Topic: The Forge - Flat Out  (Read 78057 times)

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Offline Roychipoqua_Mace

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #60 on: January 10, 2009, 10:12:41 pm »
Managed to find my CD and do a fresh install.  Things are working good now  ;D.  I did have one other question though.....Is it possible to take over neutral territories on this server? You know like turn a neutral hex into a federation one?
Yes you can! Be aggressive! They just usually have more defense points (more missions you need to win before getting the hex) than the neutral hexes in the stock single player campaign.

Offline rmcin329

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #61 on: January 11, 2009, 12:00:29 am »
does the kind of mission matter? Or will just any kind work?  Oh yeah i forgot to ask.....can hexes that already belong to someone else be taken over? Such as say a Romulan hex being turned klingon?

Offline Roychipoqua_Mace

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #62 on: January 11, 2009, 12:28:04 am »
does the kind of mission matter? Or will just any kind work?  Oh yeah i forgot to ask.....can hexes that already belong to someone else be taken over? Such as say a Romulan hex being turned klingon?
As far as I know, any won mission will work.

Since Romulans and Klingons are on the same side, a Romulan could not take a hex from a Klingon, but would instead add to the defense value of that hex (up to a maximum of 5,10, or more, depending on the hex and if there's a base there). However, if an Alliance hex (Federation, for example) were to be attacked by the Romulan when the DefValue of that hex was at 0, it would switch over to Romulan. But if the Fed hex was at a strength of 4 and the mission won by the Romulans, it would be lowered to 3.

Hope this helps, and please correct me if I am wrong.

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #63 on: January 11, 2009, 10:03:08 am »
does the kind of mission matter? Or will just any kind work?  Oh yeah i forgot to ask.....can hexes that already belong to someone else be taken over? Such as say a Romulan hex being turned klingon?

I would recommend whenever you see an ally online, wing up with them and they can share info on mission particulars and tactics.
Both sides also have forums for members to share thoughts, plans OPs, etc.
You can find them here:
You'll have to register there before you can apply for access to the Forge Alliance forums.
Both sides also use the Dnet TeamSpeak server for easier communication.
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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #64 on: January 11, 2009, 03:35:05 pm »
No one has used the alliance forums since june from what i can see...

Offline [KBF]MuadDib

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #65 on: January 12, 2009, 08:20:52 pm »
No one has used the alliance forums since june from what i can see...

well i can see why those who fly under a false name would want to keep their identity safe and not post, but what's deadmans excuse...?  he's done ops for the forge alliance forums before...
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Offline Roychipoqua_Mace

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #66 on: January 12, 2009, 09:18:06 pm »
No one has used the alliance forums since june from what i can see...

well i can see why those who fly under a false name would want to keep their identity safe and not post
Hmm... this "Bucky O'Hare" fellow is suspicious.

Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #67 on: January 13, 2009, 03:55:40 pm »
How are you launching the game? From the CD-Autorun menu or from the Start Menu? Do you see the movie at the beginning?

I'm launching the game using the StarfleetOP.exe from the game folder.  I have 2 seperate folders one for each server.  The one for Strayy's tavern works fine,  no problems to report there.  The one for The Forge has no sound AT ALL.  In both cases i do not see a movie at the beginning.

Your problem is the system registry.. you must launch the game from the folder you last install to.

Example.. I install the game to SFCOP folder and I install a 2nd time to the SFCOP2 folder.. my system registry now recognizes the game being in the SFCOP2 game folder.. so me trying to play from the SFCOP game folder will create game bugs..

In order for me to play out of the SFCOP game folder without bugging.. I have to rename SFCOP2 to SFCOP@Old.. or something like that and rename SFCOP to SFCOP2..

This will allow the game to recgnize the proper registry entries for game components and help prevent game bugs.

This should be the method of any game you have installed to prevent bugging when dealing with multiple copies on the same system..

Now if you want to avoid all the renaming, you can get the Mod Chooser.. this program allows you to have the original game plus 4 mods installed to 1 copy of the game.. 1 click switch to a different version/mod.

On mine I have Taldren Original, OP + v4.0, my Hardcore server, and that leaves me 2 empty slots for upcoming servers or self created single player mods.

You're doing it the hard way.. launching from the incorrect game folder and getting your game bugged up.
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Offline rmcin329

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #68 on: January 13, 2009, 06:03:08 pm »
If you had bothered to read my other posts, you would know that that problem has already been solved.

Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #69 on: January 13, 2009, 07:31:31 pm »
No need to be rude.

I read your other posts.. no where did you mention that you went to a single install of the game.

I also gave you informatin to where you can have Stray's Tavern AND The Forge put on to the same install of the game.

You can do that by either finding Strat's Mod Chooser or by getting my Orion Pirates Enhancement Pack.. Either way you would get the Mod Chooser.

Mod chooser holds 5 versions of the game.. You should put Mod Chooser onto your system prior to adding any mods.. this way you have a clean unaltered version of the game in the first slot, then set up one for OP + v4.0 to play on Gamespy Arcade / The Forge (scripts are not changed by Mod Chooser).. and then still have 3 empty slots for servers like the upcoming Slave Girls or Strayy's Tavern...

