Topic: Trek 11 Enterprise  (Read 34038 times)

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Offline Norsehound

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Trek 11 Enterprise
« on: November 11, 2008, 06:04:04 pm »
Looks like it's finally shown it's face...


Offline GotAFarmYet?

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Re: Trek 11 Enterprise
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2008, 06:26:00 pm »
And if that is it...
Then its a pitty too. So many ships that I have seen on Sci-fi Meshes and elsewhere look so much better. That secondary hull is just wrong for a TOS or Pre-TOS era.
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Offline Wicked Zombie

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Re: Trek 11 Enterprise
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2008, 06:32:34 pm »
If this is legit, I'm hoping this is the result of some Romulan sneezing into the time portal and not meant to be "the" Enterprise, pre-pre-pre-refit. If that's the case, they could've just slapped a new coat of paint to the original and saved us all the effort of rolling our eyes.

The ship itself looks shiny and there are design elements I like but as the Big-E flying through space, pissing off the Klingons? No.
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Offline Norsehound

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Re: Trek 11 Enterprise
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2008, 06:37:39 pm »
The source is here, for whatever it's worth.

Not too impressed with the design either. Looks like they're trying to convey 'Retro' across the board, from interior design to the final shape of the big E.

Offline Chrystoff

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Re: Trek 11 Enterprise
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2008, 06:55:24 pm »
Oh brother. Why, oh, why do these non-Trek fans keep getting put in charge of Trek projects? It always leads directly to some idiot taking liberties that they shouldn't. This new ship (I refuse to call it Enterprise, because it doesn't deserve the name) is a joke. They clearly tried to meld TOS & TMP into one ship. The bridge set is pathetic, the uniforms are sad copies of the originals. The actors (with the exception of Urban, Pegg, and Bana) are simply too young, or young looking. It all looks like a cartoon. I don't know why I feel insulted by what I'm seeing, it's really not a big deal, yet I do. I suppose I need to chill out.

Offline Atolm-Rising

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Re: Trek 11 Enterprise
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2008, 07:14:37 pm »
Works fer me  8)

Offline Adonis

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Re: Trek 11 Enterprise
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2008, 07:15:43 pm »
Altho there are a few traits I like about this ship, the guy who did this design needs to be shot for being aesthetically deaf.
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Offline Norsehound

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Re: Trek 11 Enterprise
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2008, 07:54:02 pm »
I think the biggest issue I take with the design is the secondary hull's position in relation to everything else.

The nacelle connections look like they happen right at the end of the Secondary Hull cylinder, letting the excess jut out ahead of the ship's neck. If they moved these back some, I don't think I'd feel as odd about the design as I do now.

Maybe they did it for shock value with the fans? Ah well.

Offline Centurus

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Re: Trek 11 Enterprise
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2008, 08:04:43 pm »
Well, that's it.  We Trek fans had a good run.  I'm just so sad to see them murder Trek like this.

We can always revolt.  Storm Paramount Pictures and take hostages or do something. 
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Offline dragoon

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Re: Trek 11 Enterprise
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2008, 08:52:12 pm »
Maybe by saying this, i'll get classed as a "non-fan", but I really like this design.
Everything i've seen of this film gives me tingles of excitement, and seeing the new E, just ups that feeling even more.

I think she is a real beauty, and I look forward to seeing the new trailer this weekend. Sadly, because the UK has already had the release of the new Bond, I don't think i'll see this trailer on the big screen, Unless of course they put the trailer as a lead in to Zak and Miri make porno. ;D

I hope someone on these forums choose to make a model of this ship soon.
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Offline Kreeargh

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Re: Trek 11 Enterprise
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2008, 10:01:59 pm »
I like it  :thumbsup: I see it being a good target for some Romulans and all that is left is the saucer for the Tos series refit.  :D
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Offline EmeraldEdge

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Re: Trek 11 Enterprise
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2008, 10:53:24 pm »
Do the textures on the saucer section seem not to quite match those on the secondary hull, as if it was a kitbash of some sort, and they didn't adjust the textures?  I have to say I'm not a fan of this look, and just when I was startin' to get a little excitement goin' for the series.  oh, well.

Offline GotAFarmYet?

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Re: Trek 11 Enterprise
« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2008, 11:39:23 pm »
All I know is that I will not eat anything before going into the theater, except maybe a bottle of Tums' anti-acid tablets. Because when this comes arcoss the big screen I am sure the other ppl in the audience will appericate it.
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Offline Centurus

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Re: Trek 11 Enterprise
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2008, 12:00:29 am »
I like it  :thumbsup: I see it being a good target for some Romulans and all that is left is the saucer for the Tos series refit.  :D

You know what??  You're right. 
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Offline Centurus

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Re: Trek 11 Enterprise
« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2008, 12:00:59 am »
Maybe by saying this, i'll get classed as a "non-fan", but I really like this design.
Everything i've seen of this film gives me tingles of excitement, and seeing the new E, just ups that feeling even more.

