after all....

0142hrs EST
Captain's Quarters

Smithy dropped into his chair. No ignoring it now. He gently hitched the left leg of his uniform up over his knee. Big bruise. Swollen. Yep, definitely shouldn't have ignored it. No wonder it had been getting slowly harder to bend it all evening.
He glanced at the chrono. It was a bit late in the day to bother Al, and he didn't want to wake Lisa. She'd gotten halfway through undressing before falling asleep, and he was loathe to wake her by rummaging around in his bedside drawer for the medikit. It was also too late in the day to think abotu knocking himself out with a glass of something. Besides, if you start drinking now you might not stop.

The thought was rendered moot anyway as the alert klaxon sounded. Winchester's voice rang out. "Red alert, red alert! All hands to battlestations! Senior officers to the bridge!"

Lisa flew out of the bedroom, pulling her uniform top back on. "If this is someone having a laugh I'll kill them."

"Form an orderly queue." Smithy eased his trouser leg back down and stood. It would just have to hurt for a bit longer.

0155hrs EST

The lift deposited Smithy, Lisa and a couple of other crewmen on the bridge. "What's the deal, Winchester? I've got a poorly knee and thanks to this red alert I've got a grumpy wife. Both are painful."

"Sorry sir, ma'am." Winchester jumped out of the centre seat and got back to his own Ops console. "But LRS just picked up a cluster of Andromedan signatures. Large signatures. We're now on intercept. Six minutes away."

Smithy blew out a long breath. "'re forgiven. Any support Delkar?"

Drelkar had just arrived, and was already merrily tapping away at his controls. "The patrol group we were heading to link up with is due to intercept the Andros at around the same time we do, sir."

Elkins half-turned. "Confirmed, captain. Our speed is now warp 8, engine room reports higher warp and transwarp speeds too risky right now."

Smithy nodded his head, but grumbled anyway. "So transwarp is too much of a risk, but Orlatrel is letting us go sailing off into battle with....". He trailed off as he looked at the tactical plot. "My, they are big aren't they? Hells teeth."

Riggs shot a glance at Lisa. "All decks confirm readiness, ma'am."

"Think they might change their tune if they see this." Smithy had gone for a closer look. "Four signatures, each about six times our size. Drelkar, you'd better have those weapons ready."

"All phaser banks charged. Quantum turret loaded, photon launch rails charged. Aft launcher is still a bit of an unknown though, Engineering reports that rate of fire might be a little lower than spec."

"We'll deal. Elkins, drop us to impulse as close as you can." Lisa tapped her comm panel. "Sickbay."

"Benson here."

"Would you send an orderly up here to inject something strong into James? Either painkiller or caffeine, I'm not fussed which."

"I'll see to it myself."

Smithy blew a kiss at his wife, before returning his attention to the screen. "Come on Winchester, they must be in visual range by now."

"Entering now, sir. On-screen."

Smithy headed back to his chair as Benson arrived. "Make it quick, Al." Benson didn't waste time replying, setting about clicking a number of different drug ampules into the hypo. Smithy grimaced as the cocktail went in. "I hope this is worth it."

"You'll get a few hours of much less pain. But that's it, and I can't give you another of these for the next few days without boxing your system up good." Benson hurried back to the lift. "Try to keep us semi-safe."

"No promises."

Lisa stared at the screen. "There they are. They don't look particularly friendly."

The ship trembled underneath them as it decelerated. Drelkar turned. "Starships Lexington, Hornet, Wasp, Defiant, Mainwaring, Lionheart and Trinculo forming up with us."

"Good. Ahead, full impulse. Shields to full."

Antares Command Post
0204hrs EST
Admiral Harriman's Office

Harriman glanced up as the comm system chimed. "Harriman here."

"Sir, a report from Patrol Group Five. They've sighted a small number of Andromedan signatures, large ships. They're intercepting, the Tigermoth is also moving to assist."

Harriman jumped up, heading out into the Operations centre. "Can you see them on the sensor network?"

"Got their positon. No detail as of yet, they're in a region of space that disrupts the network's performance."

