Topic: Trek 11 Enterprise  (Read 33983 times)

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Re: Trek 11 Enterprise
« Reply #120 on: December 23, 2008, 05:20:59 am »
I WILL NOT see the movie i HATE this new enterprise
it is the worse thing to happen to star trek
this movie should be a post-nemesis not a pre quel
there are great starship designs and there is crap

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Re: Trek 11 Enterprise
« Reply #121 on: December 23, 2008, 05:31:25 am »
Atolm, of all people, I don't want you to be insulted by my opinion of the ship design. The parts I like the most remind me of your models. I also don't want the use of the term "bastardized" to be misunderstood. Though I haven't used it in this thread, and usually don't outside of industry because of its origin/connotation, it is probably fitting in this case. The term usually refers to a piece of equipment that has been repaired or rebuild with parts from other equipment of a different model or manufacturer, or a piece of equipment modified to fit between two previously unrelated parts. Using that definition describes my opinion of this design  to a tee. It would be as if someone kit bashed my angular saucer and pylons with an unaligned half-sized Atolm secondary hull and double sized Atolm nacelles without altering the Aztecing to match. I know you are defending out-of-the-box designs, something with which I could stand in harmony. However, out-of-the-box needs to achieve a goal, or else it is just a crazy idea. Lets face it, the goal in a movie has to be aesthetic over all, a goal which this design, in my opinion does not achieve. If this ship was made by a newbie, or someone new to Trek or SFC, we might all be applauding the design, but this is created by some one paid to do a good job, not to mention the movie has been pushed back six months and this is the best they can do?

Don't misunderstand, I watch the trailer for this movie just about every night at least three times almost to the neglect of my child and spouse. I am looking forward to it. However, this is the first solid indication of what to expect and the concern is that the whole thing is heading down the wrong path. Hopefully not, but regardless, I will be sitting through it.

Admins, please note that this is not a flame war but rather a healthy discussion on star ship design.

Offline FoaS_XC

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Re: Trek 11 Enterprise
« Reply #122 on: December 23, 2008, 09:08:09 am »
I WILL NOT see the movie i HATE this new enterprise
it is the worse thing to happen to star trek
this movie should be a post-nemesis not a pre quel

Oh, you've seen it have you? you know what its going to be like without seeing it? Damn, i wanna have your powers of preconcep...i mean Foresight.

Apologies for degrading that into a shouting match, but I am really very tired of people forming opinions before seeing the movie. Go see it, if you hate it after that? have fun, thats your prerogative... but to hate it after seeing 2 trailers and 3 leaked images? thats not flying with me...
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Re: Trek 11 Enterprise
« Reply #123 on: December 23, 2008, 09:18:17 am »
Atolm, of all people, I don't want you to be insulted by my opinion of the ship design. The parts I like the most remind me of your models. I also don't want the use of the term "bastardized" to be misunderstood. Though I haven't used it in this thread, and usually don't outside of industry because of its origin/connotation, it is probably fitting in this case. The term usually refers to a piece of equipment that has been repaired or rebuild with parts from other equipment of a different model or manufacturer, or a piece of equipment modified to fit between two previously unrelated parts. Using that definition describes my opinion of this design  to a tee. It would be as if someone kit bashed my angular saucer and pylons with an unaligned half-sized Atolm secondary hull and double sized Atolm nacelles without altering the Aztecing to match. I know you are defending out-of-the-box designs, something with which I could stand in harmony. However, out-of-the-box needs to achieve a goal, or else it is just a crazy idea. Lets face it, the goal in a movie has to be aesthetic over all, a goal which this design, in my opinion does not achieve. If this ship was made by a newbie, or someone new to Trek or SFC, we might all be applauding the design, but this is created by some one paid to do a good job, not to mention the movie has been pushed back six months and this is the best they can do?

Don't misunderstand, I watch the trailer for this movie just about every night at least three times almost to the neglect of my child and spouse. I am looking forward to it. However, this is the first solid indication of what to expect and the concern is that the whole thing is heading down the wrong path. Hopefully not, but regardless, I will be sitting through it.

Admins, please note that this is not a flame war but rather a healthy discussion on star ship design.

Bear in mind im coming in mid-discussion, so I don't know the history of whats going on, but I feel the need to chime in.

