The main reason for the comments were simple:
The lack of respect towards the work involved in designing the ship. Now I didn't say love anything...I said that things should be tollerated as for what they are.
And using a bridge pic, or a ship pic to discredit a whole film project is silly. That has been the trend as of late. Regardless if this is infact a reboot or not, it IS STAR TREK. nothing you or I or anyone can say will change that. Oh sure, as I have said many times before, people make trek to what THEY WANT IT TO BE, not what it is. There is nothing wrong with that. But I am ashamed at the venomous statements that have been made involving not just this film, but the franchise as a whole. I really hated voyager, But it still is STAR TREK. And I respect the time and effort that it took to do what they did. I Strongly dislike the Sovie, but I'll never say it "sucks" and be serious about it. That's what I am talking about.
If you don't like the ship, fine, that's your perogative, but the lack off respect ("Bastard-prise" comes readily to mind). I mean for Pete's sake, Trek fans fight over BS like it was a religion trying to discredit another one.
It's easy to say, "screw it, its going to suck", without even giving it a chance.
There can be a lot of good from this endeavor, but we'll never know if we don't see it for ourselves. That's what I am talking about.
Take the time, have the patience, don't take someone elses word (mine most of, wait and see for yourself.
BSG, Bond, I mean cripes, is it really that important, as to just hate something, be cause of how it looks?
BSG change stuff way more than the original, but it still is a great show. To me it will not be the original, but that was never the point of it. Capt_Pestalence_XC posted a comparason shot of the TOS Galactica and the New one, and that only prooves to support how different, yet superficially similar they actually are. The New Enterprise draws an even closer comparason to the TOS one than the two Gals of BSG, how funny is that.
With this new Trek movie, it is supposed to be a fresh new take on an old Ideal. It is bound to piss all of us off to some degree or another, but you know what, I'll wait to be pissed off, when the flic comes out.
You will always have TOS, its not going anywhere... But make room for the new TOS-Era Flic, that is based on technology, and style that is very much today, the 21st Century.
I personally love the ship design (mainly-as I joked with WZ about- because it doesn't look like it ripped-off any of my design details...

), There are some rough pointsa to the design, in my oppinion, due to my specific tastes in aestics, but other than that she's a connie... Just not your daddy's Connie. The fusion of a retro-esque styling with how we would go about designing ta future ship, lends itself well as a sleek, very clean and smooth shape, with just enouth details in the areas, that would(and I agree with the designer's choices here) need them, with out over doing it.