"Tell the Tempest crew to stand by, we may need to get a force out there. Keep a watch on PG5 and the 'Moth, and keep a channel clear in case they call."


Short bit. Back with more in the next few days.
RIMMER: Step up to Red Alert.
KRYTEN: Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.

Offline Andromeda

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #182 on: July 17, 2008, 09:41:36 am »
Yea something to read!  Good as always. 
this sig was eaten by a grue

Offline Scottish Andy

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #183 on: July 17, 2008, 09:45:23 pm »
Smithy watched him go. Okay, so maybe I don't miss that job all that much after all....

Lisa flew out of the bedroom, pulling her uniform top back on. "If this is someone having a laugh I'll kill them."

"Form an orderly queue." Smithy eased his trouser leg back down and stood. It would just have to hurt for a bit longer.

The lift deposited Smithy, Lisa and a couple of other crewmen on the bridge. "What's the deal, Winchester? I've got a poorly knee and thanks to this red alert I've got a grumpy wife. Both are painful."

"Would you send an orderly up here to inject something strong into James? Either painkiller or caffeine, I'm not fussed which."

Can I just say again how much I absolutely luvluvluv your snappy, witty dialogue?  ;D  :notworthy:

Keep it coming, Mate. Excellent stuff as always!
Come visit me at:

The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline James Smith

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #184 on: August 01, 2008, 01:53:09 pm »
Chapter 9 - Invasion (part 3)

USS Tigermoth-A
18th August 2395
0158hrs EST

The first plasma bolts sailed by the viewscreen, the enemy weapons thrown by an evasive course that took the Tigermoth very close to one of the Andromedan ships. Seconds later, that ship was under heavy phaser fire.

Drelkar glanced around. "Confirming full potency on phaser batteries."

"Good. Keep it up. Elkins, continue evasive pattern of your choice. Winchester, plot their movements."

Winchester worked for a few moments. "Tactical plot."

The image sprang up. Smithy narrowed his eyes, watching the movements of the four ships. The fleet movements these ships were making were new to him. Not classical, but they had a distinct logic that he could make out. Clever commanders. They were being very economical with their maneuvers, not showing the out-and-out impulse performance of their ships, using their size and defences to ride out the hits they took. Whereas the TacFleet ships were having to use everything to keep avoiding weapons fire. What I'd give for a Borg Cube and a way to fly it right now.

Lisa had made her way over the bridge to Drelkar's station to look at the reports from the targeting scanners. Now she turned to Winchester. "You got any more sensor info than here?"

"Can't get clearer intel through their defences, ma'am."

Smithy watched one of the ships round on the Trinculo. Something was nagging at him. "Elkins, pursuit course on Target 4. Drelkar, prepare to fire quantum torpedoes on that ship."

The Trinculo and its pursuer hoved into view of the visual sensors. Smithy could see an emitter array warming up. "Drelkar, in range?"


"Fire!" As soon as Smithy gave the order, he knew it was late. The Andromedan had beaten him to the punch. He stared in horrified fascination as a blue beam locked onto the Trinculo, which shuddered then began to tumble drunkenly out of control. A bare couple of seconds later the torpedoes ended the assault. "Riggs, open a channel to the Trinculo!"

She worked for a few seconds. "Trinculo on audio, sir. They're weak."

"Ti----oth, Tigermoth, y'all receiving ov-- there?"

Smithy tapped the comm tie in on his chair. "Poorly, but you're on audio. What's your status?"

"Just about getti-- topside. What the hell hit us? I've ain't never seen anything like that!"

Smithy glanced at Drelkar for confirmation. The young man nodded. "I think we just saw the Andros bring their A-Game. A pretty nasty variant on tractor technology. I believe it used to be known as a Tractor/Repulsor Beam. Can you stay in the fight?"

"Navigational gyros took a darn good bashing. SIF strained. IDF needs shorin' up some. We'll do our best."

Smithy nodded at Riggs to close the channel. "You'd better get a message to Antares."

"Aye, sir."

USS Tempest
0402hrs EST

Harriman stared pensively at the screen. The call had come in the best part of two hours ago, bringing with it the disturbing news about the return of an old weapon. An old weapon that had lost none of its potential for causing damage. "Time to intercept?"

