Topic: The Forge - Flat Out  (Read 79075 times)

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #140 on: February 20, 2009, 01:44:34 pm »

map was set for constant PVP...

we were just getting into the fun years we hardly ever get to play...

there are other ways to stop progress on a map...LIKE HELLO A TRUCE!!!

we hadnt even knocked on the Hydran or Mirak HW...the gorn HW was still unsecure...

Bonk...we so need to talk Spice Wars!!!soon...

Partially my fault brother...I was the one who put the bug in LK's ear about a reset...didnt think about the x-toys... ;)

Offline [KBF]MuadDib

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #141 on: February 20, 2009, 08:41:43 pm »
hey Bonk, can we fast forward to 88?

not completely X yet...but still a bonus...
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Offline [KBF]MuadDib

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #142 on: February 20, 2009, 08:43:55 pm »

map was set for constant PVP...

we were just getting into the fun years we hardly ever get to play...

there are other ways to stop progress on a map...LIKE HELLO A TRUCE!!!

we hadnt even knocked on the Hydran or Mirak HW...the gorn HW was still unsecure...

Bonk...we so need to talk Spice Wars!!!soon...

Partially my fault brother...I was the one who put the bug in LK's ear about a reset...didnt think about the x-toys... ;)

no worries!

just think of what we could do together though...we could be puppet masters!!!  :flame:
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #143 on: February 21, 2009, 09:52:20 pm »

Its a fun server

If its so fun why are we so far away from each other? Wtf? Who designed this map? Where is the PvP?

Hey Bonk, ran a patrol me in a DVL and 2x gorn AI wings vs 3x bad nasty Klink AI. I capped 2 and destroyed one. I noticed quickly into the match the two I capped had no boarding parties. I expected the mission to end, didnt and found out why. For the 1st mission ever for me, I have finally seen the AI cap an enemy ship. A gorn ally turned klink. I beamed over 3 marines to its 2 and my two promptly died. Apparently, the gorn turned klink is invincible with AI marines.

These AI capping enemy ships needs to STOP. 1st its buggy, and second, some races get screwed because of transporter and marine compliments. Leave it alone for hit and runs, but capping has to END> Please tell ED.

Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #144 on: February 22, 2009, 12:33:43 am »
We're so far away from each other to give every one tiome to get some PP to get the uber cheese... ;D
I've only seen the AI cap a couple of times out of a whole sh** load of missions, I wouldn't sweat it a whole bunch.
Wait until you encounter "The Riverboat Casino" pirate mission, now that ones a blast!  :buck2:
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #145 on: February 22, 2009, 05:38:33 pm »
5 hexes apart now. I ran into two of your buddies and they gave my DVL a new paint job. Thanks for the tow guys. I BARELY made it off the map in a convoy raid limping home when a KDN started off at 35k. Hair rasing. This is the sh*t I play this game for. And that PvP was fun despite my mistake at the end, felt good to get back into thte captains chair. Edit: Made it back to base... lol, 1000pp in repairs and resupply and another -300+pp on the return home trip. And I have permanent damage to my ship, lol.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2009, 05:48:59 pm by Dizzy »

Offline [KBF]MuadDib

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #146 on: February 23, 2009, 08:49:14 pm »

Its a fun server

If its so fun why are we so far away from each other? Wtf? Who designed this map? Where is the PvP?

Hey Bonk, ran a patrol me in a DVL and 2x gorn AI wings vs 3x bad nasty Klink AI. I capped 2 and destroyed one. I noticed quickly into the match the two I capped had no boarding parties. I expected the mission to end, didnt and found out why. For the 1st mission ever for me, I have finally seen the AI cap an enemy ship. A gorn ally turned klink. I beamed over 3 marines to its 2 and my two promptly died. Apparently, the gorn turned klink is invincible with AI marines.

These AI capping enemy ships needs to STOP. 1st its buggy, and second, some races get screwed because of transporter and marine compliments. Leave it alone for hit and runs, but capping has to END> Please tell ED.


try and wait for the AI to dump all their marines...then capture with 1 team...   :flame:
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Offline Dangermouse

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #147 on: February 24, 2009, 08:33:41 am »
I had some PVP this morning, a Klingon "Criminal" tractored me and fed me drones like the newb I am :)

To add insult to injurym I got a new ship, went on a simple mission to try it out and it exploded when the game started. Guess I got a dud one, ho well.

Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #148 on: February 24, 2009, 08:44:16 am »
I had some PVP this morning, a Klingon "Criminal" tractored me and fed me drones like the newb I am :)

To add insult to injurym I got a new ship, went on a simple mission to try it out and it exploded when the game started. Guess I got a dud one, ho well.

Your ship involuntarily exploding is an ancient bug that has never quite been squashed.
Known as "The Hand of Bethke" it usually occurs at the start or the end of a mission. Your only hope of keeping your ship is to quickly alt F4 out before you reach the map again.
But since that causes spikes in the Data base...
If you have enough PP, it's easy enough to get another ship just like ya had, so you can avoid the altF4.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2009, 09:20:12 am by KBFLordKrueg »
Lord Krueg
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Offline Dangermouse

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #149 on: February 24, 2009, 08:47:27 am »
But since that causes spikes in the Data base...
If you have enough PP, it's easy enough to get another ship just like ya had, so you can avoid the altF4.

