I am of the belief that the Trek of the pre-TMP/TNG (and not counting ENT) variety (including to an extent TAS) should be left more or less as is. The TOS-R project (at least from what I have been able to see) has done the show some justice, and doesn't count in that... some of the "strings holding up 'flying' objects" had to be removed from visibility, so to speak. An actual reboot, with a new ship/crew/story (again, I don't count ENT in this- that was what it was), doesn't seem right. Flop or fly, no more Trek should be made from this new movie's timeline. That is my, and many others' opinion. As to the movie itself, I am 100% certain that why things are different will be explained somewhat, if not completely (IIRC, timeline changed when Jimmy T.'s dad was offed by bad future Romulans). I will be going to see this *thing* in the theater, and hold further judgement until the end credits roll.
As to the future of Trek itself, would it be so bad to blend into the TOS period some SFB/C? Hydrans, as one, would be a good CGI race. I wouldn't want it to be a reboot, but rather a casual look back at what could have been. It could even canonize some of those "displayed but not really shown" ships from TWoK...
The *new* Enterprise looks to me like a mutant seagull when compared to the more majestic lines of her '60s counterpart. What I don't understand is how that design would change from one timeline to the other... even our evil "mirror" selves use a similar, if not exactly the same, design. That is, to me, the biggest slap in the face to all Trek fans. We're supposed to believe that some P.O.'d Romulan went back in time to change history to favor them... but why not go all the way back to Zephram and the Pheonix, and shoot that bird down? One of the few times the Borg had a good idea.
All ranting aside, I am looking forward to this next installment of Trek, simply because it is Trek, and in one form or another is a long overdue continuance of the story.
Now, how about that temporal paradox?
Public RomulanBadGuy as Variant
Public Romulans as Variant
Public Kirksdad as Variant
Public Plot as Variant
Sub ParadoxofTime()
Plot = "Screwy"
Do Until Plot = "Makes sense"
If RomulanBadGuy = "Goes back in time" Then
Kirksdad = "Dead"
Romulans = "Happy"
End If
If Romulans = "Happy" Then
RomulanBadGuy = "Does not go back in time"
Kirksdad = "Alive"
Romulans = "Sad"
End If
If Romulans = "Sad" And Kirksdad = "Alive" Then
RomulanBadGuy = "Goes back in time"
Plot = "Still Screwy"
End If
If Romulans = "Happy" And Kirksdad = "Alive" And RomulanBadGuy = "Does not go back in time" Then
'Msg = "That went well, all is normal"
'Title = "Whew!"
'Config = vbOK
'MsgBox (Msg, Config, Title)
Plot = "Makes sense"
End If
MsgBox ("The plot finally "& Plot &"!!!!")
End Sub
As for SF shipyards... I was always under the impression that part of the yards were planetside and parts of the big E were built there, but not the whole bloody ship! Fanon snuck in there on us...
Czar "If he goes back in time and kills Ol' Man Kirk, then there'll be no reason for him to go back in time to kill OMK, so he won't and OMK will live, which means he'll go back in time to kill OMK, then there'll be no reason for him to go back in time to kill OMK, so he won't and OMK will live, which means............." Mohab