Ya, I can understand that 60 of them could be a problem. I don't think the poly count is the problem with that, its probably because the Mark 2 model I made uses 4 Textures instead of just one that the SFC stock models uses. I tried to keep the Textures as simple as possible, but its a rather complicated design of craft so I was limited in what I could do. Heck, and the textures are not even that big, 256 X 256 in size! Just be careful of the new Mark 7 Viper I just made. The Textures are not much more then the Mark 2, but I couldn't keep the Poly count down because that craft is even MORE complicated in design of its poly count.
If anyone can make low Poly, low texture models of the Vipers and still make them look good, I will be amazed! Thanks for the comments about the Mark 2 Viper, I was rather proud making that model.