Fellowship of the Ring: Scene 7The Prancing Pony (Blooper Reel)Narrator: Frodo, Sam, Pippin, and Merry arrive in Bree and manage to make their way to the Inn of the Prancing Pony.
Sam: I don't like the looks of some of these fell--
Pippin: Food!
Merry: Beer!
Frodo: Right you are, my friends. We need food and drink, but we must be on our guard. Merry, Pippin! Make sure you stay here and don't mention my real name... or anything about my ring either.
Pippin: Stay here and mention your real name and the ring.
Merry: Hic!
Frodo: No, no. Don't mention my real name or anything about the ring.
Pippin: Don't mention your real name or the ring, so don't stay here.
Frodo: No, no, no. You stay here and get some food and drink.
Pippin: And mention your real name and the ring.
Merry: Hic!
Frodo: Right-- I mean, wrong!
Pippin: Oh... the line was "don't mention your real name or the ring" that time, eh?
Hstaphath: Yes-- right. No problem, no problem... keep it rolling. Let's take it again from the first hiccup!
Merry: Hic!
Frodo: No, no. Don't mention my real name or anything about the ring.
Pippin: Don't mention your real name or the ring, so don't stay here.
Frodo: No, no, no. You stay here and get some food and drink.
Pippin: And don't mention your real name or the ring.
Merry: Hic!
Frodo: Right.
Pippin: We don't need to do anything, apart from mentioning your real name.
Frodo: No, no. Mention my real name... I mean,
don't mention my name-- bugger me silly!
Hstaphath: Cut!
Pippin: Hehe... what sadistic bastard wrote this scene?!
Hstaphath: Actually it was me-- ummm... (cough) stay focused now! Let's go again from the previous hiccup... and-- action!
Guv Ronjar: Monty Python's Fellowship of the Ring, Scene 7, Take 23.
Merry: Hic!
Frodo: Right.
Pippin: We don't need to do anything, apart from mentioning your real name.
Frodo: No, no. Don't mention my real name.
Pippin: Or about the ring, yes.
Frodo: All right?
Pippin: Right. Oh, if-if-if, uh, if-if-if, uh, if-if-if we...
Frodo: Yes, what is it?
Pippin: Oh, if-if, oh--
Frodo: (laughing) You've completely forgotten your line now, haven't you?!
Pippin: (laughing) Completely... gone... no clue whatsoever at this point!
Hstaphath: No, no! It's great! Perfect, perfect... rewrite! Cut! We are leaving that in... everyone take a 15 minute break while we reset the scene!
Merry: Hic!
(cut to the inside of a studio trailer)
Pippin: ...and mine is thinner than yours.
Merry: Yeah, but yours is longer--
Frey: (opening the door) Time to report back to the-- what's all this?!
Pippin and Merry: [zip] Nothin'!
Merry: We were just going over scene 7--
Pippin: The Prancing Pony scene!
(Pippin throws a lifesize "Arwen the Elven Warrior Princess" doll behind his bed and covers it with a blanket)
Merry: Yeah-- and it's terribly confusing.
Pippin: Oh, yes...
horribly confusing!
Frey: (backing slowly out of the room) Okay... just get back to the set as soon as you can, lads.
Hstaphath: Now I wish I hadn't brought the camera with us!
Frey: Wha-- CUT!!!
(cut back to the Prancing Pony set)
Guv Ronjar: Monty Python's Fellowship of the Ring, Scene 7, Take 78... may the bloody Valar help us!
Frodo: Look, it's quite simple.
Pippin: Uh...
Frodo: You just stay here and don't mention my real name or anything about the ring. All right?
Merry: Hic!
Frodo: Right.
Pippin: Oh, I remember. Uh, can we leave the room if we take Sam with us?
Frodo: N-- No, no, no. You just stay in here, and make sure--
Pippin: Oh, yes, we'll stay in here, obviously. But if we had to leave and we took Sam with us--
Frodo: No, no, just stay in here--
Pippin: Get some food, drink, and mention your name--
Frodo: No, don't mention my real name--
Pippin: Don't mention your name.
Merry: Hic!
Frodo: ... or the ring.
Pippin: Or the bling.
Frodo: Right-- did you just say
Hstaphath: Cut!
Pippin: Bloody hell... I thought I had it that time! Honestly!
Frey: What else can go wrong?!
(cut to the Ford of Bruinen)
Head Nazgul: Ni! Give up the Halfling, she-elf.
