Topic: The Trailer Park Boys  (Read 1541 times)

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Offline Bonk

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The Trailer Park Boys
« on: November 21, 2008, 04:56:01 pm »
Is anybody here familiar with the phenomenon known as The Trailer Park Boys?

While chowing down on a Robert's Donair tonight (a small is about 2.5 lbs), I thought I'd Google Robert's to see if they have a site; they don't, but I hit on a comment about Roberts on the forums at (official site @ ) - no surprise, as The Trailer Park Boys and Robert's Donairs are both famous and classic examples of North Dartmouth culture. Robert's goes back about 25 years, while the Trailer Park Boys have been on TV for about the last seven years.

When my step-brother turned me on to them in their first season in 2001 they were not all that popular but soon developed into a phenomenon with a following. I was kicking myself, because my buddies and I in high school used to joke about making a very similar show for Dartmouth Cable and call it "Dartmouth's Seediest". We never imagined such a thing would be so popular though.

The Trailer Park Boys is best enjoyed with a bit of a buzz on, it is even funnier if you are from Dartmouth, because life really is/was like that here for many. It's one of those "it's funny because it's true" things. The wikipedia site will give you a good idea of what it is if you have never come across it:

The Characters are a hoot: Julian, with a rum and coke permanently welded to his hand that never spills, Ricky who's always getting busted for growing pot, and Bubbles who lives in a baby barn and loves kitties, Randy who has a bulbous beer belly and never wears a shirt, Lahey, the old trailer park supervisor who's always giving the boys a hard time, and in later seasons J-Roc who thinks he is black. Oh, and Cory and Trevor are too much.

The three main characters Julian, Ricky and Bubbles rarely come out of character, on camera or off. This is their last season and they have had a good run and I think it wise to call it quits now as there is only so much you can do with the format, I'm surprised it lasted this long. I get a kick out of the tentative title for their next movie though: “Countdown To Liquor Day” - which I assume means Christmas - one the of the TV show episodes was about a drunk and stoned Dartmouth Christmas, it was a good episode.

If you have never seen it, check it out, you will understand me better.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2008, 05:12:29 pm by Bonk »

Offline Bonk

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Re: The Trailer Park Boys
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2008, 05:47:53 am »
The CBC ran a story yesterday on the last episode with a short interview:

Canadian identity is so odd.

Julian for Prime Minister!  ;D :rwoot: