Actually The Black Box, which just had the new stuff (and was priced only $10 less) was canceled for retail and only bundled with certain ATi videocards. Since The Orange Box has now dropped in price you're still getting 3 games for the price of one essentially. Portal is great but stand alone is worth $20 since it's so short and non MP. HL:E2 is probably a $20 game expansion as well but I haven't played it yet so I can't judge it's value. TF:2 however is a 40-50 dollar game and is the best FPS experience I've played yet for the PC, and I've played a lot of good FPS although my overall fave is still the oldschool Quake 2 with it's nonsensical health boxes, spinning floaty weapons, and really obvious monster closets that Id just loves to use even in their newest games...
Doom 3... Hmm there's a jacket of armor in the center of the room and a lot of low level grates on one side... very unsuspicious...