Topic: 21 signs a geek girl likes you  (Read 2325 times)

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Offline toasty0

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21 signs a geek girl likes you
« on: September 20, 2008, 09:00:29 pm »
1. She tells you your hard drive is much bigger than her ex-boyfriend's.

2. She makes a point of telling you how the system upgrade you did for her totally revolutionized her life.

3. She stops blogging in front of the TV and talks to you.

4. She gets shivers up her spine when you raw-code her HTML.

5. The first time you used the Command Prompt in front of her, she screamed in excitement.

6. She invites you to "302 back to my place" after a night out.

7. She doesn't cook you dinner — she defrags your hard drive.

8. She thinks you're much cuter in person than in World of Warcraft.

9. She devotes an entire blog entry to you.

10. She invites you to a romantic night at her place that involves popcorn and Tron.

11. She leaves you a love post - its written entirely in Visual Basic.

12. She "casually" invites you to come with her to the next Linux Expo.

13. She gives you her telephone number in binary.

14. She gives you lots of link love.

15. She regularly Diggs articles she thinks you'll like.

16. You've overheard her telling her friends you are "so 2.0."

17. She always tags you for memes.

18. She puts memory cards in your stocking for Christmas.

19. She always sides with you when someone brings up the "Mac vs. PC" debate.

20. She likes your black jeans.

21. She reminisces with you about those old-school Commodores you both had as kids.

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Offline Dash Jones

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Re: 21 signs a geek girl likes you
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2008, 11:57:06 pm »
So that's what that Wierd Girl who kept sending me these odd code variations and trying to defrag my harddrive was up to.
"All hominins are hominids, but not all hominids are hominins."

"Is this a Christian perspective?

Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


We have whale farms in Jersey.   They're called McDonald's.

There is no "I" in team. There are two "I"s in Vin Diesel. screw you, team.

Offline Javora

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Re: 21 signs a geek girl likes you
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2008, 12:31:37 am »
So that's what that Wierd Girl who kept sending me these odd code variations and trying to defrag my harddrive was up to.

So you're telling me these girls actually exist??!?   :D

Offline Centurus

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Re: 21 signs a geek girl likes you
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2008, 12:57:50 am »
So that's what that Wierd Girl who kept sending me these odd code variations and trying to defrag my harddrive was up to.

So you're telling me these girls actually exist??!?   :D

Only in our minds.  Well, maybe just Dash's mind.  Me, my girl is a Constitution Class that I have to build.  And the day is coming where she will be built.  MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The pen is truly mightier than the sword.  And considerably easier to write with.

Offline Dash Jones

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Re: 21 signs a geek girl likes you
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2008, 12:13:22 pm »
So that's what that Wierd Girl who kept sending me these odd code variations and trying to defrag my harddrive was up to.

So you're telling me these girls actually exist??!?   :D

Be glad you don't know one, they are scary...very scary...with glasses, and vary between really ultra skinny with no make up sense...or really really hefty...with no fashion sense.  But they can write a program in a jiffy and seem to all have majors that are science...electrical engineering...and computer application.  With the ration of 10 boys to every one of those girls, you'd think that they'd be happy in their own departments...but NOOOO....they have to go after the grad students in med school...or the Engineers (though granted, the engineers seem to have a ratio of 100 boys to every 1 girl).

Unfortunately, our computers get problematic often enough that occasioanlly we welcome any free help we can get...
"All hominins are hominids, but not all hominids are hominins."

"Is this a Christian perspective?

Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


We have whale farms in Jersey.   They're called McDonald's.

There is no "I" in team. There are two "I"s in Vin Diesel. screw you, team.

Offline toasty0

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Re: 21 signs a geek girl likes you
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2008, 01:02:35 pm »
So that's what that Wierd Girl who kept sending me these odd code variations and trying to defrag my harddrive was up to.

So you're telling me these girls actually exist??!?   :D

Be glad you don't know one, they are scary...very scary...with glasses, and vary between really ultra skinny with no make up sense...or really really hefty...with no fashion sense.  But they can write a program in a jiffy and seem to all have majors that are science...electrical engineering...and computer application.  With the ration of 10 boys to every one of those girls, you'd think that they'd be happy in their own departments...but NOOOO....they have to go after the grad students in med school...or the Engineers (though granted, the engineers seem to have a ratio of 100 boys to every 1 girl).

Unfortunately, our computers get problematic often enough that occasioanlly we welcome any free help we can get...

I don't know. My boss, a lady, is a Cisco engineer, a Novell engineer, a MCSE, is SPC certified, and holds a degree in mathematics...and she is one good looking lady.
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