Chapter 10 - The Reason Why We Fall (part 1)***********
USS Tigermoth-A
27th August 2395
1245hrs EST
"Captains Log, stardate 71501.1. The Tigermoth has returned to the Antares Construction yard to witness the launch of several TacFleet vessels."
Smithy shot a glance over his shoulder as Orlatrel lumbered onto the bridge. "Just in time, she's about to power up to leave dock."
"Was hoping not to miss it." Orlatrel stepped down to the command area. "There she is. Bit rough."
"Haven't even finished painting her yet. Great work by T'Pel even getting her this ready in the timeframe available." Lisa leaned forward. "Those nacelles look different to you?"
"Little. Don't think they've built one of these yet to the standard design." Smithy saluted the viewscreen with his coffee cup. "Here's to the Typhoon. Keep your crew safe, old girl. Do us proud."
1832hrs EST
Captains quarters
Lisa looked over the reflection in the mirror.
Perfect. Still fits. Crossing back to the replicator, she pulled out the two plates and set them down on the table.
Don't be late now.Right on cue, the doors swished open, Smithy already talking. "Orders just came in to join up with PG23 tomorrow, told Command we'd hold here overnight and make the trip out in the morning, and my God in heaven why am I even talking about this when you've got that on." He came to a halt, and stared. The hair, wavy and undone, spilling onto her shoulders. The dress, a short, off-the-shoulder number. And legs that started a long way off the deck and kept going, and going, and going. She was beautiful. He couldn't see the TacFleet solider and commander any more. Just the woman that he'd married. "Last time I checked, my birthday wasn't until October."
Lisa smiled. "Well, we haven't had a night to ourselves in a while. And since we're officially off the line until tomorrow, I figured we should make the most of it." She began guiding him to a chair. "Now lose the jacket, and let's eat."
"No arguments here." The jacket sailed across the room to land on Smithy's desk as he dropped into the chair on one side of the table. He looked across at his wife. "You haven't worn that in a long time."
"Well, it affects you."
"You like the way it affects me."
"Maybe I do, but sometimes you don't need the distraction."
"I always need that distraction. There's nothing wrong with that distraction." Smithy took a sip out of his wine glass. "In fact, as your commanding officer, I should probably order you to distract me more often."
"You certainly could do that." Lisa giggled. "Remember Develon's wedding, on Betazed? 93 naked women, and you couldn't keep your eyes off me."
"Well, I thought you might object if you saw your husband with his eyes glued to that statuesque blonde bridesmaid. And besides, as I recall you pounced on me the first chance you got that night. So you must have been enjoying what you saw."
"I guess so. Which is odd, given that out of all the handsome and sexy men there only one of them was covered in scars and fading injuries." Lisa's smile faded into a look of concern. "That's the other reason for tonight. Proper relaxation, proper sleep. We could-." She stopped. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Because while relaxation
is on my mind, sleep for the moment
isn't." Smithy stood up, his eyes never leaving hers. "Come with me."
1858hrs EST
Engineering Deck 6
"Yeah, here it is. Right here." Smithy came to a halt, his hand resting on a Jeffries Tube access port.
"What is it?" Lisa glanced around. "Engineering section 6B, power junctions for...." A memory flickered back into view. "Oh wow. Okay. Um. This is where we-."
"Back when we got married, this is the first place we-."
Lisa stared at him. "And you want to-."
"Do you?" Smithy leaned forward and opened up the tube. "I remember the exact spot. Junction box 23 Alpha. Lovely and warm."
Lisa smiled coyly. "Promise we won't get caught?"
Smithy helped her up into the tube, and thought for a second. "No."
0714hrs EST
Riggs rounded the corner, hurrying to the turbolift to get to the bridge. The sound behind her made her turn and stop. "Sir?"
"Ah. Morning, Ensign." Smithy dropped down the foot or so to the deck, straightening some of the creases out of his uniform. "One moment." He reached up. "Come on down love."
"Coming." Lisa shimmied out of the tube and into his arms. "Oh! Good morning Riggs." She tried to smooth out her rumpled dress. "We were just..uh...well...." She stopped as Riggs' look of confusion became one of mortification.
"I should, um, really be getting to the bridge ma'am, sir. I'll see you up there later." She fought the urge to sprint to the 'lift, only looking back once she was in the car. She couldn't read the expression on their faces.
Oh. My. God.***********
Smithy waited until the doors were closed before exploding into laughter. Beside him Lisa was bent double, leaning against the bulkhead. "Oh my Lord, we'll have to apologise to the poor girl in private. Did you see that look on her face?"
Lisa wiped the tears from her eyes. "I know! Think she'll forgive us if we promote her?"
"I think we'll need to get her raised all the way to Fleet Admiral to make this one right!" Smithy dried his eyes on his sleeves. "Ah well. Think we've got time to shower and change?"
"Easily, we're not due to be under way until later this morning." Lisa linked arms with Smithy. "How's the leg?"
"It's been worse." Smithy let a bit more of his weight onto it. "Been a lot worse, actually. Guess that localised low-grav node in the tube there did some good."
"Good." Lisa turned to him as the lift doors closed. "Maybe we should do that more often."
"Maybe. But we best make sure that someone else gets embarrassed next time instead of Riggs, fairer that way."
So yeah, it's been a while since I wrote anything. Over a year since I even looked at this story, years since I actually posted anything. But Real Life™ has calmed down somewhat in the last few months, so I figured it was time to dust the files off.
The Jeffries Tube moment has its roots in something that did actually happen. I'm not sure the girl who saw me and my then-GF trying to make a surreptitious escape (and would have seen us
in flagrante delicto had she been any earlier!) ever forgave me. But then, I didn't have the option to promote her to Fleet Admiral of course