I was explaining in my previous post why Orion Pirates requires a single install and why you can't run from a copied folder.. many games bug up if you do that.. or features of the game won't work correctly.

Just trying to help you have a better gaming experience.
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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #70 on: January 14, 2009, 03:10:40 pm »
so whats with the hot keys , my keyboard works fine out of game in game none of the keyse work, i used to have no problems with this game

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #71 on: January 17, 2009, 05:39:03 pm »
I'm trying worthlessly, perchance, but I downloaded the new mission scripts and now I'm getting a bad fighter and shiplist. It says to dl the newest ones so I try, then my computer says I already have them installed I tried all the dl links provided on this page(I think). Please, please, don't tell me I have to do a complete reinstall. If I do, I'll need a complete how-to of what to dl after I reinstall the game off the CD.

I know I don't play much anymore, but I'd still like to get out there every now and then. Thx.  :rwoot:

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #72 on: January 17, 2009, 05:46:31 pm »

Offline Father Ted

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #73 on: January 17, 2009, 05:57:46 pm »
I'm running on XP, and the link you gave me won't work either. Can I fix this short of a full disinstall?

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #74 on: January 17, 2009, 06:52:07 pm »
Well I guess you could try manually placing the shiplist files:
But if OP+4 was not installed to the OP installation folder it will not go well.

Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #75 on: January 17, 2009, 09:01:57 pm »
I'm trying worthlessly, perchance, but I downloaded the new mission scripts and now I'm getting a bad fighter and shiplist. It says to dl the newest ones so I try, then my computer says I already have them installed I tried all the dl links provided on this page(I think). Please, please, don't tell me I have to do a complete reinstall. If I do, I'll need a complete how-to of what to dl after I reinstall the game off the CD.

I know I don't play much anymore, but I'd still like to get out there every now and then. Thx.  :rwoot:

Open your OP folder, run the OP+4.0 UNinstaller, then run the INstaller.
Methinks you probably still have one of the past campaigns shiplist installed over OP+4.0, that's why it's telling you it's already there.
Running the installer over top of it will restore it to OP+4.0.  ;)
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Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #76 on: January 18, 2009, 12:14:44 pm »
so whats with the hot keys , my keyboard works fine out of game in game none of the keyse work, i used to have no problems with this game

Launch game from the StarfleetOP.exe or copy StarfleetOP.EXE to a different directory and rename it to SFCOP.exe and move it to the game folder and overwrite the SFCOP.exe located there.

the Original SFCOP.exe is broken and causes keyboard, fighter, and loadout bugs in game.. you need to replace it with a renamed StarfleetOP.exe or launch the game from StarfleetOP.exe..
"You still don't get it, do you?......That's what he does. That's all he does! You can't stop him! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!"

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #77 on: January 18, 2009, 01:06:15 pm »
I'm trying worthlessly, perchance, but I downloaded the new mission scripts and now I'm getting a bad fighter and shiplist. It says to dl the newest ones so I try, then my computer says I already have them installed I tried all the dl links provided on this page(I think). Please, please, don't tell me I have to do a complete reinstall. If I do, I'll need a complete how-to of what to dl after I reinstall the game off the CD.

I know I don't play much anymore, but I'd still like to get out there every now and then. Thx.  :rwoot:

Open your OP folder, run the OP+4.0 UNinstaller, then run the INstaller.
Methinks you probably still have one of the past campaigns shiplist installed over OP+4.0, that's why it's telling you it's already there.
Running the installer over top of it will restore it to OP+4.0.  ;)
Been there, done that...

Hail Kreug!  :notworthy:

Kreug, your suggestion worked like a charm, and thanks to Bonk and Pesty for tilting me in the right direction.  Thank you all, I hadn't flown a mission in months, and it felt good to sit in that captain's chair again. :woot:

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #78 on: January 19, 2009, 04:09:49 pm »
I'm trying worthlessly, perchance, but I downloaded the new mission scripts and now I'm getting a bad fighter and shiplist. It says to dl the newest ones so I try, then my computer says I already have them installed I tried all the dl links provided on this page(I think). Please, please, don't tell me I have to do a complete reinstall. If I do, I'll need a complete how-to of what to dl after I reinstall the game off the CD.

I know I don't play much anymore, but I'd still like to get out there every now and then. Thx.  :rwoot:

Open your OP folder, run the OP+4.0 UNinstaller, then run the INstaller.
Methinks you probably still have one of the past campaigns shiplist installed over OP+4.0, that's why it's telling you it's already there.
Running the installer over top of it will restore it to OP+4.0.  ;)
Been there, done that...

Hail Kreug!  :notworthy:

Kreug, your suggestion worked like a charm, and thanks to Bonk and Pesty for tilting me in the right direction.  Thank you all, I hadn't flown a mission in months, and it felt good to sit in that captain's chair again. :woot:
Alternatively you could of uninstalled it from the start/programs menu.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2009, 02:02:40 am by Age »

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Re: The Forge - Flat Out
« Reply #79 on: January 20, 2009, 10:35:28 pm »
I just want to thank Bonk for getting the forge back up... :smitten: