Now Dizzy, don't mince words, say what you mean!

It is possible that may have been an oversight, as I redid all the gf settings from scratch this run to get a fresh start. It may have been at 100% replacement pp in previous runs, I don't recall.
I have no problem changing it to 100% replacement pp, as The Forge is intended primarily as a fun server. Its main purpose is to be there
all the time.
I'll be honest (and it should be somewhat obvious) that I do not have as much time (/mental energy) these days to be quite as detailed in maintaining The Forge. I threw this one together quicker than usual.
The map: overall feel adheres to Frey's original concept of The Forge, with design concessions to empirical evidence gathered from the observation of the stability of other server runs. I did not have the time to make a good one that meets both these criteria this time around, but it will suffice.
All input and feedback on The Forge is welcome and will be considered as time permits. Note however that you will not see a really tight server setup from me until things ease up at work and my brain is free to setup SFB-OP again. My traditional F&E map meets almost all requirements for a good SFC map, granted it is unoriginal, but it jsut makes sense considering the history of SFB. (the general layout of the stock maps is surely no coincidence - though they have their weaknesses and bugs).
Sooo anyway, I'll up the trade-in pp with the next db clean somewhere in the next few days (maybe tonight) unless there are any objections with good reasons.