he he, Mohab I got your joke when i first read it

(and of course I couldn't help but say something

), My father was prior before he went through ROTC, so i've heard that line before (and from my cousins)

(and I also agree for the most part, at least once your not a 2LT in transition waiting for school... then yoru getting tasked w/ work that A1Cs don't have time to do

). As for my current AFSC, it was changed a while ago, I'm currently in space and missile. I do not wish to go into the details about the change other than to say that certain actions, mine and others, cost me my pilot slot. I can try for it again in two years, though it will be much more difficult.
As for my commitment, there is a standard 5 year commitment for the academy education. For pilots, the additional pilot training adds another 5 years. If i were to try, i could go to school for my masters at AF expense (very hard to do) for additional commitments. As it stands right now I have a 5 year commitment. At one point I was sure that I would do 20 years, right now its up in the air.
As for the classes.. I'll let you know when i get to those, I have ASBC (an lt training thing) which is going to be a bore for me (its so that every lt is on the same footing in regards to military education... academy kids, OTS have had a lot of this, ROTC kids not so much) Then i have School in April, Space 100 - which determines where in this career feild i will go (hopefully Space Lift)
O, and when I do get my Pilot slot back, I'll be flying helos, not fighters