Topic: ***Star Trek Online Mod***  (Read 8790 times)

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Offline The.Grand.Nagus

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***Star Trek Online Mod***
« on: December 15, 2008, 03:00:17 pm »
The "Star Trek Online Mod" is a modification for the game Starfleet Command 3, based on the upcomming game "Star Trek Online", in development by Cryptic Studios.


Set 30 years after "Star Trek Nemisis", the Khitomer Accords have broken down and the Federation and Klingon Empire are at war. In an unprecedented turn of events, the Romulan Star Empire and the Cardassian Union, both still recovering from their own individual wars, have joined forces to form the Romulan/Cardassian Empire. Taking advantage of the circustances, piracy is again on the rise in the galaxy, and scattered Dominion and Breen forces continue to pose a threat. Admist all of this, the Borg Collective has returned to the Alpha Quadrant, throwing the galactic powers into chaos and war.

The "Star Trek Online Mod" is availible for download here.


*Every faction is at war.
*Gorn ships have been added to the Klingon Empire.
*Orion ships have been added to the Klingon Empire.
*Cardassian ships have been added to the Romulan Empire.
*Hydran ships have been added to the Romulan Empire.
*Nova, Steamrunner, and Premonition added to the Federation.
*Ferengi Marauder added to the Federation.
*Ferengi Marauder(NPC) replaced with Priate Lt Cruiser.
*Pirate ships replaced with Dominion and Breen ships.
*Rakellian ships replaced with Dominion and Breen ships.
*Monster replaced with Species 8472 bioship.


Federation shiplist(Federation + Ferengi + new ships)

Klingon shiplist(Klingon + Orion + Gorn)

Romulan shiplist(Romulan + Hydran + Cardassian)


1)Install SFC3 from cd.
2) install sfc3 beta patch v534_b.
3) Copy the "Assets" and "MetaAssets" folders from the "STO Mod" folder
and paste them into your main SFC3 directory.


*Gorn ships taken from "Starfleet Command Orion Pirates".
*Orion ships taken from "Starfleet Command Orion Pirates".
*Hydran ships taken from "Starfleet Command Orion Pirates".
*Cardassian ships taken from Unimatrix01s "Project Armada" mod.
*Premonition = Unimatrix01s "Project Armada" mod.
*Species 8472 bioship = Unimatrix01's "Project Armada" mod.
*Nova = Redragon/Cleeve
*Streamrunner = Pneumonic81

Hope you enjoy =)
« Last Edit: December 17, 2008, 07:33:26 pm by The.Grand.Nagus »