Bonk, if you haven't read the Foundation series yet, you must do so.
I have been a student of Psychohistory since the age of eleven. I was heavily influenced by it. Tipler may have even laid the theoretical foundations. Soon Google and others will have sufficient data to develop and seed the models. Supercomputers continue to evolve in capability beyond what will be required by even the most complex of meteorological models; capacity for models of mass human behaviour.
Interesting that you observed that I must read it. I must be Seldonesque in my ways, or at least I would like to think so.

I understand there is a movie in the works. I sure hope they do it justice. The big question is who will be cast as The Mule?
I can't get enough Asimov, I don't think I have read it all yet, and I do not tire of it like other authors. Asimov is my hero.