Ohayo! It appears that the so-called Pirate weekend is indeed upon us. Time once again for "Business Men" to sail the black void. Know once again that the Yakuza are out and about. We of the Syndicate are the true calling of the Pirate. While the Imperials may look upon all such 'Swashbucklers' with disdain, calling them thieves, and honorless targs and what not. Know that neither of those terms apply to us. If *ahem* ye be *ahem* a man of honor in an otherwise dishonorable profession, there surely will be a place for you amongst us. Provided of course, that you have the conviction and discipline to perform self-mutilation, or suicide, should you fail in your assigned duties.
Duty, Honor, Loyalty. Three words you will never here the other Cartels espouse. Well maybe the third one, so long as they are referring to you in regards to themselves.
Honor is all, Duty is life.