JohanobesusII , your statement right there mate, is the reason for my post.
You don't have to like it, as I have said. Hell, you don't have to like the Roman Collosseum either, but the amount of time and effort it took to do such an endeavor is respectible. Its the exact same thing.
Kirk, Spock, Phasers, Klingons, the Enterprise are all ficticious characters/technology/things based on a ficticious universe for a real world franchise. Now, if that said franchise decides to do something totally hypocritical or just go back and change something, it is more than within it's right to do so. If you created a universe, characters etc. and you passed it on to others to take care of, do you think that it would be the same as when you originally concieved of it? Or even better, if you created it, and years later you chose to go back to it and tweak things... See what I'm getting at here. I am a designer, and so are lots of other people here, and I am sure that they(including me) have gone back later and rethought, and ultimately re-executed an idea. What emerges from such endeavors is natural, its call change. Change is an enevitablility of life. So deal with it. But how you deal with it, is the point I am trying to make. The bitching, that is the point that I am making. All Trek fans seem to do at this point is just that, BITCH. When TNG came out, they bitched, when TNG had the ep Relics made, they bitched. When DS9 came out, they bitched, then they did Trials and Tribble-ations, they bitched. When VOY came out, and later did Flashback, They bitched. When Enterprise came out man did we bitch, and when Mani Coto came in to help and did In A Mirror Darkly, they bitched and continued till the show ended, Trek REMASTERED, they Bitched(I am exluding far more numerous bitching that occured throughout each series for the sake of me just typing bitch, bitch, bitch, etc.). NOTHING WILL BRING BACK TOS. NOTHING WILL REPLACE IT EITHER. So in reality, who cares, if they do a new take on trek? You'll always have the old ones.
So, at what point do we as fans stop BITCHING? All of us, including myself has done it. But if the points are valid then sure, we can have a discussion, but lately, it has not been. Its been let's bitch for the sake of bitching. This is not about making you guys like a design or not( for some reason, some of you seem to feel that this is the case, its not.), its about saying, okay this is the "new" Enterprise, don't like it/I like it/dunno about it yet...but I'll wait and see, or at least give a real critic of the ship (some of you have, but others, just replied like an infant). All of us would agree that there is a lot of work in doing something like this. Think about it from that perpective. Put yourself into that situation. Put all that Bitching energy into one big core, and freaking do something great. Because at this point you'll never be satisfied with anything, and if that is going to be the case, then why even bother? Because you care? If you did, then you'd understand just wtf I have and many others, even more qualified than me have been saying for years...not just here and now.
Bill Shatner said it best, "Get A Life!" .