Taldrenites > General Starfleet Command Forum

Server, Network and Misc Outages.

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FA Frey XC:
Ask and you shall receive.

1st - Abandon hope, ye who enter here ;)

2nd - Server cabinet, general shot

3rd - Server cabinet - top (switchgear, firewall, patch panel and cable management)

4th - UPS and SATA array for the backups to disk.

5th - My soon to be modeling table that will double as a server build location.

That is simply outstanding Man, outstanding. I love how you turned the closet into a rack mount area. Gives me an idea actually LOL.


FA Frey XC:
We're experiencing a minor internet issue.

Downstream is low, while upstream is still good.

I have notified our ISP and they are looking into it.


FA Frey XC:
Still dealing with issues, as you can tell. The short outages were due to Verizon screwing up yet again, and doing some testing.

Ultimately I am worse off now as we have no phone and no TV now.

We should experience another small set of outages tonight between 2:00 and 3:30 , as this is when they are going to replace / reseat the fibre card I'm connected to.


FA Frey XC:
Sorry about the outage today... we lost power at the house. All of the servers shut down as they should but one didn't come back up.

It's ok now *pats server*.

BTW verizon has resolved THEIR issue.  Our speeds are now fantastic!



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