I've been hearing these guys on the radio for a while now, I had no idea they were from Halifax.
Weighty Ghost - WintersleepI just came across their stuff on radio3 digging around (while simplemachines.org is down preventing me from getting scripts to work on). When I first heard the song I thought it was Sting or the Police, but no, it is a new band from Halifax!
I liked the old radio3 but I'm getting used to the new one.

Oh, have you seen my ghost?

I just love that song. They have a version sung by some kids on radio3 on their own website in the media section. Kinda fun.
Now I need to listen to the rest of their material on radio3, if this was their radio song, I bet the rest of their stuff says some pretty interesting interesting stuff, they snuck some good ones into this track.