"One hour, twelve minutes at present speed sir. Engineering is trying to increase engine performance."

"Very well." Harriman leaned back. Nothing to do but wait.

USS Tigermoth-A
0512hrs EST

Smithy waved away the cloud of fire suppressant that was streaming from the vents above Ops. "Y'alright there, Eric?"

Winchester slowly became visible once more. "I'm fine-". He broke off for a coughing fit. "Thanks for asking, sir."

"Get your breath back, and finish that report." Smithy glanced around. Everyone still hanging on. Jolly good. "Drelkar, did I hear you say we'd run out of photon casings?"

"Yep. Torpedo control reports that they're replicating a batch, sir. We'll have them in five minutes."

Winchester had got some clear air into his lungs now. "Confirming nine additional Andromedan ships have joined the fray, Captain. Dust cloud job again."

"Let me see it." Lisa vaulted the bridge rail, landing next to Ops.

Smithy shook his head. "You'll do yourself an injury playing that game. What've we got?"

"More coming through now, if this neutron surge is anything to go by." Lisa looked at the main screen. "Here they come. Smaller ships."

"I see 'em." Smithy shot a glance back at Riggs. "Where's Dave?"

"About a minute away, sir. Several patrol groups have linked up with him along the way. We won't be very heavily outnumbered."

"But still outnumbered." Smithy felt the deck rumble underneath him. "Elkins?"

"Running out of room here, sir." The helmsman's fingers were tapping out a rapidly changing beat on his board, desperately trying to find a place to put the ship that wouldn't leave it exposed to weapons and wouldn't end up with them cramming into the back of another ship. "They're closing in on us."

Smithy stared at the view. "Bugger. They're warming up a TRB. Everyone hang on!"

The screen went blue. Smithy braced.


The blue faded.

Lisa stumbled back into her chair. "Report!"

Drelkar took a quick check of all of his screens. "Their weapon, it had no effect!"

"Confirm it, Winchester. Was it a full-strength shot?"

"Seemed to be from here." Winchester grabbed the log-file, scanning the hieroglyphs that sprang up onto his viewer. "Confirmed. Full power beam, our shields dissipated it!"

Smithy shook his head. "I'll take 'em where I find 'em. Elkins, you seem to have found a way through. Stay out in the open. Drelkar, use your torpedoes on a mix of reglar and proximity warheads. Save the phasers, they'll do no good at this range."

Riggs turned. "Sir, Admiral Harriman hailing. They're dropping in now."

Smithy watched as the blue coloured blips hoved into view on the tactical plot. "About bloody time. Send the Admiral my compliments and tell him to get his arse into the thick of proceedings."

"Uh...aye, sir."


Short blob.
RIMMER: Step up to Red Alert.
KRYTEN: Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.

Offline James Smith

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #185 on: September 19, 2008, 04:31:38 am »
Chapter 9 - Invasion (part 3)

Antares Command Post
20th August 2395
1225hrs EST
Admiral Harriman's Office

Harriman gazed out of the window at the space around the Antares Yard command centre. It had become a glorified parking lot. Ships were everywhere, some with temporary box docks rigged up around them, most just sat at station keeping, all of them sporting some kind of damage. He could see the Tigermoth sat out in the middle of it all, even she was getting some armour plating replaced. I'll be glad when the reinforcements can enter service. Hell, I'll even be glad when the SOD ships are usable.

He glanced over one of the many PADDs that littered the room. Starfleet had been ordered, finally, to oversee redesign and rebuild work of some of the failed SOD designs. The work had begun at the Jupiter yards, and so far quite a bit had been accomplished. They'd even got one of the ships to make it all the way to Antares under her own power, something that Smithy had greeted with equal parts happiness and incredulity. Harriman smiled at the thought. Not often that you see him pole-axed like that. The door chimed. "Come."

Smithy limped in. "Another one for your collection." He tossed a PADD onto Harriman's desk.

"What's this?"

Smithy dropped into a chair. "Report on why we might see a few ships survive this mess just yet."

