Topic: Delays...  (Read 2479 times)

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Offline Czar Mohab

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« on: October 28, 2008, 08:03:49 pm »
Well, nearest anyone can figure it is either the HDD reader chip or the motherboard itself that is FUBAR on the lappy. Whenever I do things I prefer cheaper stuff, thus, I get what I pay for... so that info may not even be correct. Now I just need a working lappy of the same make & model without the HDD and, well, perform brain surgery.

On a related note, some works will unfortunately be delayed and possibly rewritten from the ground up. This could be a good thing, but I was looking forward to having the intro to SC4 posted by this Friday. I'll see what I can do.

On a very happy note: Since restoring the ol' desktop to a stable and working condition, and being able to do things like research new video games, I have discovered that this ancient (by PC standards, was new in 2001/02) beast meets the EXACT minimum requirements to run Fallout 3. The lappy doesn't quite come close enough. This makes me happy. Any words that I would use to describe this elation would become ****, so I won't go into that. This may even be one of the very few titles that I will purchase before it goes to the $9.99 rack (Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics: BoS are on that list). The funny thing is, the PC that I played Fallout on for the first time ever also made just the bare minimum specs. Traditions :)

Czar "OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG Fallout 3!!!!!!" Mohab

P.S. I've been looking into taking a different approach to fanfic, and if nothing else, I might head in that direction for filler. Also found old works that I did for some class or other back in HS. Some of it is Trek enough to find a better home here than in a dusty box. Might do that, too.

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Re: Delays...
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2008, 08:48:56 pm »
Heh, I feel your pain. The motherboard on my desktop recently went kaputt, and now I've been stuck using this antique slow-as-molasses laptop for nearly a month now. If it wasn't the only computer I had I'd be tempted to introduce it to the business end of a sledgehammer.

I mean... the damn thing can't even run a modern baseball sim, much less anything flashier. Oh well... if all else fails I can dig up my Diablo II disks... ;)
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Re: Delays...
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2008, 06:08:02 pm »
*pets his laptop with caution, cooing to its motherboard to ward away foul spirits...*

Without my laptop, my writing would...stop. 90% of what I do is on it. Too many distractions at home to use the PC much. Hope yall both figure it out...


*coos to laptop some more...*
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Re: Delays...
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2008, 06:39:25 pm »
*pets his laptop with caution, cooing to its motherboard to ward away foul spirits...*

Without my laptop, my writing would...stop. 90% of what I do is on it. Too many distractions at home to use the PC much. Hope yall both figure it out...


*coos to laptop some more...*

I should have cooed to my lappie more.  It melts it's power cord now so caput.  I did all may work on it (glad I had paper backup of notes).  Almost a year now and I still miss her.
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