You say that the ship doesn't adhere to the aesthetic of the movie... Again, we don't know what the specific aesthetic is, yet. I mean, sure, we know its Neo-60s chrome ish, but even in that there is a LOT of leway. I think we'll find that the ship DOES in fact fit into the design, and that our assumptions for the specific aesthetic have been wrong. Again, I remind folks that all we've seen is 2 trailers and a handful of leaked photos.
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Offline OlBuzzard

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Re: Trek 11 Enterprise
« Reply #124 on: December 23, 2008, 10:08:00 am »
IMHO this is a bit extreme:

I WILL NOT see the movie i HATE this new enterprise
it is the worse thing to happen to star trek
this movie should be a post-nemesis not a pre quel

Also :  Akiraprise is some what unjustified.  The NX-01 really is not a direct derivitive of the Akira..   The Akira IS however little more than an inverted starship.  (Just my opinion)

Ironically it seems that the only opinion that seems to be favored is one that supports the new one ?  How odd. 

BTW...  I also believe that if the new version of the Enterprise looked like the one that some of us like (as posted in my previous response)  ...  some folks would still gripe !

Funny how some folks in many of the Trek communities can do so well in designing ships that really are so well done..  It's too bad that Paramount can't look at some of the work that's done out there and perhaps ..  just perhaps ... see some really good stuff that has been done over the years.

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Re: Trek 11 Enterprise
« Reply #125 on: December 23, 2008, 10:46:51 am »
Funny how some folks in many of the Trek communities can do so well in designing ships that really are so well done..  It's too bad that Paramount can't look at some of the work that's done out there and perhaps ..  just perhaps ... see some really good stuff that has been done over the years.

Good point!

Offline knightstorm

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Re: Trek 11 Enterprise
« Reply #126 on: December 23, 2008, 12:41:18 pm »
I WILL NOT see the movie i HATE this new enterprise
it is the worse thing to happen to star trek
this movie should be a post-nemesis not a pre quel

Oh, you've seen it have you? you know what its going to be like without seeing it? Damn, i wanna have your powers of preconcep...i mean Foresight.

Apologies for degrading that into a shouting match, but I am really very tired of people forming opinions before seeing the movie. Go see it, if you hate it after that? have fun, thats your prerogative... but to hate it after seeing 2 trailers and 3 leaked images? thats not flying with me...

You don't need precognition to point out that all of the footage that TROST has released so far seems to show that he is horribly perverting Star Trek.  All Abrams has to do is release something that would show he is NOT raping Star Trek.  He hasn't done that yet.  Therefore it can be surmised that that footage doesn't exist.  Stop telling people to give this abomination a chance.  Unless TROST gives us something to alleviate our concerns it is alright for people to hold this opinion.

Offline atheorhaven

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Re: Trek 11 Enterprise
« Reply #127 on: December 23, 2008, 02:31:17 pm »
My view is this.. this movie *seems* to be going down exactly the same road as "Lost in Space" did.. you know, that other show out around the time of TOS.  And that remake movie really didn't have any of the cheesy charm that the original did.

Testosterone laden and creepy is how that remake went.. but I'm wanting to see this movie for two reasons.  I want to see the new actor playing McCoy, and Zachary Quintos as Spock.  Simon Pegg as Scotty may be entertaining.  Neutral on John Cho.  I may stick my fingers in my ears and hum when the new guy playing Kirk is on.. and can't say as I'm impressed with the actress playing Uhura.  It takes more for that part than someone with a nice bod, believe it or not.. but I guess we'll see.

But the trailers actually do more to turn me off the movie than to try and sell me on it, to be honest, and I suspect that a lot of old Trekkies will be the same.  This *may* be a "wait for video" thing for me.. haven't decided.  But then again, I still haven't watched Nemesis yet either..
..ooOOoo..totally useless information..ooOOoo..

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Offline Vipre

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Re: Trek 11 Enterprise
« Reply #128 on: December 23, 2008, 03:56:46 pm »
Also :  Akiraprise is some what unjustified.  The NX-01 really is not a direct derivitive of the Akira..

