Maybe not. Knowing the genes leads to the potential to learn how to control them. Learn to turn them on and to turn them off. I'd love to see it lead to medicated creams that you can apply to areas of skin and either cause hair to grow or not grow. You would get your "long hippy hair" and I'd never need to shave again. 
A year or so back researchers found the protein that causes this and an enzyme that neutralizes it. In theory the cream I mentioned could be marketed. Interestingly they could also market the opposite cream with the protein as a hair inhibitor, the ladies wouldn't need to shave their legs and those like myself who don't like to shave but also prefer not to be bearded could use it facially.
My now ex brother-in-law did end up shaving his head to pretend it is a fashion statement, My best friend who no longer lives close to me so doesn't get to blame me is now totally silver haired. Me? My hairline has gone up a bit but no bald spot and I do have scattered grey hairs but can't be called grey haired. Still following my fathers pattern so even getting a minor bald spot is years away. I'm also significantly older to the men on my mothers side going grey and bald and 2 of those 3 died younger than I currently am.
So you bald guys there is hope for you to get your hair back though it might be grey. For the rest of us there is hope for a substitute for shaving.