Topic: PS 3  (Read 1254 times)

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Offline Don Karnage

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PS 3
« on: September 16, 2008, 08:10:29 pm »
    someone in another forum have that problem with his PS 3, can anyone help?

My Ps3.... it died.
« on: September 16, 2008, 02:47:10 PM »
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I woke up today, intent on playing some Disgaea 3, only to turn on my system and hear an odd whining noise from the inner-cooler (not the internal fans). I removed it, turned on the system, and was prompted to format my hard drive.

Needless to say, I feared for the endless hours I'd spent on many of my games, and so I declined to do so, turning the game off and then trying again. This time it allowed me to sign in, but wouldn't detect the disk. I tried removing the disk and replacing it, logging off and signing back in, and even tried several other disks. None worked. The system would start to read them, then act as though there were nothing there.

I tried turning it off and trying again later, and was again asked whether it should format my hard drive. I was even ready to try it, but apparently there IS no way to save your game data to an outside medium... something I find immensely retarded, and so it's removed as an option.

What's strange though, is that after I decline to format the hard drive and reset the system, it works fine, except for the disks not being read. I can listen to my saved music, access my pictures and video and even my game data, so... the hard drive appears to be perfectly fine. So what's wrong with it? And for that matter, why won't it read my disks?

Has anyone else had any similar problems before? Can I have it repaired, or fix it myself?