The NX-01 is based directly off the Akira, sure it was "TOS-ified" for the part but sying it's "not a direct derivitive" of the Akira would be like making a Pre-TOS version of the Defiant then claiming it's not based on the Defiant. The Akira was popular, the creators played on that and intentionally built the NX to resemble an upside-down Akira.
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Re: Trek 11 Enterprise
« Reply #129 on: December 23, 2008, 05:50:11 pm »
You know...
I think by now, you guys should know how I feel about Trek in all its incarnations, and how I feel about new ideas in general.
that being said... I  have never felt, what I feel now, and that is disappointment and shame.  I have never felt That being a Trek fan would lump me with a group of the most close-minded people in the world.  I mean, Trek in any and all of its incarnations have always been about acceptence, and embracing of diverisity in all its forms.  It was, in a lot of ways Anti-Canonization.
Yet all we do is bitch about BS.  Its really all just silly.
How about, we not bash something until we have experienced it.  Is it really that hard?
I mean just WTF does the IDIC stand for?

I dunno, and on top of that, I don't really want to know, if it means me becoming a closed-minded person to new possibilities.
Now, if some of you take offence at this then fine, I appologize , but I am offended to read all these negative comments and prejudices about something that isn't even out yet.

Think about that.


Why would I take offense to someone who is expressing their opinion?

Either way it goes I don't care about the movie the script or anything like that, I just think it is a ugly looking ship. Thats it plain and simple does it effect anything else, nope, at least not to me. I just think they could have done better as we have all seen better looking ships out there on the net. The Enterprise version looked fine and they should have gone with something inbetween it and the TOS one. The one they have there doesn't really fit for the look it has, this one looks like the TMP and TNG Enterprises were humping and the gene pool was a little to close, probably closer than the banjo kid in Deliverance.

They should have broken away completely, or done a better job for the ship design.

I still by what I have said:
I don't like the Design of this ship, It looks out of porporsion and to much like like a bunch of Eras merged together. Soes it mean I will not see the movie no, does it mean the script is bad, no, it just means I don't like this design. Was it out of the box thinking thta made this, I don't think so; knowing how Studios work it was more than likily a compromise between executives to get the budget approved. Art in the movies is gone it is about how they can sqeeze a profit that matters now, and we the viewers or fans will suffer for it.

So now I still state they should have gone completely away and with a new design, or something more fitting with a TOS look to it. The current version if that is it just hit to many wrong buttons in my mind, and really made me wonder if another Studio besides Paramount should get Trek as I think they lost it.
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Offline OlBuzzard

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Re: Trek 11 Enterprise
« Reply #130 on: December 23, 2008, 07:06:48 pm »

I still by what I have said:
I don't like the Design of this ship, It looks out of porporsion and to much like like a bunch of Eras merged together. Soes it mean I will not see the movie no, does it mean the script is bad, no, it just means I don't like this design. Was it out of the box thinking thta made this, I don't think so; knowing how Studios work it was more than likily a compromise between executives to get the budget approved. Art in the movies is gone it is about how they can sqeeze a profit that matters now, and we the viewers or fans will suffer for it.

I agree .   I especially agree concerning the model.  It's simply a bad design PARTICULARLY when compared with TOS,  even if they are attempting to do a reboot of sorts in order to revive the Trek Saga.  Just the same they should try to make their new model with good taste and show some respect to the original.  Perhaps the biggest objection I have is that the model honestly looks thrown togeather ...  Frankly it looks like some of my early work when I was in High School.   I can honestly say that now that I have completed my OWN models of the Titan and Bass Master (refits of a sort) ...  while still trying to remain faithful to the original ideas.

OK ..   maybe that was a BAD example ..  BUT just the same.  GaFY has said is essentially correct. 

BTW ..  please note: This does not mean I intend to boycot the movie.  It DOES mean that given the chance to voice a sound opinion on the model I will consistently say that there are better ideas out there that would have still given Paramount the change they were looking for with much better class.  One of those options has been posted in this thread.

To express that concern and to point out such an obvious better alternative is NOT being disrespectful, tactless or inflammatory.  It is IMHO simply that ..  an opinion.  It so happens that many also agree with that opinion.  There are one or two that I ALSO believe may be going to an extreme.  That is their right to do so.  I also, respectfully disagree with those extremes that suggest boycot and hate for the overall movie.

Until I see the movie for my self I will hold my opinion on its production.

« Last Edit: December 24, 2008, 07:04:24 am by OlBuzzard »
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