I'd like ships to cost DV's when they are destroyed or disengage. Let's say you lose 20 DV's in PvP. No biggie, go flip some hexes to make up for it. The DV's at the end of a round will be added up to offset or add to any Hex ownership progress directly on the map. I also want to cheapen ship prices so it doesnt hurt pp wise when you buy the farm. There will be a penalty box for losing a special ship so you'll have to wait a while or so to fly another one, but line ships wont have that problem. Die in one, go get another and hop right back into the action. No more hex ban rules. I want to use heavy metal rules to keep the playing field realistic as well.
The dynamic this will create is one where players will more likely stick around and fight it out and one where casual PvP engagements wont hurt when you lose a lot of them. You'll still have big fleet hunts, becuase in a big 3v3 a lot of DV's could be up for grabs... I think this will make the game more fun for everyone...