I have enough PP but the ship I got wasn't in the "shipyard" list when I looked afterwards. Do I just have to wait until one pops up again?

I'm not that bothered, mainly curious :)

Offline KBF-Crim

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #150 on: February 24, 2009, 09:21:14 am »
I had some PVP this morning, a Klingon "Criminal" tractored me and fed me drones like the newb I am :)

bah...we fight...we learn....I'm sure you wont make the same mistake twice... ;)

Drone boats are all scary...until you remember they have a finite amount of drones...and that's about all they have...

My only real hope was to chase you down and anchor you before I ran out of ammo...

Drone boats are pretty much one trick ponies...

To add insult to injurym I got a new ship, went on a simple mission to try it out and it exploded when the game started. Guess I got a dud one, ho well.

Sorry bout the ship.....hope you didnt just have it painted... ;D

Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #151 on: February 24, 2009, 09:21:29 am »
But since that causes spikes in the Data base...
If you have enough PP, it's easy enough to get another ship just like ya had, so you can avoid the altF4.

I have enough PP but the ship I got wasn't in the "shipyard" list when I looked afterwards. Do I just have to wait until one pops up again?

I'm not that bothered, mainly curious :)

Yes. the shipyard adds a few new ships every turn, which is 5 min. New ships appear at the bottom of the shipyard list.  ;)
Lord Krueg
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #152 on: February 24, 2009, 09:36:17 am »
BONK! Fix the ship trade in to 100%!
Tired of losing HALF my pp every time I want to try out a new ship. Why spoil the fun???

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #153 on: February 24, 2009, 09:37:44 am »
How about letting bonk run it the way he wants ;)

Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #154 on: February 24, 2009, 09:43:27 am »
How about letting bonk run it the way he wants ;)

Or, as had been said many times over the years when players have disagreed with server settings, rules, etc..."Deal with it."
Lord Krueg
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #155 on: February 24, 2009, 10:06:08 am »
How about letting bonk run it the way he wants ;)

Absolutely not! It may be an oversight on his part. But what I really HATE about a server is when it steals your prestige when you just want to switch around ships. It's stupidly retarded. It's indefensible. It bankrupts you shortly after trying out a cpl ships. I have better things to do than pp farm so I can afford to switch ships as the need arrives. What kind of sick fun is that? Here, I'll ask nicely. Bonk please change it. Make it more fun for those of us that have little time to play your server and dont want to get short changed because we are trying to swap ships around so we dont get bored of the same ship all the time. Thanks.

And you two klinks neeed to stop sucking up to bonk!

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #156 on: February 24, 2009, 03:32:51 pm »
Now Dizzy, don't mince words, say what you mean! ;)

It is possible that may have been an oversight, as I redid all the gf settings from scratch this run to get a fresh start. It may have been at 100% replacement pp in previous runs, I don't recall.

I have no problem changing it to 100% replacement pp, as The Forge is intended primarily as a fun server. Its main purpose is to be there all the time.

I'll be honest (and it should be somewhat obvious) that I do not have as much time (/mental energy) these days to be quite as detailed in maintaining The Forge. I threw this one together quicker than usual.

The map: overall feel adheres to Frey's original concept of The Forge, with design concessions to empirical evidence gathered from the observation of the stability of other server runs. I did not have the time to make a good one that meets both these criteria this time around, but it will suffice.

All input and feedback on The Forge is welcome and will be considered as time permits. Note however that you will not see a really tight server setup from me until things ease up at work and my brain is free to setup SFB-OP again. My traditional F&E map meets almost all requirements for a good SFC map, granted it is unoriginal, but it jsut makes sense considering the history of SFB. (the general layout of the stock maps is surely no coincidence - though they have their weaknesses and bugs).

Sooo anyway, I'll up the trade-in pp with the next db clean somewhere in the next few days (maybe tonight) unless there are any objections with good reasons.

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #157 on: February 24, 2009, 03:53:54 pm »
And you two klinks neeed to stop sucking up to bonk!

Make me ;D



Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #158 on: February 24, 2009, 06:42:10 pm »

It is possible that may have been an oversight, as I redid all the gf settings from scratch this run to get a fresh start. It may have been at 100% replacement pp in previous runs, I don't recall.

No, it's usually been 50%, but I think no one's ever really complained because after a short while you have so much PP in mutiple accounts it doesn't reall matter. 90% of players, that I know of anyway, buy a ship early on and stay in it for a while. By the time you hit Captain (25K) having enough PP to buy anything isn't a problem. Especially on here where BBVs cost a little more than 20K.
Just start mutiple accts, can keep your DVL in one, a CA in another, and a droner for flipping hexes...
Lord Krueg
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Offline [KBF]MuadDib

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #159 on: February 24, 2009, 08:33:12 pm »
figured bonk was being a "hard up" used car salesman with his gigantic "take in" of depreciation values...once you pilot ur ship out of spacedock...

that really kept me in my ships the last round...

do believe i said something...   :)
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