Once I get back online at home I'll definitely be taking another look at project Gutenberg, but there is something about the feel of a physical book, the cover, the binding, the stains, the smell...
70 years ago, in 1938, there was a man who foresaw the current financial crisis, and neatly solved it.
His name: Robert A. Heinlein
His thesis: The Law of Capital Investment
"A production cycle creates exactly enough purchasing power for its consumption cycle. If any part of this potential purchasing is not used for consumption but instead is invested in new production, it appears as a cost charge in the new items of production, before it re-appears as new purchasing power. Therefore, it causes a net loss of purchasing power in the earlier cycle. Therefore, an equal amount of new money is required by the country." (created "in fiat" by the government itself rather than by the banks)
The text (not actually a novel, but rather a series of lectures written after abandoning his political aspirations):
For Us, The Living
Read it, all of you, NOW!
I got goosebumps reading the last third of this work last night, it is incredible to watch it happening now, exactly as he described 70 years ago.
The ghost of Heinlein has been awoken.