Topic: Help with adding models please  (Read 1353 times)

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Offline LaughlinXX

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Help with adding models please
« on: December 24, 2008, 12:07:27 pm »
Its been WAAAYYYY too long since I have played SFC 2: EAW. I just got some models downloaded, and am trying to figure out how to add them. For example, I found a model for the Northhapton CL, and I wanted to add it for 2 or 3 types of CL. How should I name teh file, and how do I rename the info in shiplist, while leaving the other models for CL & NCL alone?


Offline Roychipoqua_Mace

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Re: Help with adding models please
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2008, 12:32:58 pm »
If you want to keep the original CL model in there for some ships classes and change only some others around, just open up the shiplist. There is a column pretty far near the end, called 'Geometry', which points to the directory where the ship's model is. If you paste the new model folders into the ASSETS/MODELS/ directory, you should just be able to pick which ships you want to use the new models.

If you don't want to mess around with the individual cells in the shiplist file, you can edit things easier with ShipEdit for EAW (, which can also edit which ships go with which models.

Offline LaughlinXX

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Re: Help with adding models please
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2008, 01:42:16 pm »
But how? I tried changing the assets/models/fff/fff.mod (for example) to the assets/models/fSolarPOL/fSolarPOL.mod to point to the new folder. For the Police Cutters. and it doenst seem to work. am I formatting it wrong?

Offline Spartan159

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Re: Help with adding models please
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2008, 10:41:19 am »
I believe there are 2 instances of the shiplist file, both need to match

Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: Help with adding models please
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2008, 12:17:17 pm »
The easiest way is to rename the folder



fff old

then rename the


folder to


then rename


to fff.mod

and rename




Doing this will allow you to use the same shiplist you always have without getting cheat messages in Gamespy Arcade and TCP/IP matches as well as not prevent you from joining the Dynaverse servers using the same shiplist you are using.

Now if you are Adding ships to go beyond the stock number of ships, then you will need to make a completely new entry in the shiplist... the best way to do this is to use the program called Shipedit and create a new entry pointing to your new model..

When saving the changes, you have to save to 2 different locations.. Assets/Specs and MetaAssets

You have to remember that using a modified shiplist will give cheat messages during Multiplayer game play... in order for you to use your modified shiplist and the ship in the modified list.. everyone playing the match will have to replace their shiplists with the one you created or the mission will crash.

Hope that this helps.
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