Harriman picked it up, scanning the screen. "Shield energy dissipation equations. Going to explain it?"

Smithy leaned forward, slotting an isolinear chip into the computer workstation in the desk. He tapped away for a few seconds. "Right, take a look. This is the 'Moth's sensor record of the Trinculo getting whacked by that TRB. The beam got them by the hull and thrashed nine bells o' sh*t out of them, even through full-strength shields." Another few clicks. "And is us getting hit."

Harriman stared at the terminal. "Your shields dissipated nearly all the energy. It didn't get anywhere near your hull."



"I'm coming to that." Smithy swapped out the chip for another one. "Plans for the Tigermoth and her ilk, and plans for the Trinculo alongside. Scroll down to the defense systems. Read it out loud."

Harriman shook his head. "Alright. For the Trinculo - FSQ-3 shield generators, linked directly into main power grid with auxiliary feed from the impulse reactor in the secondary hull. And for the 'Moth, LS7 deflector shield generator, with power feed from transwarp core and aux feed from impulse reactor in the primary hull."

Smithy looked at him with an amused gleam. "You went straight over it, didn't you? Read it again."

"FSQ-3 shields on the Trinculo, LS7 deflector-"

"Stop." At Harriman's blank look, Smithy shook his head smiling. "You never did pay attention in that class, did you? 'T424, Defensive Technology Studies."

"I'm ashamed to say it, but it was never my best class." Harriman gave an embarrassed shrug. "Don't make me beg, come on. Spell it out for a poor idiot."

Smithy sat back. "Tigermoth, in keeping with her original design and given Omega's preference, has classic style deflector shields mounted. These are tied into the sensor network, and can make themselves specific to incoming fire or other energy conditions. The newer style, which came in with Excelsior, are stronger overall but much less selective about how they deal with stuff."

"So, when Tigermoth's sensors detected the Andromedan weapon they were able to alter the shields to nullify it?"

"That's our thinking. Explains why it didn't even mess Lisa's hair up, yet it shook the Trinculo so hard that they nearly cracked like an egg shell. I was talking to Kate Greene, her chief engineer - the damage report extends across nine PADDs."

"Sh*t." Harriman rubbed at his eyes. "She think they can get the Trinculo sorted any time soon?"

"They've taken her to Utopia Planitia. I'm sure Greene'll get the ship patched up well enough to serve as fire support. Galaxy class ships shouldn't be flying in close anyway."

"Forgive me if this sounds stupid."

"I always have done."

"What are the chances of refitting starships to use classic deflector shield technology? And how many ships do we have employing it anyway? Just the Tigermoth and her ilk?"

"Tigermoth, Tempest, Typhoon when she enters service. Mosquito, but she's set up for exploration and kitting her out with weapons and heavier armour would be a stretch, Hornet and her sisters are mounted with them, and the Omega yards are in the middle of constructing a few more of them. We've got some Mirandas still, but they'll be cannon fodder at best given that the Andromedans aren't limited solely to TRBs. As for's problematic. It would mean a complete gutting and replacing of both the shield and sensor grids, some work on the computer cores, complete re-programming, modifications to the power grid, re-working of the command/control net...."

Harriman waved a hand. "I get the picture. Not a runner."

"No." Smithy slowly got up. "I've gotta get back to my ship. We need to clear out and make room for someone else, we can get the rest of our repairs done on the fly now we're carrying some spare parts. We're back out on patrol tomorrow, talk to you then."

"Yeah." Harriman looked down at the pile of PADDs as his friend departed. "No more problems today, please."

USS Tigermoth-A
21st August 2395
0710hrs EST
Captain's Quarters

"Captain's log, stardate 71484.7. We are departing Antares to pick up our patrol of Federation space where we last left off. Ships condition has improved, Orlatrel reports that he'll have us at full repair integrity later this morning. I'm concerned, however, that our crew might not be in the best of shape."

Smithy paused the recording, reflecting for a second. Be honest Jimmy. Your crew are in much better shape than you are. He erased the last sentence. If you had any sense, you'd turn over command to Lisa and take a transwarp sled to Vulcan. I'm sure they could patch you up enough to get you through this. He gingerly got to his feet, his knee protesting all the way. Maybe not. I need a year off.