Arwen: If you want him, come and claim him!
(the Nazgul Who Say "Ni" spur their horses into the water to cross the Ford)
Arwen: (yelling in Elvish) Non o Chithaeglir, lasto Beth daer-- Rimmo nin Briunen Dan in Ulaer!
(a vast torrent of water floods down the river and sweeps away the Nazgul in the deluge)
Frodo: (losing consciousness) Neee-wom...
Arwen: No, no... Frodo, don't give in... not now!
(Arwen moves to sheath Hadhafang, her famed sword)
Arwen: Aaiiiiieeeeeeeee!!!
Frodo: MEDIC!
Hstaphath: Cut! Get the Doc... again! Quickly!!!
Frey: Bloody hell-- literally! That's the third time she has stabbed herself, now.
Hstaphath: Keep pressure on it!
Arwen: Oh, don't let me get blood on my horse!
Frey: Hsta, perhaps a narrative interlude for all this is in order?
Hstaphath: Brilliant, brilliant. Rewrite! Let's take 30 minutes and set up for scene 9, everyone! Brillant-- oh, now that's going to leave a scar...
(cut to the far edge of the Dimrill Dale)
Gimli: I'm telling you, we are taking the long way round. We should go through Khazad-dum!
Gandalf: No, Gimli. I would not take the road through the mines of Moria unless I had no other choice.
(Legolas stops everyone at the distant sight of a dark patch in the sky which darts about like a bit of smoke in the wind)
Sam: What is that?
Gimli: Nothing... just a wisp of a cloud.
Boromir: It's moving fast-- against the wind!
Legolas: A rotospycopter from Khand!
Aragorn: Run away!
Boromir: (pulling Gimli along) Take cover!

[whop whop whop whop whop whop whop]
Frey: What in the name of-- CUT!!!
Hstaphath: Ummm... what's the trouble, Frey?
Frey: There are
no helicopters in Middle-earth! NONE!!!
Hstaphath: Well, I know we agreed on a flock of crebain originally, but the local ones are migratory and this is the wrong season and all... so I thought maybe we could--
Frey: No!
Hstaphath: But--
Frey: Absolutely not!
Hstaphath: (sighing) Alright, then. Annie! Get Matt on the phone about that crate of swallows he offered me.
Annie: The European or the African ones?
Hstaphath: African-- no coconuts this time! And we'll need paint.
Annie: Right, boss!
Hstaphath: Wonderful. Rewrite-- back to version 14 of this scene! Bloody wonderful. Let's break for lunch and then try it again, people. Great, just great.
(cut to Mazarbul, the hall of records of Moria)
Gandalf: Fool of a Took! Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your stupidity!
(a low rolling boom rises from the depths below... growing louder)
[boom boom boom]
Sam: Mr. Frodo!
(Frodo draws the sword Sting out of his scabbard... and stares at it's glowing blue blade)
Legolas: Orcs!
Aragorn: (to the hobbits) Get back while we seal the door!
(Aragorn, Legolas, Boromir, and Gandalf run to close and wedge the doors)
Boromir: The orcs have a cave troll!
Gimli: Let them come! There is one Dwarf yet in Moria who still draws breath!
[knock knock]
[knock knock knock]
Aragorn: What the--
(the muffled voice of Gandalf can be heard from the other side of the door)
Legolas: Oh, bugger...
(everyone breaks out in laughter)
Hstaphath: Cut, cut! Get the door open!
(the rusty dwarven axes and bits of broken wood used to block the door are removed and Gandalf walks back in)
Gandalf: You mean bastards!
(everyone continues to laugh)
Pippen: (laughing) Well now... at least we know we won't have a problem killing 'em off in scene 11, eh?!
Gandalf: Ah, Peregrin Took. I have something in my hand that I made just for you.
Pippen: (excited) Oh, what is it?
Gandalf: It's a fist.
Pippen: Hunh?
Gandalf: It's for hitting people with.
Pippen: Owww!
Gandalf: And the best thing is... you can use it again--
Pippen: Owww!
Gandalf: And again!
Pippen: OWWWWW!!!
(cut back to the Prancing Pony)
Guv Ronjar: (sobbing) Monty Python's Fellowship of the Ring, Scene 7, Take 214... please would someone...
anyone... just kill me NOW?!
Hstaphath: (turning to look at Frey) "What else could go wrong", eh? You just had to ask, didn't you?!
Frey: Sorry...