rubber chicken will help ya clean the mess in you're room 
When my rubber chickens unionized, they specifically stated in their union agreements that they don't do house keeping work. Not without being paid $85 an hour.
Really? I was under the impression that as a force of destruction, your rubber chicken would be unable to clean the room, and that only the force of creation, the fabled wooden chicken could carry out the job.
You know very little of my rubber chickens. They are not just a force of destruction, but of creation and manipulation. Basically, they can do just about anything. Keep in mind, just about.
As for the fabled wooden chicken, that was a merchandizing ploy that the agent of my rubber chickens tried out to see if he could get them acting gigs, but the campaign was doomed to fail. The agent was an idiot and the wooden chickens were made with termite infested wood.