Another short chunk to finish that section off. Apologies for the absence, work got in the way somewhat!
RIMMER: Step up to Red Alert.
KRYTEN: Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.

Offline James Smith

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #186 on: September 02, 2011, 08:37:30 am »
Chapter 10 - The Reason Why We Fall (part 1)

USS Tigermoth-A
27th August 2395
1245hrs EST

"Captains Log, stardate 71501.1. The Tigermoth has returned to the Antares Construction yard to witness the launch of several TacFleet vessels."

Smithy shot a glance over his shoulder as Orlatrel lumbered onto the bridge. "Just in time, she's about to power up to leave dock."

"Was hoping not to miss it." Orlatrel stepped down to the command area. "There she is. Bit rough."

"Haven't even finished painting her yet. Great work by T'Pel even getting her this ready in the timeframe available." Lisa leaned forward. "Those nacelles look different to you?"

"Little. Don't think they've built one of these yet to the standard design." Smithy saluted the viewscreen with his coffee cup. "Here's to the Typhoon. Keep your crew safe, old girl. Do us proud."

1832hrs EST
Captains quarters

Lisa looked over the reflection in the mirror. Perfect. Still fits. Crossing back to the replicator, she pulled out the two plates and set them down on the table. Don't be late now.

Right on cue, the doors swished open, Smithy already talking. "Orders just came in to join up with PG23 tomorrow, told Command we'd hold here overnight and make the trip out in the morning, and my God in heaven why am I even talking about this when you've got that on." He came to a halt, and stared. The hair, wavy and undone, spilling onto her shoulders. The dress, a short, off-the-shoulder number. And legs that started a long way off the deck and kept going, and going, and going. She was beautiful. He couldn't see the TacFleet solider and commander any more. Just the woman that he'd married. "Last time I checked, my birthday wasn't until October."

Lisa smiled. "Well, we haven't had a night to ourselves in a while. And since we're officially off the line until tomorrow, I figured we should make the most of it." She began guiding him to a chair. "Now lose the jacket, and let's eat."

"No arguments here." The jacket sailed across the room to land on Smithy's desk as he dropped into the chair on one side of the table. He looked across at his wife. "You haven't worn that in a long time."

"Well, it affects you."

"You like the way it affects me."

"Maybe I do, but sometimes you don't need the distraction."

"I always need that distraction. There's nothing wrong with that distraction." Smithy took a sip out of his wine glass. "In fact, as your commanding officer, I should probably order you to distract me more often."

"You certainly could do that." Lisa giggled. "Remember Develon's wedding, on Betazed? 93 naked women, and you couldn't keep your eyes off me."

"Well, I thought you might object if you saw your husband with his eyes glued to that statuesque blonde bridesmaid. And besides, as I recall you pounced on me the first chance you got that night. So you must have been enjoying what you saw."

"I guess so. Which is odd, given that out of all the handsome and sexy men there only one of them was covered in scars and fading injuries." Lisa's smile faded into a look of concern. "That's the other reason for tonight. Proper relaxation, proper sleep. We could-." She stopped. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because while relaxation is on my mind, sleep for the moment isn't." Smithy stood up, his eyes never leaving hers. "Come with me."

1858hrs EST
Engineering Deck 6

"Yeah, here it is. Right here." Smithy came to a halt, his hand resting on a Jeffries Tube access port.

"What is it?" Lisa glanced around. "Engineering section 6B, power junctions for...." A memory flickered back into view. "Oh wow. Okay. Um. This is where we-."


"Back when we got married, this is the first place we-."


Lisa stared at him. "And you want to-."

"Do you?" Smithy leaned forward and opened up the tube. "I remember the exact spot. Junction box 23 Alpha. Lovely and warm."

Lisa smiled coyly. "Promise we won't get caught?"

Smithy helped her up into the tube, and thought for a second. "No."

0714hrs EST

Riggs rounded the corner, hurrying to the turbolift to get to the bridge. The sound behind her made her turn and stop. "Sir?"

