Quick! Get me a stake! KILL IT!!! KILLLL ITT!!!!
Is this user's comments and nickname appropriate for a GAMING site? No. 
Interplay: By gamers for gamers.
Dynaverse.net: It's all about the game.
You don't belong here.
(Sorry guys, just couldn't hold back this time, I wish the ignore user mod were not removed; as I would not be exposed to this.)
Umm...I don't belong here?
I donno there chief, I've been here pretty much since the beginning. Of course, I spend almost all of my time in the Hot and Spicy forums -- and the "scarlet rammer" was pretty much a joke. Someone dared me to change my name to that. I don't consider it to be obscene, but since I usually confine myself to the other nutcases in the H&S forum, it really shouldn't be a problem. If you really have a problem with my name, I'm not opposed to you sending me a private message and explaining how you think it's inappropriate (Which is the appropriate method of informing me that you have a problem with me). Thus far, I have received no such comments from any forum moderator or even a regular user.
In so far as my comments are concerned, I was making a joke about Interplay. Like them or not, they've put out some good quality games -- they've also put out some absolute steaming piles of crap. And I'm talking about the star trek franchise here too.
In the meanwhile, if you don't like my comments: ignore them. You don't have to respond. I'm not holding a gun to your head and forcing you to do anything.
But to make the ridiculus comment that " I just don't belong here" eh, I think that's a bit much. I am the most prolific poster on these boards by far. Of course, 99 percent of that is absolute nonesense, but I donate money to the "cause", so I'm no freeloader.
I'll tell ya what chief, I don't usually bow to things like this, but I'll get rid of the "scarlet rammer" just for you.