I think she is a real beauty, and I look forward to seeing the new trailer this weekend. Sadly, because the UK has already had the release of the new Bond, I don't think i'll see this trailer on the big screen, Unless of course they put the trailer as a lead in to Zak and Miri make porno. ;D

I hope someone on these forums choose to make a model of this ship soon.

I think you just lost your Star Trek Fan badge.   :P
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Offline TheHalfMonte

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Re: Trek 11 Enterprise
« Reply #15 on: November 12, 2008, 12:56:12 am »
I can understand folks disliking the obvious continuity disconnect portrayed by the design, but I'm a little irked with folks who form the bad movie presumption daisy chain solely on aesthetics. Reeks too much of the folks who expected an epic fail from Daniel Craig as Bond on the basis of his hair color, I guess.

That said, I admit that the fan community (particularly Gabe Koerner) has produced visions that are not only more to my liking, but make better sense for the time period, reboot or not. Though I've taken the line that the TOS aesthetic ought to adopt a cruder, more industrial character to reflect the human race's relative newness to shipbuilding, I've also never bought the extent to which the TOS Enterprise transformed into her TMP dubs. I've always felt that there was a step or two missing, and some of the elements of this ship satisfy this opinion. Yet I'm little perturbed by the inexplicable lack of grace demonstrated by the whole collaboration. Romantically nor functionally beautiful, it's just there in this particular shot. And I don't want the Enterprise to evoke such an indifferent response from me.

Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: Trek 11 Enterprise
« Reply #16 on: November 12, 2008, 02:56:16 am »
Those nacelles look like they're off of a '57 Oldsmobile.
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Re: Trek 11 Enterprise
« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2008, 05:02:02 am »
I can understand folks disliking the obvious continuity disconnect portrayed by the design, but I'm a little irked with folks who form the bad movie presumption daisy chain solely on aesthetics. Reeks too much of the folks who expected an epic fail from Daniel Craig as Bond on the basis of his hair color, I guess.

That said, I admit that the fan community (particularly Gabe Koerner) has produced visions that are not only more to my liking, but make better sense for the time period, reboot or not. Though I've taken the line that the TOS aesthetic ought to adopt a cruder, more industrial character to reflect the human race's relative newness to shipbuilding, I've also never bought the extent to which the TOS Enterprise transformed into her TMP dubs. I've always felt that there was a step or two missing, and some of the elements of this ship satisfy this opinion. Yet I'm little perturbed by the inexplicable lack of grace demonstrated by the whole collaboration. Romantically nor functionally beautiful, it's just there in this particular shot. And I don't want the Enterprise to evoke such an indifferent response from me.

The "upgrade" from the TOS Constitution class Enterprise wasn't just an upgrade... it was a complete overhaul. Big E had been in space some 20 years by that time (4 5 years, yes?), and the technical manuals specifically state that almost everything, besides the main load bearing members and hull frames were replaced and expanded.

The Constitution was the workhorse of a Federation just coming out of a war with the Romulans. The Enteprise class of TMP was the drafting of the latest and greatest onto a design frame 20 years + old.

While I am actually pretty okay with the casting and what-not, this design does irk me. It's just doesn't *look* right.

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Offline Don Karnage

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Re: Trek 11 Enterprise
« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2008, 06:00:30 am »
 :o wtf is that?

they call it enterprise or constitution class?

the one who made it and those who approve it should be send to the moon.

this scrap is not the original enterprise, the NX-01 was better looking that this ship, and they could have made it white instead of chrome.

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Re: Trek 11 Enterprise
« Reply #19 on: November 12, 2008, 09:24:22 am »
Okay, I don't like it, but I'm going to try something new that maybe you other fans don't quite get...

I'M NOT GONNA JUDGE UNTIL I SEE THE MOVIE! -___-... everyone is so ready to crucify jj abrams because of 4 spoiler images... my god people, doesn't this SOUND insane?!?

First off, I think JJ Abrams is a brave man for even attempting it. Star Trek fans are so picky and particular. They are NEVER happy. No matter what you do, you will chased by a mob with torches. Second, Trek fans don't seem to understand ARTISTIC LICENSE It's a new director. radical, maybe, but still, let him at least try. When nick myers came on after TMP to do TWoK, look at how different it was, and it worked out well. Third, its been 40 years since someone has touched the TOS era, of COURSE they are going to update it. Fourth, stop preventing people from sacrificing consistancy and accuracy and continuity for a good story. Arthur Conan Doyle wrote all sorts of sherlock holmes stories and there were GLARING inconsistancies... WHO CARES... does this stop it from being a good story?

and those are my problems with the average trekkie... Trekkies/Trekkers make me embarrassed to be a Star Trek Fan....
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