"Ah. Morning, Ensign." Smithy dropped down the foot or so to the deck, straightening some of the creases out of his uniform. "One moment." He reached up. "Come on down love."

"Coming." Lisa shimmied out of the tube and into his arms. "Oh! Good morning Riggs." She tried to smooth out her rumpled dress. "We were just..uh...well...." She stopped as Riggs' look of confusion became one of mortification.

"I should, um, really be getting to the bridge ma'am, sir. I'll see you up there later." She fought the urge to sprint to the 'lift, only looking back once she was in the car. She couldn't read the expression on their faces. Oh. My. God.


Smithy waited until the doors were closed before exploding into laughter. Beside him Lisa was bent double, leaning against the bulkhead. "Oh my Lord, we'll have to apologise to the poor girl in private. Did you see that look on her face?"

Lisa wiped the tears from her eyes. "I know! Think she'll forgive us if we promote her?"

"I think we'll need to get her raised all the way to Fleet Admiral to make this one right!" Smithy dried his eyes on his sleeves. "Ah well. Think we've got time to shower and change?"

"Easily, we're not due to be under way until later this morning." Lisa linked arms with Smithy. "How's the leg?"

"It's been worse." Smithy let a bit more of his weight onto it. "Been a lot worse, actually. Guess that localised low-grav node in the tube there did some good."

"Good." Lisa turned to him as the lift doors closed. "Maybe we should do that more often."

"Maybe. But we best make sure that someone else gets embarrassed next time instead of Riggs, fairer that way."


So yeah, it's been a while since I wrote anything. Over a year since I even looked at this story, years since I actually posted anything. But Real Life™ has calmed down somewhat in the last few months, so I figured it was time to dust the files off.

The Jeffries Tube moment has its roots in something that did actually happen. I'm not sure the girl who saw me and my then-GF trying to make a surreptitious escape (and would have seen us in flagrante delicto had she been any earlier!) ever forgave me. But then, I didn't have the option to promote her to Fleet Admiral of course  :laugh:
RIMMER: Step up to Red Alert.
KRYTEN: Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.

Offline Scottish Andy

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #187 on: September 02, 2011, 10:17:15 pm »
Woo-hooo!!! He's back!

Welcome back, Smithy! :)

Great continuation; it's like you never paused (for a year) at all. Hope there's more to come.

Oh, and remind me: is that my Mossie you've included in the previous chapter?
Come visit me at:

The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline James Smith

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #188 on: September 03, 2011, 03:07:16 am »
Woo-hooo!!! He's back!

Welcome back, Smithy! :)

Great continuation; it's like you never paused (for a year) at all. Hope there's more to come.

Oh, and remind me: is that my Mossie you've included in the previous chapter?

That would be your Mossie, yes. Cheers for the welcome back mate! :)
RIMMER: Step up to Red Alert.
KRYTEN: Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #189 on: September 04, 2011, 09:11:15 am »
Priceless, Smithy!   8)

I have a strong urge to go back and read these from the beginning again.
Hilaritas sapientiae et bonae vitae proles.

Offline James Smith

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #190 on: September 04, 2011, 05:15:58 pm »
Chapter 10 - The Reason Why We Fall (part 2)

USS Tigermoth-A
28th August 2395
0803hrs EST

"Here's that data to upload to Antares." Drelkar waited a beat. "Riggs?"

"What? Oh, thanks." Riggs took the IL chip and slotted it into her console. "For Antares, you said?"

"Yeah. You okay, you look a bit distracted?"

"I'm fine. At least, I will be. Weird start to the day. Too weird." Riggs shook her head. "Just going to try and forget about it."

The turbolift doors opened as Smithy and Lisa arrived on the bridge. "Morning gang, ready for the off?" Smithy dropped into his chair. "Elkins, set a course for the Gennaro system. Best possible speed. Engage when ready."

"Aye sir."

A beep from Communications caught Smithy's attention. He turned. "Riggs?"

"Message on the transpace link, Captain. No audio, data stream only."

"Punch it up on your screen." Smithy made his way back to the console. "What the hell? Is that....?"

