argg, pointless.
and taski seem not easy to use, well it did not reocrd when i ask it to do it.
It works! Thanks for the link, knightstorm! I've just tried it to capture SFC3 and OP video.

Unfortunately, Taksi does
not support audio recording. But the video capturing works!
1)Install taksi and run it.
2)You will see a small toolbar on top of your desktop. Click "config".
3)Go to "Display", check "Hook GDI", uncheck "Record GDI Frame". Change other settings as you wish. (I suggest check "Half Size video" to improve gaming performance.)

4)Click "Save" botton to apply changes. Close config window.
5)Close other applications you're running. Make sure the "App hook" button is blue.

6)Run sfc3 or OP. If you see a green cube flashing at left top corner, Taksi has successfully "hook" the game.
7)Click F6 to cpature video, F7 to pause, F8 to stop capturing.