"I think so, sir." Riggs frowned. "Computer is identifying it as Andromedan code, decrypting now."

Lisa joined them at the console. "Why would they be contacting us?"

"Several reasons. None of them good." Smithy peered at the screen as the code resolved itself. "Co-ordinates, and a time. That's three hours from now. Riggs, feed those co-ordinates to the helm. Elkins, alter course."

"On it, sir."

"Co-ords received, altering heading."

"Riggs, inform Captain Vallaire of PG23 that we're going to be late joining up with him. Copy the message to Dave back at Antares."

"Yes, sir."

Smithy looked at Lisa. "I wonder if this is where we get part of the puzzle filled in."

1109hrs EST

"Still nothing, Winchester?"

"No ma'am, nothing yet. I'm going to switch scanning modes, see if I'm missing a ship under cloak."

"Good, keep at it." Lisa pushed off the bridge rail and sat back down next to Smithy. "Well, if this was a trap you'd have thought it would have been sprung by now."

"It's not a trap." Smithy shook his head. "Something else."

"Got something here." Winchester half-turned from his console. "Putting it up on-screen. Andromedan ship de-cloaking."

The ship sprang into view. Smithy narrowed his eyes at it. "Eric, magnify. Get me a look at the markings on that hull." He turned to Lisa. "You see that?"

Lisa watched as the view zoomed in. The hull of the ship came into sharp focus. A pattern of curved and straight lines. "That's the pattern we saw. The pattern from Metcalf's transport."

"It most certainly is." Smithy shook his head. "So what the hell d'you suppose that means?"

"Another datastream coming in, sir." Riggs turned to face Smithy. "Transporter co-ordinates. And your name."

Lisa looked at her husband. "Oh no you don't. You're not going over there."

"It's not my idea of a great way to spend my day either, love. But we need information, and this might be the only way to get it." Smithy reached out to hold her hands in his. "I'll go armed to the teeth, if that'll make you feel any better. Phaser, photon grenades, the works."

Lisa blew out a long breath. "Okay. Winchester, I want you and Broxton to keep a lock on him at all times. Yank him back if it even slightly wavers."

Andromedan Vessel
1114hrs EST

The universe faded back into view as the transport cycle completed. Smithy found himself looking at a computer terminal. The screen snapped on.


"I am."


"I don't understand. What is the 'strange place'?"


"I'm part El Aurian, yes. Why?"


Smithy stared as a picture of Metcalf flashed up. "He's been to the Nexus. When he died in this universe his essence emerged from there so that he could come back to life."


"What is the 'other'?"


Pictures of Maxwell and Metcalf appeared now. Smithy narrowed his eyes. "You're saying this 'other' is responsible for bringing those two men together?"


"Oh good. Are you able to contact this 'other'?"


"Put me into contact with him."


"I don't understand."


A new image sprang up on the screen. A countdown. Smithy tapped his comm badge. "Taxi for one, please."


Short bit to finish the weekend off.
RIMMER: Step up to Red Alert.
KRYTEN: Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.

Offline James Smith

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #191 on: September 16, 2011, 04:58:05 am »
Just a quick note, working on the next part over the weekend. Will hopefully have it posted by Monday :)
RIMMER: Step up to Red Alert.
KRYTEN: Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb.

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #192 on: October 03, 2011, 03:08:25 am »
Well, you sure as that hot place made me curious!
Snickers@DND: If there is one straight answer in that bent little head of yours, you'd better start spillin' it pretty damn quick, or I'm gonna take a large, blunt object, roughly the size of Kallae AND his hat and shove it lengthwise up a crevice of your being so seldomly cleaned that even the denizens of the nine hells would not touch it with a 10-feet rusty pole

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #193 on: October 03, 2011, 07:25:25 pm »

Love the stuff with Riggs. :D

Come visit me at:

The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline acerr68

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Re: ST: Tigermoth - Return Of The Andromedans
« Reply #194 on: October 17, 2011, 10:13:07 pm »
Damn good fiction writing there...Damn Good...Is this story taking place after STAR TREK NEMEISIS...or before...???